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Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

They want to boycott Independence....previously they wanted Venezuela to rule Guyana...

my my my


Celebrate Slavery by General Granger and Devany???


The PP will celebrate the 50th Anniversary the way a POOR Country should!!!!!

Slavery???? Where in Guyana is there slavery? You mean they'll celebrate by building another mansion for Bharat?


I do not support the boycott. But even before the request, the indian citizens will quietly stay quiet. I cannot blame them. They have never been included in the governance of Guyana. It is either dem or us. And that changes sides every so many decades. Right now, it is dem. And will be for another 25 years, until the USA steps in and remove the dems. THe first 28 years, the USA removed the PNC. The last 23 years, the USA again remove the government, this time it was the PPP.

What is there to celebrate, we can't govern a great country. Perhaps, juss an excuse to have a big whine down. 

Certain about one thing, L.F.S. Burnham will get nuf nuff accolades from Granger, the great fan.

baseman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

They want to boycott Independence....previously they wanted Venezuela to rule Guyana...

my my my


The biggest traitors are those who loot, burn and maim when the don't get what they want!!

yeh and they even want to boycott Independence celebration tarass an' have Venezuela fo rule Guyana.


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