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Former Member

Ok folks


We have seen an increase personal attacks on PPP supporters on this BB lately.


Plain indecent language is being tolerated and they attack from mothers to wives. It may appear that their posts are not being monitored as they unleash attacks.


Take a look at the board and you will see what I mean. It begs the question, is someone biased towards the AFC/PNC and allowing them to use indecent language and violate forum rules ?


Chime in folks.


Please allow members to have their say and please do not close my thread.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Rev:

The AFC supporters on GNI are really PPP HATERS. These poor, miserable, pathetic souls are consumed by anger, bitterness and vitriol. And so their hostility and nastiness is to be expected.







Is the Chatay part shock him, now I hope he don't drink poison. But Poohars usually don't drink poison.

Originally Posted by Rev:

The AFC supporters on GNI are really PPP HATERS. These poor, miserable, pathetic souls are consumed by anger, bitterness and vitriol. And so their hostility and nastiness is to be expected.







Why do you think anyone has to be poor and miserable to confront a corrupt regime that is rotten to the core and beyond redemption to this point? I suggest there are those like yourself with a hole in your heart as you try to cover the lies of these people.


We are not miserable or hateful and most of us did go to school and had the benefit of formal education which is apparently wasted on you. How could one who at minimal read Plato and Aristotle, Kant, Hume and Lock Bentham and Mills not knows the distinction between good and evil in people? How could you miss that these are evil, destructive, greedy people bent on personal enrichment and to the detriment of the welfare of our people and yet have the gall to defend them?


That is the epitome of a loser filled with self hatred and overwhelmed by racist inclination that suffocates reason.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


... most of us did go to school and had the benefit of formal education ...


* Some of the stupidest, most idiotic, most moronic and most ignorant people you'll ever find are those who pride themselves in having a formal education. They fancy themselves to be clever and love to chat shyt. But little of what they say or write has any substance. They are simply blowhards and windbags. Keep up with your useless diatribe stormborn.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


... most of us did go to school and had the benefit of formal education ...


* Some of the stupidest, most idiotic, most moronic and most ignorant people you'll ever find are those who pride themselves in having a formal education. They fancy themselves to be clever and love to chat shyt. But little of what they say or write has any substance. They are simply blowhards and windbags. Keep up with your useless diatribe stormborn.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


... most of us did go to school and had the benefit of formal education ...


* Some of the stupidest, most idiotic, most moronic and most ignorant people you'll ever find are those who pride themselves in having a formal education. They fancy themselves to be clever and love to chat shyt. But little of what they say or write has any substance. They are simply blowhards and windbags. Keep up with your useless diatribe stormborn.



That is what most who did not see or know the benefit of a good education say. Were it the truth then the world would be advocating the local gambling den or rum haunt as instutions to pick up training in performing useful tasks.


Education is not merely about clever and adroit with words. It formallu inculcates the habit and benefit of good works. It most certainly is not designed to produce amoral cows like you. You are the exception to the rule if you even paced the halls of a good school.


Most of us will fail  more than once in our endeavors but education facilitates the ways to get up. Those with out formal education are at a disadvantage because they are excluded from a fraternity of friends who will can help and are often in position to help and are crippled with the first fall.


It is trully a remarkable fellow that makes is with no formal training. But then he always need the formally trained to keep him on top!


You are a big mouthed lout without morals and full of hot useless bilge. It is clear you have the good sense to know it but cannot help yourself. It take true wisdom to self correct and to stop repeating the same mistakes over and over. If there is one thing I am convinced of is you will do what you do because that is what you do and you cannot help doing it!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That is what most who did not see or know the benefit of a good education say.



* The most dangerous thing about formal or academic education is it causes folks to have a tendency to over intellectualize stuff. They get lost in abstract thinking and talk or write a lot of meaningless, nonsensical babble.


People with common sense and those who are DOERS, those who get things done and make things happen, they tend to pay attention to what's in front of them.  I don't expect you to comprehend what I just wrote storm bai.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That is what most who did not see or know the benefit of a good education say.



* The most dangerous thing about formal or academic education is it causes folks to have a tendency to over intellectualize stuff. They get lost in abstract thinking and talk or write a lot of meaningless, nonsensical babble.


