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Are Guyanese witnessing an evolving dictatorship?



The type of governance being exercised by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has been described by its chief spokesperson as “Democratic Centralism”.
However, after taking note of recent happenings in Guyana, namely: 1) the disbanding of Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, and the wanton imposition of Interim Management Committees; 2) the secrecy surrounding the “Intelligence Gathering Centre”, NICIL, Lotto funds, contracts, overpayment of contractors, Marriott hotel, Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Specialty Hospital, and other projects; 3) the still unexplained, unauthorized shipment(s) of gold bullion to another territory; 4) the lack of any meaningful punitive, or corrective measures in the NCN and NDIA scandals; 5) the lack of Presidential assent to the long promised “Freedom of Information Bill”; 6) the increasing arrogance on the part of several high-ranking government officials, and their apparent contempt for the citizens of Guyana; 7) the importation of Chinese workers (and possible voters) using Guyanese taxpayers’ money; 8) the reluctance of functionaries to release information which one would expect to be in the public domain, unless sanctioned by the CEO; and especially, 9) the manner in which broadcasting licences were allocated and distributed, have  vividly brought back to mind George Orwell’s “1984”, and Aldous Huxley’s  “Brave New World Revisited”.   Given the foregoing, it begs the question: “Are Guyanese witnessing an evolving dictatorship”?
Huxley, commenting on “Propaganda Under a Dictatorship”, reports that Albert Speer, Hitler’s Minister for Armaments, at his trial as a war criminal after the Second World War, described the Nazi tyranny and analyzed its methods.
Albert Speer said: “Hitler’s dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development that made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own citizens. Through technical devices like the radio and loudspeaker, eighty million Germans were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man”.
Does the scenario described in the above paragraph bear any similarity to what has been taking place in Guyana for some time now, and to the obscene attempt by the former President Jagdeo, through his friends, to take complete control of Guyana’s airwaves?
Guyanese should bear in mind two things: 1) Guyana’s population is less than 800 000 people (under one-hundredth of Germany’s 80 millions in the 1930s); and, 2) the broadcasting technology now available to former President Jagdeo and his friends is infinitely superior, and far more pervasive than it was in Hitler’s time some seventy odd years ago.
Would it not be much easier to peddle the various shades of “State propaganda”, exclude other perspectives, or views of the world, stifle freedom of expression, thus depriving Guyanese of alternative and independent thought while subjecting them to “former President Jagdeo’s” will?
Given the background that is described in the first and second paragraphs of this letter, it would suggest the following questions are not only valid, but extremely relevant, and warrant the keenest attention of all patriotic Guyanese: 1) Does the control of Guyana’s airwaves suggest that “State” censorship of the electronic and social media could become a reality if the PPP were to win a majority in the next general elections?
It has been reported that the broadcast of a certain calypso that is critical of the government has been banned. 2) Is the PPP’s 2013 “gloss & glitter”, or “beads and trinkets for the natives” budget an election gimmick designed to lull Guyanese voters by way of deception into a feeling of benign benevolence by the government, and so improve its chances of strengthening the dictatorship?
All who love Guyana must awake from our lethargy, diligently scrutinize the 2013 budget, and pay keen attention to the debates in parliament.   Among the numerous issues that need to be clarified: “Is the government giving its citizens “x” amount of dollars now only to take back “2x” later, and “4x” from our children, and even more from generations yet unborn, so that even the little that they have would be taken away from them?”
Put another way: “How heavily indebted to China would Guyana become if the 2013 budget is passed without changes?”   “How many future generations of Guyanese will be faced with huge debt payments?”  “What could happen if Guyana were to default? Could we be re-colonized by a country with a dubious human rights record?”
Those of us who remain unconcerned need to become aware of the dire consequences of perpetuating the status quo in Guyana.   As the numbers of unemployed, unemployable (functionally illiterate), and miscreants increase not only will the available national tax base (revenue) to fund much needed social infrastructure, social services, and public amenities shrink, but each successive year an increasing portion of the nations’ revenue, and indeed an increasing portion of our own personal incomes will be consumed by the expanding non-productive sectors – the security services, law enforcement agencies, and prisons.
It should be noted that the 2013 allocation of approximately 8.5 billion dollars to the Ministry of Home Affairs represents an increase of nearly 7% of the 2012 allocation of approximately 7.7 billion. These agencies produce no products, nor create any wealth, but rather they consume, sometimes wastefully, the wealth created by the productive sectors.
Surely this is not prudent use of Guyana’s scarce resources. As a consequence the quality of our social services (education, health, recreational facilities, potable water supply and waste disposal) will deteriorate even further.    If the present deterioration in our social environment continues, all our lives and all our property will be at risk. Social advantages and privileges of birth that we now enjoy will be no guarantee against the bitter harvest when chickens come home to roost. All will be consumed. None, not one shall be spared.
We must, therefore, in unity let it be assertively known that Guyanese are dissatisfied with policies, where the “odds” are continuously being stacked against ordinary citizens, the working poor, our children, and our generations yet unborn. Let it be known, both here and abroad, that our nation’s patrimony, our freedoms, and our rights are not for sale!
The glossed-up, more-of-the-same 2013 budget could well be the “would-be dictator’s” opiate, or “Trojan Horse”.    We must not be complacent and be caught unawares.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Clarence O. Perry

