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Scared tactics by Hillary Clinton's camp. Trump still leads her by 9 points in Ohio. 

Washington (CNN) A federal appeals court on Sunday, in a win for the Trump campaign, blocked a broad district court order concerning allegations of voter intimidation against the campaign and Ohio Republicans.

A three judge panel of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Ohio Democratic Party had not "demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits" in its attempt to show that the Trump campaign and the Ohio Republican Party had engaged in efforts to prevent minority voters from voting during the election.
The court's order provided no reasoning for its decision and was issued by three judges who were nominated by Republican presidents. Judge Richard Allen Griffin and John M. Rogers were appointed by George W. Bush, and Judge Alice M. Batchelder by George H.W. Bush.
After the ruling, Marc Elias, the lead lawyer for the Democrats, suggested he could appeal. Elias tweeted "more to come" and said that the appeals court order was issued "without full rsesponse and virtually no analysis."

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The GOP control the court, so what do we expect them to do. We all remember several election cycles ago when OH had few polling stations in black areas, and so the lines were long. Then when time came for voting to end they closed the stations even though many had yet to vote, despite showing up BEFORE the closing time. A deliberate attempt to suppress the vote.

OH, NC, and FL are infamous for this.   Other GOP states do but it matters less as these aren't swing states.


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