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VishMahabir posted:

@ antabanta

Why have you determined that Cheddi Jagan should have borne the burden of the many deaths that would have resulted from the revolution?

Not sure what you are asking...of course, Burnham had a greater role to play in how the country evolve because he controlled the government. However, he did not operate in a vacuum. He used the Opposition when he wanted to buttress his claims to supporting democracy. Jagan gave him that space, rather than challenging him and trying to make it difficult for him to run the country. Yes, the Europeans played a role, but the PPP cannot always blame the white man, which they seem to love to do. The PPP acted like dead meat for 28 years, yet they had the support of most of their supporters to make it difficult for Burnham to simply get a smooth ride, until the arrival of Rodney. 

In addition to the above, I am making an argument that the PPP GNIers here should accept the fact that Jagan is as much responsible for them being scattered around the world today...Its easy to be a revolutionary in your mind and while living abroad.  

Why was Rodney able to challenge Burnham? What burden of "many deaths" did he cause during his opposition to Burnham? (the fact that he was killed in the struggle does not negate this question).

Would you be willing to risk your life, the lives of your loved ones and of your supporters in such violence?

No. not me. But there seems to be a lot of people in Guyana who were wiling to risk their lives to change the system (Rodney included). I would think that it is up to leaders who have to guide their people and convince followers to take whatever actions were necessary. 


Rodney didn't get very far - he was assassinated. I do think Jagan could have done more for Guyana but it is not for us to foist such a demand upon others that could endanger their lives. Burnham was a dictator. There was little or nothing anyone could have done to thwart him short of a violent rebellion which impossible because of his control of the military.

Baseman posted:

Jagan was a wuss.  He pushed out anyone who took a hardnose stance and kept people like Gilly, dead head communist ideologues who lived for the dream and nothing else.  Why you think he cheated out Balram Singh Rai?

Balram Singh Rai LOST all elections he contested in other political groups.

Cheddi Jagan brought Balram Singh Rai into the PPP, gave up his seat for him and that is how Balram Singh Rai WON for the first time.

At the elections for PPP internal candidates Brindley Benn WON against Balram Singh Rai.

Balram Singh Rai left the PPP; formed his political party; and he again lost miserably at the polls in later elections.

Subsequently, he left Guyana to live in England.

Amral posted:

Jagdeo grabs his own balls while Trump grabs the punani 

Boss man, he was pictured scratching it. He should not have not done it in public but the scratch was so strong that the man could not hold it any longer. We have a scratch man and grab man.

Look at Granger na, he unveiled a Penis Monument in that new town and fell ill right after looking at it. He is a look man.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Amral posted:

Jagdeo grabs his own balls while Trump grabs the punani 

Boss man, he was pictured scratching it. He should not have not done it in public but the scratch was so strong that the man could not hold it any longer. We have a scratch man and grab man.

Look at Granger na, he unveiled a Penis Monument in that new town and fell ill right after looking at it. He is a look man.

When a man has to scratch, he has to scratch.  How many times any of us scratch but no camera caught us.  


Tola posted:

Jagdeo and his gang of  Mutt and Jeff, set the negative example for the youth in Berbice,  to continue  destroying  themselves. 

Is this your erudite explanation for the suicides and other negative social issues in Guyana? Then explain for us the following

- were there suicides and negative social things in Berbice prior to Jagdeo being made President? How has this changed with the present government? Are these kinds of things happening only in Berbice or are they occurring in other parts of Guyana? So the cause of suicide is only externally driven?  What is the research saying? Show the data and research as related to Guyana!

you are trying to make political,points on peoples’ problems and suicides! Shame on you!


Dies a strong political leader have to have a strong ego? To have a strong sense of self, of his or her destiny and his or her role in the destiny/fortunes of the community or the counter? Or can they be  concensus seekers who seek to build concensus? How does vision, competing vision fit into this? What about the discussion on hegemonic states or hegemony generally and the discussion caudillos in Latin American countries.?

Tola posted:

Jagdeo and his gang of  Mutt and Jeff, set the negative example for the youth in Berbice,  to continue  destroying  themselves. 

Bannas, you are so light weight on the subject matter you were supposed to have been spending years with the youths of Guyana.  Is this the depth of your insights?  As I said, no one knows you there.  Guyana is not a big place so a person spending years in the field would be known, no!!

If your be all and end all on this is the PPP and BJ, then your offerings are rather slim.  I still don’t understand why you high tailed it out as soon as the PNC won!  What are you running from?