Replies sorted oldest to newest

1) the disbanding of Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, and the wanton imposition of Interim Management Committees;


2) the secrecy surrounding the “Intelligence Gathering Centre”, NICIL, Lotto funds, contracts, overpayment of contractors, Marriott hotel, Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Specialty Hospital, and other projects;


3) the still unexplained, unauthorized shipment(s) of gold bullion to another territory;


4) the lack of any meaningful punitive, or corrective measures in the NCN and NDIA scandals;


5) the lack of Presidential assent to the long promised “Freedom of Information Bill”;


6) the increasing arrogance on the part of several high-ranking government officials, and their apparent contempt for the citizens of Guyana;


7) the importation of Chinese workers (and possible voters) using Guyanese taxpayers’ money;


8) the reluctance of functionaries to release information which one would expect to be in the public domain, unless sanctioned by the CEO; and especially,


9) the manner in which broadcasting licences were allocated and distributed, have  vividly brought back to mind George Orwell’s “1984”, and Aldous Huxley’s  “Brave New World Revisited”. 


Unfortunately the PPP will continue its high handed rule because the people see progress and no point in changing the guard. In fact they view the aFC/PNC as a worse alternative to the crooks already in office. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Unfortunately the PPP will continue its high handed rule because the people see progress and no point in changing the guard. In fact they view the aFC/PNC as a worse alternative to the crooks already in office. 

Who are "the people" that see "progress" if not fawing indos living in the reflected glow of kind in power. Those Indians and blacks who now clearly make up the majority in the opposition?


 Worse the majority are overwhelmed and frustrated  and completely at emotional odds with these crooks an only need a little push to become totally unglued against them.  It is the reason we see no snap election to this point. They hope they can generate so much confusion and contempt for the PNC  with the claim "they are in opposition to progress" that at a   precipitous moment they cam call an election and hope that confusion carry over at the polls. The PPP knowa it is hanging on by a string with that lie. Is that not the reason they so constantly try to build on their "great legacy message" in hope it cover up the excesses of their office?


If the PPP does not change their ways of doing business,  their end in office will not be pretty. Dictators never sit secure. The lie that the opposition will possibly be worse is not enough for them to continue to be as bad as they are.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Unfortunately the PPP will continue its high handed rule because the people see progress and no point in changing the guard. In fact they view the aFC/PNC as a worse alternative to the crooks already in office. 

It should not matter if the PPP, AFC or PNC is in office, no party should be allow to get away with "high handed rule". More honest and intelligent people need rally behind respected  folks like Chirstoper Ram and Ramkaran to put a check on the arrogance of government officials. Afterall the freedom you enjoy in America was not guaranty by the Republicians or Democrat but fought for by the people reguardless of party ..   


