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@Tola posted:

The Honourable Premier does not run Kaka rass fake charities like some people who have so far have failed to prove that they have done one single good.  They are sketch any dodgy just like AFC PNC criminals and should also be investigated. 

Since you started the attacking, I wouldn't respond in kind and stoop to your level.

Now, this is her credentials:

Redford, who is a former Attorney General and Premier of Alberta, Canada, has worked with other groups around the world to conduct similar reviews in nature.
She has served as a World Bank Advisor on Gas Sector Reform in Pakistan and Afghanistan and in other jurisdictions, as they develop new approaches to upstream regulation, transparency and accountability inclusive of community engagement.
As Premier of Alberta, she introduced the Responsible Energy Development Act, which created the Alberta Energy Regulator. The Act sets out rigorous regulation, compliance, and enforcement provisions on all aspects of oil and gas production, including permits and licenses.
Further, she also developed the Canadian Energy Strategy for Canadian First Ministers and the Transition Energy Initiative for the Conference Board of Canada.


That team is only there to review an alleged corrupt PNC sponsored contract. You should been cheering that the People of Guyana is being protected to ensure that the Corrupt PNC sponsored report is carefully review and in their best interest.

Makes me wonder if you run your alleged charity in such a corrupt manner or as a joke ? 

People like you have no shame whatsoever.

BTW, Kaka Rass Mangal isn't even qualified to polish the Honourable Premier's shoes. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The Honourable Premier does not run Kaka rass fake charities like some people who have so far have failed to prove that they have done one single good.  They are sketch any dodgy just like AFC PNC criminals and should also be investigated. 

Since you started the attacking, I wouldn't respond in kind and stoop to your level.

Now, this is her credentials:

Redford, who is a former Attorney General and Premier of Alberta, Canada, has worked with other groups around the world to conduct similar reviews in nature.
She has served as a World Bank Advisor on Gas Sector Reform in Pakistan and Afghanistan and in other jurisdictions, as they develop new approaches to upstream regulation, transparency and accountability inclusive of community engagement.
As Premier of Alberta, she introduced the Responsible Energy Development Act, which created the Alberta Energy Regulator. The Act sets out rigorous regulation, compliance, and enforcement provisions on all aspects of oil and gas production, including permits and licenses.
Further, she also developed the Canadian Energy Strategy for Canadian First Ministers and the Transition Energy Initiative for the Conference Board of Canada.


That team is only there to review an alleged corrupt PNC sponsored contract. You should been cheering that the People of Guyana is being protected to ensure that the Corrupt PNC sponsored report is carefully review and in their best interest.

Makes me wonder if you run your alleged charity in such a corrupt manner or as a joke ?

People like you have no shame whatsoever.

BTW, Kaka Rass Mangal isn't even qualified to polish the Honourable Premier's shoes. 

Calm down Sean and quit the nastiness, I assume you are a grown  man. This makes the PPP look like a dog show. 

D_G is perceived as one of your PPP supporters, who is in Alberta and myself close by. Please tell,  what qualifies you in Ontario to fully understand why Redford was booted as Premier of Alberta and not an appropriate choice for Guyana ? 

Don't allow your rational balloon to get to big with your reply.    

Last edited by Tola

Don't throw bricks if you have a glass house.  Cease and desist with your attacks because I will reveal a lot if I decide to respond in kind. You come to GNI and start attacking and then try to pass it off as a joke.

All skin teeth na laugh. My response has nothing to do with DG.

I am NOT like Basil Jackass Willian.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Don't throw bricks if you have a glass house.  Cease and desist with your attacks because I will reveal a lot if I decide to respond in kind. You come to GNI and start attacking and then try to pass it off as a joke.

All skin teeth na laugh. My response has nothing to do with DG.

I am NOT like Basil Jackass Willian.

Only people who lacks intelligence to describe their reply, use cliche. Go ahead and reveal, if it will make your balls larger.

Only dummies will not listen to people like D_G, who have personal knowledge about the Redford issue. But knowing you, the brain gears only oil themselves.   

@Former Member posted:

Now, this is her credentials:

Redford, who is a former Attorney General and Premier of Alberta, Canada, has worked with other groups around the world to conduct similar reviews in nature.

March 2008, Alison Redford was appointed Justice Minister and Attorney General 

February 2009, she resigned from the two ministerial positions.

She was in those positions for about one ( 1 ) year.

March 23, 2014, Redford resigned due to her leadership style and questionable expenses.

Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

=  Alison Redford as a consultant =

Consultant specifically in what ????? 

Surely not in this high-profile assignment.

 It is indeed an incoherent move by the government to have her even as a member the team.

Demerara Guy is speaking from experience.  He was Burnham's Hydro Consultant. The two of them made history.

@kp posted:

The PNC and AFC are GREEN/YELLA with ENVY.

That international lawyer in the article who brought this story to the forefront has nothing to do with PNC and being envious. Unfortunately it seems as long as a decision is made by the PPP, oops, I meant BJ, it's all good, regardless of problems associated with the decision.

@Prashad posted:

Demerara Guy is speaking from experience.  He was Burnham's Hydro Consultant. The two of them made history.

D_G lives in Alberta for decades and knows more than any of us about the political situation there. Jus like how Baseman knows about women and Sean knows how to fall off a boat. 

I have to stop writing this stuff, or I will have to replace me keyboard, due to coffee stains.  

@Mars posted:

Ali Baba in office for a couple of weeks and he’s already forming alliances with international crooks. Looks like the PPP are picking up right where they left off in 2015.

they returned running, once hitting the ground, dey in stride. 

@Mars posted:

Ali Baba in office for a couple of weeks and he’s already forming alliances with international crooks. Looks like the PPP are picking up right where they left off in 2015.

Take it easy.  Guyana in good hands. 

@Prashad posted:

Demerara Guy is speaking from experience.  He was Burnham's Hydro Consultant. The two of them made history.

So apart from building latrines you're saying that the guy from Demerara was also Burnham's Goadie Consultant? 

@Former Member posted:

Good thing that the flow pen AFC/PNC party lost ! 

Is the FLOW PEN located near Jagdeo pool at Pradoville 2, while cane cutta swim in alligetta trench ? 

Bhai, tek some time off to put you brain in gear.   


Na, I heard dat someone's suicide business has collapsed due to mismanagement so they are now busy at GNI badmouthing the PPP. Dem can't run a suicide therapy session, how can the run a country ? 

Dem like a dhall ghotney all day long, Jagdeo dis and Jagdeo dat.

Jagdeo is the VP and governing for a fourth time. His critics at GNI might need therapy themselves. Stay away from pesticides and long rope. 


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