It is remarkable when one simply observes.  When one respond point counter point post by post one sometimes get lost in the minutia of it all. Looking in can give one a broad view. Alas for me, this did not stray far from already concretized conclusions of the personalities here.  

Vishnu, if a college student, is wise beyond his years and can not only penetrate the facts but get to the nuanced understanding of our political life that one can only arrive at on reflection. I do not give a damn if you do not know what is an awara from a khuru or cocrite. You are well on your way to be a Guyanese scholar. 

Ugli's addition is demonstrably as useless and ignorant as they come and still falls back on the idiotic notion that smart people are monied people. Completely vacuous beyond that. A total waste person. 

Baseman is as disappointing as ever. He  illicit the perplexing contradiction of knowledge and amoral ignorance. Trump has been a low life scoundrel prone to fabricating untruths on the fly with a remarkable greedy disposition that he satiates by any means necessary. Add to that a contemptuous racist and misogynist  bent and you get the complete template for the odious persona Christians ( in their right mind) preach against. Meanwhile he poisons the world with a mercantalist revivalisms an anti globalization nonsense. For one enamored with exaggeration and useless hyperbole the idea of the biggest carnival barker ever  fits well. The damage he is doing to the persona of America will take decades to repair

I suspect Django thinks Cheddi was victimized by Kennedy given he asked for support directly in various means and was rejected. Well Kennedy had Marxism poisoning the world, Civil rights protests on his doorsteps, flower power in full bloom, Vietnam on the horizon. He had little time to deconstruct the  a prevaricating, obfuscating messages  from an idealistic thumb twiddler with a confusing political persona.

All Kennedy knew for sure was that there were hints that he can erupt into a communist boil on the backsides of the US. It was easier to extinguish any pathologic fall out that can result in another Cuba next door. Cheddi did himself in. His weakness was he lacked defined political and social convictions that lifts great men to prominence. Think on if he stated clearly that he was for an open liberal society where we would be today! Think of the reality that he did  have the foresight to protect the state from the subsequent rise of a PPP plutocracy and kleptocratic class after he died. He was a complete failure as a transformative leader. 

As you may notice I do not think on Jagdeo too much. His lack of a moral center and complete failure to do the obvious things to make our society a non racial deliberative democracy left us in the same place as Cheddi did. We have not walked one step forward as a nation because he is a money grubbing runt with a particular nasty vindictive bent that makes him completely useless as a leader. That he is a racist is self expressed during his regime. He could not find one black face to represent us abroad during his entire rule. Presently, his strangle hold on the PPP will only see the emergence of his toadies to represent the party in 2020. Lets hope the Party does not fail and can fight back or they will be irrelevant to  the struggle against what is coming. If he has parallels to trump it is that he has his base in his thrall as he poisons the idea of Guyana. 

This is a long post but is to address the entire thread.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:

It is remarkable when one simply observes.  When one respond point counter point

As you may notice I do not think on Jagdeo too much. His lack of a moral center and complete failure to do the obvious things to make our society a non racial deliberative democracy left us in the same place as Cheddi did. We have not walked one step forward as a nation because he is a money grubbing runt with a particular nasty vindictive bent that makes him completely useless as a leader. That he is a racist is self expressed during his regime. He could not find one black face to represent us abroad during his entire rule. Presently, his strangle hold on the PPP will only see the emergence of his toadies to represent the party in 2020. Lets hope the Party does not fail and can fight back or they will be irrelevant to  the struggle against what is coming. If he has parallels to trump it is that he has his base in his thrall as he poisons the idea of Guyana. 

This is a long post but is to address the entire thread. 

Don't belittle the man's legacy. It was under his watch that the evil PNC was tamed and shown to be vulnerable.  You speak from afar in a foreign land and seems to have forgotten the evil pnc days post 92. If you were honest you find a few good things to say about Jagdeo. The people of Guyana knows this, only you and the other haters here don't acknowledge his contribution. 

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

It is remarkable when one simply observes.  When one respond point counter point

......This is a long post but is to address the entire thread. 

Don't belittle the man's legacy. It was under his watch that the evil PNC was tamed and shown to be vulnerable.  You speak from afar in a foreign land and seems to have forgotten the evil pnc days post 92. If you were honest you find a few good things to say about Jagdeo. The people of Guyana knows this, only you and the other haters here don't acknowledge his contribution. 

I see nothing remarkable on using a drug lord to murder some misguided young black folks. 

Sorry, I speak to the PNC in no less contemptuous terms than I do for the PPP. They are twin evil in our political reality

There is nothing redemptive about Jagdeo. He is vile and repulsive, and the quicker he is a memory the better the state will be.  