PNC is a euphemism for ------


That's right!




Clarence Perry is obviously a PNC, and PNC Perry like the PNC Indians in Guyana like Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and Christopher Ram are longing for the depraved, immoral and filthy PNC party to return to power in Guyana.



Rev, why be a coward? We know that your use of ------ translates to n1gger so why don't you just spell it out and get in your daily dose of n1gger bashing. You are addicted to your vile racism and need it to survive.
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

ReV is a euphemism for Jackass Indian 

That's right!




Clarence Perry is obviously a PNC, and PNC Perry like the PNC N*igger Indians in Guyana like Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and Christopher Ram are longing for the depraved, immoral and filthy PNC party to return to power in Guyana.



Rev you are a Jackass Indian.

Originally Posted by God:
Rev, why be a coward?

The Rev no longer uses offensive words on this forum.


But you poster god--you and foul mouth Mitwah---both of you are PNC Indians and it deeply pains you to see the progress, prosperity and positivity in Guyana under the PPP. You are dying to see the evil, depraved, and immoral PNC party return to power.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by God:
Rev, why be a coward?

The Rev no longer uses offensive words on this forum.


But you poster god--you and foul mouth Mitwah---both of you are PNC N*IGGER Indians and it deeply pains you to see the progress, prosperity and positivity in Guyana under the PPP. You are dying to see the evil, depraved, and immoral PNC party return to power.









Rev you are a Jackass Indian. Keep on braying.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

PNC is a euphemism for ------


That's right!




Clarence Perry is obviously a PNC, and PNC Perry like the PNC Indians in Guyana like Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and Christopher Ram are longing for the depraved, immoral and filthy PNC party to return to power in Guyana.



a proud pederast like rev WILL find a way . . .


showcasing his man/boy predilections on Social (kwamee is his mentor) did not turn out so well, so he's back here with a tiny g-string putting on a show


. . . the sour smell of his privates is, however, still quite overpowering

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



When is the last time you ****** your **** and ****** her well ?


PNC Indians like you TK will forever be jealous of the success of the PPP.



it is really not difficult to see through your coward's tilt @ TK and other phantoms in this 'ferocious' attempt to mitigate what we know is true:


a proud pederast like rev WILL find a way . . .


showcasing his man/boy predilections on Social (kwamee is his mentor) did not turn out so well, so he's back here with a tiny g-string putting on a show


. . . the sour smell of his privates is, however, still quite overpowering

Last edited by Former Member

Let them be Jealous Bhai. They were born that way. It has been over 10 years now I am hearing the same CRAP. They love to Ghotay Spoil Dhal. These socalled brite people certainly dont know the meaning of simple terms as Dictatorship and Democracy. Dont waste your time engaging their stupidity.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



is it because they are not into little boys like u?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Let them be Jealous Bhai. They were born that way. It has been over 10 years now I am hearing the same CRAP. They love to Ghotay Spoil Dhal. These socalled brite people certainly dont know the meaning of simple terms as Dictatorship and Democracy. Dont waste your time engaging their stupidity.



Nehru bhai:


The PNC Indians hate the PPP with a passion, but they are deeply enamored by the obstructionists in Guyana.



law enforcement is more interested in the things YOU and kwamee are "enamored" with 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Let them be Jealous Bhai. They were born that way. It has been over 10 years now I am hearing the same CRAP. They love to Ghotay Spoil Dhal. These socalled brite people certainly dont know the meaning of simple terms as Dictatorship and Democracy. Dont waste your time engaging their stupidity.



Nehru bhai:


The PNC Indians hate the PPP with a passion, but they are deeply enamored by the obstructionists in Guyana.



Bhai, The Posters correctly describe the sentiments of the individuals.

law enforcement is more interested in the things y'all and kwamee are "enamored" with

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Let them be Jealous Bhai. They were born that way. It has been over 10 years now I am hearing the same CRAP. They love to Ghotay Spoil Dhal. These socalled brite people certainly dont know the meaning of simple terms as Dictatorship and Democracy. Dont waste your time engaging their stupidity.



