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Archery Guyana’s fundraiser held at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital’s fair

Dec 14, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ercy-hospitals-fair/

Archery Guyana recently partnered with St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for the second year in a row by having an Archery Booth at the Hospital’s Annual Christmas Fair on Saturday December 2, 2017 at Demerara Park, Banks DIH.

Enthusiasm amongst patrons were high as usual, as lots of persons, (children and adults) were eager to try their hands with the bow and arrow. Those who wished to try were as usual, first advised on the safe and proper use of the equipment and the general safety guidelines since safety remains paramount in the sport.
The prizes were provided by the Hospital Fair’s Organising Committee, with a grand prize of a giant teddy bear being up for grabs. This year’s Prize was won by Jonathan DeGroot who racked up the most points.
Last year, Archery Guyana was pleased to contribute all of the funds raised towards the construction of the Mercy Resident Care Facility in Georgetown. Archery Guyana believes in giving back to the community as best as it can and to support persons of all walks of life and encourages anyone, (young, middle-aged or elderly), to join the sport of Archery, whether for recreation or for competition, by contacting any of their members.
Archery is in fact a great leveller, so both young and old, able and disabled can compete against each other. It’s a sport where the basics are easy to pick up, but perfecting them is a matter of lots of practice. There is no maximum age for archery and around the world many persons take up the sport after retiring.


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