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Why American think their lives are more sacred than lives of other nation? Or, is it that Americans value their lives more than how others value theirs? I was taught that all human lives were created equally and each life is special in the eyes of God. That was my mythical belief, but the reality of life and death is far more incomprehensible in societies around the world. Yesterday was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, and families who lost love ones on this tragic day of September, more than a decade ago still sob and mourns as though they were wounded yesterday. Is this sobbing will ever go away and allowed people to embrace life as it use to be, or is it a human thing to grieve constantly when families lost love ones in a tragic event such as 9/11? I can’t answer this question by myself and I hope others can shed light on how long we can grieve and when we can return to life as we know it.


Let's keep in mind the tragedy that other nation face and their suffering as well.

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That's not what I asked or what this thread was meant to do. Let every thread stand on its own merit and refrain from importing venom from next door. If we don't have open discussions like we're having here, we would never be able to ask the tough questions that many would like to shy away from. We are the same people on various topics that allow us to learn from different points of view. That is a shared view by human interactions.


Question: Can people stop grieving after eleven years and go on with life as they know it? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:



Question: Can people stop grieving after eleven years and go on with life as they know it? 

If you lost a loved one or a friend or an acquaintance on 9/11---the grieving will last a lifetime---not every day---you wont experience the pain, and sadness and grief every day---but on Sept 11---every year---the grief will return---and that's OK---if you are a caring, compassionate human being---it's OK to grieve.


I recall seeing an 11 year old girl carrying a picture of her father---crying uncontrollably---and asking everyone---have you seen my dad---that was heart-wrenching---crying they say is contagious---I still remember that child.


That girl is hopefully finished with college---she has moved on with her life---but on 9/11---the grief--the pain--the agony will always return---like I said---that's OK.




Every human carries his own burden his own way.




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