People with common sense and those who are DOERS, those who get things done and make things happen, they tend to pay attention to what's in front of them.  I don't expect you to comprehend what I just wrote storm bai.



HAHA The more I read the first paragraph, the more someone comes to mind.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That is what most who did not see or know the benefit of a good education say.



* The most dangerous thing about formal or academic education is it causes folks to have a tendency to over intellectualize stuff. They get lost in abstract thinking and talk or write a lot of meaningless, nonsensical babble.


People with common sense and those who are DOERS, those who get things done and make things happen, they tend to pay attention to what's in front of them.  I don't expect you to comprehend what I just wrote storm bai.



there is nothing as over intellectualize. There is something of idiocy and persistence in spreading the same misinformation. It does not take education to prevent that but it happens most often among louts who have not had the benefit of knowing a difference.


The world, is abstraction. We make reality up all of the time every time. It is for the dolt to believe if he sees a baseball going off a bat it is the striker doing it. The informed know it is the electrons in the bat. The former explanation is for the dolt, the latter is for those who care to know. It is like asking why the sky is blue and truly able to be astounded by the answer.


It is pure crapola to take refuge in the nonsense of doers etc. The "doing" decay into corruption or incompetence in the hands of crooks and dolts. The more often than not it is  a consequence of the existence of the latter.

Last edited by Former Member

Nagamootoo’s comment draws wide criticism from MPs


- Manickchand calls on House to distance itself from statements
PPP/C Member of Parliament  and Minister of Education Priya Manickchand has condemned the outburst yesterday by Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo in the National Assembly, when he confessed to cursing his grandson when the child bothers him with repeated questions and admitted to shouting at the child, saying “shut yo so and so mouth”.
During his presentation on the 2012 budget debate, Nagamootoo, a former PPP/C party member who defected to the AFC, said, “â€Ķit is like a child. In the vehicle when I travel from my home, my grandson will say ‘are we there yet? Are we there yet?’  and I would tell he ‘shut yo so and so mouth’.”
The House immediately erupted, and a loud uproar was heard in the chambers as some members were shocked and astounded to hear this coming from the Honourable Member of the House with some members chanting and accusing him of ‘Child Abuse’.
“I find it unfortunate that a leader of the House said something like that for a couple of reasons,” Minister Manickchand told the Chronicle in an invited comment.
“While it is true that we can decide on corporal punishment ourselves, as far as it stands right now, that is we are consulting on where we should go as a country on that matter, but what I find grossly unfortunate is that we don’t speak to children like that,” Manickchand commented, in direct reference to what Nagamootoo said.
She insisted that one shouldn’t speak to children like that, noting, “Children should be encouraged and (saying) ‘shut your so and so’ because I asked ‘are we there yet’ is really shutting down curiosity, shutting down anxiety that might be justified and so on”.
“I don’t want to get involved in how the Member treats his grandchildren or doesn’t treat them...but I think that the fact that that (‘shut your so and so’ has been publicly said ought to be condemned by all,” the minister chided.
“People who say they love children and they have children’s rights in the forefront of their minds – you would know that we have moved as a world from a place where children are seen and not heard to a place where we are actively encouraging their views,” she noted.
Manickchand encouraged all members of the National Assembly to embrace that right of a child to be heard and “not try to shut down views based on this venom that we heard here today.
“And so for me, I think it says to us that we need to be cautious when we speak to our children, so that we don’t impart behaviour that might itself turn out to be negative and so on,” she said.



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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses should be ashamed of his behaviour towards his grand children.


AFC supporters are now behaving like Moses.

You folks are in acute trolling mode. It always happens when there is overwhelming evidence you are losing the fight for the minds of the People. Plumpie needs to concern herself of her complete failure to our children given she knew it was her charge and their plight was before her eyes. That she did not have the tools to help was the excuse of a bench warmer.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That is what most who did not see or know the benefit of a good education say.



* The most dangerous thing about formal or academic education is it causes folks to have a tendency to over intellectualize stuff. They get lost in abstract thinking and talk or write a lot of meaningless, nonsensical babble.

Another apt description of Stormborn.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C goons are abit smarter than they appear, the no-confidence motion is their last straw, its clear by 2016, their support base would have been almost no existent, so they are attempting to pull a rabbit out of a hat.


The AFC is finished. They no longer have a place in Guyana's political landscape.


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