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

It is remarkable when one simply observes.  When one respond point counter point

......This is a long post but is to address the entire thread. 

Don't belittle the man's legacy. It was under his watch that the evil PNC was tamed and shown to be vulnerable.  You speak from afar in a foreign land and seems to have forgotten the evil pnc days post 92. If you were honest you find a few good things to say about Jagdeo. The people of Guyana knows this, only you and the other haters here don't acknowledge his contribution. 

I see nothing remarkable on using a drug lord to murder some misguided young black folks. 

Sorry, I speak to the PNC in no less contemptuous terms than I do for the PPP. They are twin evil in our political reality

There is nothing redemptive about Jagdeo. He is vile and repulsive, and the quicker he is a memory the better the state will be.  

At the very least you should acknowledge the press freedom and presidential term limits that occurred under his watch. Not to mention the investor confidence that contributed to the economic boom that was handed to the pNC which they have now destroyed and you naysayers and now claiming was drug related without proof. 

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

It is remarkable when one simply observes.  When one respond point counter point

......This is a long post but is to address the entire thread. 

Don't belittle the man's legacy. It was under his watch that the evil PNC was tamed and shown to be vulnerable.  You speak from afar in a foreign land and seems to have forgotten the evil pnc days post 92. If you were honest you find a few good things to say about Jagdeo. The people of Guyana knows this, only you and the other haters here don't acknowledge his contribution. 

I see nothing remarkable on using a drug lord to murder some misguided young black folks. 

Sorry, I speak to the PNC in no less contemptuous terms than I do for the PPP. They are twin evil in our political reality

There is nothing redemptive about Jagdeo. He is vile and repulsive, and the quicker he is a memory the better the state will be.  

At the very least you should acknowledge the press freedom and presidential term limits that occurred under his watch. Not to mention the investor confidence that contributed to the economic boom that was handed to the pNC which they have now destroyed and you naysayers and now claiming was drug related without proof. 

Give aways to the Chinese and friends and family is not investment. We got a full fledged drug culture and every industry a failure under his watch. Yes there is much there that was better but the reality it is the incidentals of a parallel underground economy that creates  the corrupt rich and leave the multitude in dire poverty.

While come can buy Hummers and Mercedes most cannot earn 200 US a week. The reality is most live on liss than 2 dollars a day still. You can call that progress I call it utter neglect due to incompetence compounded by corrosive greed and corruption.


It is indisputable that 40% of our people ( with minor difference among the major races) with Amerindians in the danger zone of 70 %  exist in dire  poverty. The remaining survives while everything is consolidated in the hands of party cronies. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Give aways to the Chinese and friends and family is not investment. We got a full fledged drug culture and every industry a failure under his watch. Yes there is much there that was better but the reality it is the incidentals of a parallel underground economy that creates  the corrupt rich and leave the multitude in dire poverty.
While come can buy Hummers and Mercedes most cannot earn 200 US a week. The reality is most live on liss than 2 dollars a day still. You can call that progress I call it utter neglect due to incompetence compounded by corrosive greed and corruption.
It is indisputable that 40% of our people ( with minor difference among the major races) with Amerindians in the danger zone of 70 %  exist in dire  poverty. The remaining survives while everything is consolidated in the hands of party cronies. 

Same "giveaway" occurring under Pnc today but you staan quiet about that.  Investors are rewarded in a capitalist system, you should talk, give up your wealth to the poor then, the same exist in the US and right in your own backyard. Are you not also accountable? 

Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. 

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

It is remarkable when one simply observes.  When one respond point counter point

......This is a long post but is to address the entire thread. 

Don't belittle the man's legacy. It was under his watch that the evil PNC was tamed and shown to be vulnerable.  You speak from afar in a foreign land and seems to have forgotten the evil pnc days post 92. If you were honest you find a few good things to say about Jagdeo. The people of Guyana knows this, only you and the other haters here don't acknowledge his contribution. 

I see nothing remarkable on using a drug lord to murder some misguided young black folks. 

Sorry, I speak to the PNC in no less contemptuous terms than I do for the PPP. They are twin evil in our political reality

There is nothing redemptive about Jagdeo. He is vile and repulsive, and the quicker he is a memory the better the state will be.  

At the very least you should acknowledge the press freedom and presidential term limits that occurred under his watch. Not to mention the investor confidence that contributed to the economic boom that was handed to the pNC which they have now destroyed and you naysayers and now claiming was drug related without proof. 

