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March 8 ,2020

Dear Editor,

Is Mr GHK Lall a prophet? GHK predicted the violence of the 2020 election in his 2013 book: Sitting on a Racial Volcano (Guyana Uncensored).

He writes: That there is a damning, irrefutable racial component in Guyanese life; that it haunts, terrifies, and enrages; that grows quietly, but determinedly; and that it promises a terrible calamity for the peoples of this society. The bottom line is a racial volcano that burns deep within; it is one that is recklessly stoked; and through its very presence and muted heat generates a spirit of continual agitation.

Editor, when I saw the violence and burning on the streets of Guyana recently, I couldn’t help asking if GHK’s prophesy is coming true.

Editor, here is a brief description of the book:

β€œSitting on a Racial Volcano (Guyana Uncensored)” is an unflinching and unsettling look at chronic racial anxieties and smothering anger, as lived by two major racial groups in Guyana.

It covers the subtle and sometimes not so artful manipulations of the PPP and PNC of its racial constituents for purposes of power and control; and the well-developed psychology of racial expectations and convictions.

Then there is recognition of the absence of any meaningful buffer capable of influencing change for the better; or of mediating first the distinction, then transition from raw, dirty politics in the trenches to the responsibility inherent in governing a nation.

Editor, I want to close by asking several questions: Due to the election, are we witnessing a terrible calamity for the peoples of this society? Are the Guyanese people sitting on a racial volcano about to erupt? Is the 2020 election the icing on the cake that will set off the volcano? I have to ask again: Is Mr GHK Lall a prophet and did he predict what is happening in the 2020 election?

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz

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Racial divisiveness by the people, to the people


Dear Editor,

A defining trait of us, the Guyanese people, is our ability to overlook our own complicity in creating and maintaining a racially divided society. Obtrusively through our everyday actions and implicitly in our silences. When we misuse history, creating a deceptive narrative where the occurrence of past events could be used as a proxy for current immorality instead of progressively using our history to light a way out of our current darkness, we are conforming to the longevity of a racist society.

What we have witnessed following our recent general and regional elections are not statements or representations of one particular group, but a visual chronicle of the prolongation of racial division by the people, to the people. We have witnessed the antagonising of the people, only to then be called aggressive by the people doing the antagonising and the further brainwashing of the oppressed so as to give the oppressor their most potent weapon, the mind of those oppressed. We have witnessed the utopic idea that education is the β€œibuprofen” of racial division, while dislodging the equally important doses of morality that must be included. We have witnessed the people rebel against the comfort of silence and demand that they be acknowledged, that their rights be valued and their livelihood be protected, although gruesomely savage in their efforts, their requests still remain valid in their enfranchisement as citizens.

What we have yet to witness, however, is the people acknowledging themselves, their complicity, their perpetuation of racial divisiveness but most importantly, we have yet to witness the people relinquish dominion over this individualistic nature and take a united stand against racial discrimination. Only collectivism and true courage to challenge our current socio-political environment as a people, for the people will result in progression and the actual union of our nation.

Yours faithfully,

T.S. London


Racialism was always with us and for reasons as practiced by both parties. The most racially biased thing ever done to us was done by the APNU of Granger's era. He had entrenched racist like Eric Phillips selling the idea Africans, by virtue of their ancestors have a natural patrimony of all of the country. Slaves, made the place according to him despite what is widely known that 90 percent of the place remain untouched by man and only recently were accessed by artisanal miners who are ravaging the riparian zones of our streams and river. 

Now we have this disease of fraudulent elections rear its head. Were he a good leader he would have addressed this issue of elections and their sanctity soundly. Instead he gamed the system by hiring only his race and installed a crony in office. This man has done irreparable damage to race relations. 

Last edited by Former Member

Most AfroGuyanese are the MOST RACIST people on this Planet. If Ian Smith was alive today he would have said " Shit and they said I was racist".


Proof: Their silence to such a major crime/embarrassment speaks volume Now flip it, the PPP ws in Power and Rig the Election in the same blatant way, that same group would have done what.

Answer and make your own judgement!!


 Case closed!!



Most of the racism in Guyana is perpetuated by blacks.

Racism is practiced by each side and for similar reasons. To claim one is worse is to ascribe value to racism and measure it in terms of physical damage. As I stated many times. The bull by the fence,  panting and pacing and charging persons approaching is no different from the one in the middle of the field snorting, and digging dirt.


@Former Member: At least we are normal people. Fights between Jagdeo and Ramjattan are political. Ramjattan needs his ass to be whipped. 
I would love to see Charandass return to Guyana(if the PPP wins) and sue the SOB for everything he has, including his buckta. Sue the SOB for the slander that he was bribed to vote for the NCM. Maybe he will claim he has only one eye and could not see well.


@Former Member, nah this is not between Jagdeo and Ramjattan, this is how the PPP operated since Jagan days. When they gained power in 1992 they harassed more Indos than any other race.  Even Joe Singh was harassed, but they didn’t touch any Afros.

Let’s face it, that’s the ways of Indians.

And by the way, yes Ramjattan is the same. I saw it first hand when I was in the AFC. Is suh coolies operate!


@Former Member: So you are telling me that the PPP leaders are not like the PNC leaders? I know some Indians hold a grudge against one another until death. Jagdeo hated Ramjattan because he was a kutta running to the US Embassy weekly as a news carrier. If he was doing this as a PNC member, god, help us. He might have suffered the same fate as Vincent Teekah and the rest(my opinion).

Last edited by Former Member

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