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@Former Member posted:

Like the PPP need more "aloo peelers" in the ranks and leadership. 

Suffering from massa syndrome ,still subservient .Guyana got independence in 1966,to date they aren't independent ,history have proven such.

There was no Democracy from 1992 ,electors voted in that election and their votes wasn't counted ,a foreigner declared the results of the winner.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Suffering from massa syndrome ,still subservient .Guyana got independence in 1996,to date they aren't independent ,history have proven such.

There was no Democracy from 1992 ,electors voted in that election and their votes wasn't counted ,a foreigner declared the results of the winner.

Guyana didn’t get Independence in 1996.

Bibi Haniffa
@Django posted:

Suffering from massa syndrome ,still subservient .Guyana got independence in 1966,to date they aren't independent ,history have proven such.

There was no Democracy from 1992 ,electors voted in that election and their votes wasn't counted ,a foreigner declared the results of the winner.

You forgot to mentioned that there was no democracy since Burnham kicked out the UF from the Coalition in 1968. All elections were rigged by the PNC.    You are really a hypocrite because you are wrong about the PPP era under Cheddi, Janet and Bharrat Jagdeo.  


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