Nehru bhai:


The PNC Indians hate the PPP with a passion, but they are deeply enamored by the obstructionists in Guyana.



Bhai, The Posters correctly describe the sentiments of the individuals.

law enforcement is more interested in the things y'all and kwamee are "enamored" with

Seems like you know a lot of Gay and Lesbian Sex, which one are you????

Rev, you can choose to call me n1gger Indian to feed your racist addiction. It doesn't bother me one bit since it's not minutely close to who I am. However, at the end of the day you will always be a lowlife ****** crabdawg. You can't change that as it's your pedigree. You can run over to the Social Forum now to feed your other addiction. Whip out your NAMBLA membership card and get in your pedophilia fix for today.

Rev you can lable me N*igger Indian. I know who I am. You are a dangerous low life racialist. The deceit you practice daily is what you learned from your mother at birth. Take notice I will be up your ass everyday with a walaba post. You are an antiman and that you cannot change.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



is it because they are not into little boys like u?


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Let them be Jealous Bhai. They were born that way. It has been over 10 years now I am hearing the same CRAP. They love to Ghotay Spoil Dhal. These socalled brite people certainly dont know the meaning of simple terms as Dictatorship and Democracy. Dont waste your time engaging their stupidity.



Nehru bhai:


The PNC Indians hate the PPP with a passion, but they are deeply enamored by the obstructionists in Guyana.



Bhai, The Posters correctly describe the sentiments of the individuals.

law enforcement is more interested in the things y'all and kwamee are "enamored" with

Seems like you know a lot of Gay and Lesbian Sex, which one are you????

nerhu bai . . . gay, lesbian, straight got nothing to do with what ails alyuh


trust me on dis waan

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



is it because they are not into little boys like u?


Wah yu na tek dis dag shit ting an put am in yu puppa PU*S!

Originally Posted by warrior:

i can express myself very well were you are concern its nice to  have the joker back rev miss you he was preaching his race hate all alone

What nonsense is this? Go get at least a 3rd grade education.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Unfortunately the PPP will continue its high handed rule because the people see progress and no point in changing the guard. In fact they view the aFC/PNC as a worse alternative to the crooks already in office. 

Why did the PPP lose votes in every election if "people see progress".  In 1997 the PPP won 220k votes.  Each election their support has declined until by 2011 they won a scant 166k.


Guyanese continue to flee, and an interview on a Caribbean TV program had Bayney Karran and the Minister of FA stating that most returning Guyanese are retirees.   Bajans, Trinis and assorted small islanders report that in 2013 Guyanese still form the largest pool of Caribbean immigrants in their countries, and they want to know why Guyanese dont want to return home, given that job prospects in their countries arent bright and the labor shortages which existed 7 years ago, necessitating the importation of Guyanese, is no longer the case.


But given that we see that Chinese are employed to dig holes in the ground to build cell towers, this while others complain about the huge numbers of unemployed and unemployables which exist, life is only bright if you are connected to a wealthy PPP Indian business family.  So I can see why you bray this nonsense.

Originally Posted by God:
Rev, you can choose to call me n1gger Indian to feed your racist addiction. It doesn't bother me one bit since it's not minutely close to who I am. However, at the end of the day you will always be a lowlife ****** crabdawg. You can't change that as it's your pedigree. You can run over to the Social Forum now to feed your other addiction. Whip out your NAMBLA membership card and get in your pedophilia fix for today.

What Rev fails to understand is that Indians account for a declining % of the votingh population.  Indians are becoming less enslaved to the PPP.  So this ignorant behavior, which he and other PPPites engage in, not only alienates non Indians, but no longer impresses increasing numbers of Indians.


Rev we already have learnt that your ability to forecast elections is nil, as we do recall your scream that Obama would only get 47% of the vote.


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