Amazing to read such narratives, the same fella shut down TV Channel 6 for a period, because the TV station was vocal against him.The same fella face was sour, when CCJ ruled Presidential term limits is not unconstitutional.

The rest is usual bilge to the put the kleptocrat and wannabee dictator on a pedestal.

The manufacturing companies was crippled under this fella tenure, quarry stones was imported, wooden building materials were imported.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Amazing to read such narratives, the same fella shut down TV Channel 6 for a period, because the TV station was vocal against him.The same fella face was sour, when CCJ ruled Presidential term limits is not unconstitutional.

The rest is usual bilge to the put the kleptocrat and wannabee dictator on a pedestal.

The manufacturing companies was crippled under this fella tenure, quarry stones was imported, wooden building materials were imported.

You neglected to mention that the president at the time was also functioning as minister of information with the job of making such determination and that Sharma was found by the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting of violating his broadcast license agreement.   In CN6  several times broadcasted content advocating killing of Jagdeo and defamation of Juan Edgehill. Also Sharma acknowledged the violation. Now continue to fetch that can with fervor.  

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Amazing to read such narratives, the same fella shut down TV Channel 6 for a period, because the TV station was vocal against him.The same fella face was sour, when CCJ ruled Presidential term limits is not unconstitutional.

The rest is usual bilge to the put the kleptocrat and wannabee dictator on a pedestal.

The manufacturing companies was crippled under this fella tenure, quarry stones was imported, wooden building materials were imported.

You neglected to mention that the president at the time was also functioning as minister of information with the job of making such determination and that Sharma was found by the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting of violating his broadcast license agreement.   In CN6  several times broadcasted content advocating killing of Jagdeo and defamation of Juan Edgehill. Also Sharma acknowledged the violation. Now continue to fetch that can with fervor.  

So his actions was Authoritarian yes or no.

Continue to peddle your usual foolishness of some can fetching.

Refresh your memory, the article below.

“To the best of our knowledge, the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) never recommended to Mr Jagdeo that CNS TV 6’s license be suspended or cancelled because of the broadcast of the offending remarks.

Hence, the President has usurped the authority of the ACB which is regarded as the precursor to a Broadcast Authority whenever the long-delayed broadcast bill is tabled in the National Assembly and approved”, GPA stated"

Last edited by Django
Zed posted:

Tola posted:

Jagdeo and his gang of  Mutt and Jeff, set the negative example for the youth in Berbice,  to continue  destroying  themselves. 

Is this your erudite explanation for the suicides and other negative social issues in Guyana? Then explain for us the following

- were there suicides and negative social things in Berbice prior to Jagdeo being made President? How has this changed with the present government? Are these kinds of things happening only in Berbice or are they occurring in other parts of Guyana? So the cause of suicide is only externally driven?  What is the research saying? Show the data and research as related to Guyana!

you are trying to make political,points on peoples’ problems and suicides! Shame on you!

Berbice is over represented with suicides and it has already been established that this problem is most acute among the rural Hindu population.

I suggest that people figure out why rural Indo Hindus seem more likely to kill themselves than rural Indo Christians, even though they live within the same environment. And it is not a coincidence that the Caribbean countries with the highest suicide rates, aside from Guyana, are T&T and Suriname.  Belize, Jamaica and the DR, though bedeviled with the same poverty issues as is Guyana, have lower suicide rates.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Amazing to read such narratives, the same fella shut down TV Channel 6 for a period, because the TV station was vocal against him.The same fella face was sour, when CCJ ruled Presidential term limits is not unconstitutional.

The rest is usual bilge to the put the kleptocrat and wannabee dictator on a pedestal.

The manufacturing companies was crippled under this fella tenure, quarry stones was imported, wooden building materials were imported.

You neglected to mention that the president at the time was also functioning as minister of information with the job of making such determination and that Sharma was found by the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting of violating his broadcast license agreement.   In CN6  several times broadcasted content advocating killing of Jagdeo and defamation of Juan Edgehill. Also Sharma acknowledged the violation. Now continue to fetch that can with fervor.  

So his actions was Authoritarian yes or no.

Continue to peddle your usual foolishness of some can fetching.

Refresh your memory, the article below.

“To the best of our knowledge, the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) never recommended to Mr Jagdeo that CNS TV 6’s license be suspended or cancelled because of the broadcast of the offending remarks.

Hence, the President has usurped the authority of the ACB which is regarded as the precursor to a Broadcast Authority whenever the long-delayed broadcast bill is tabled in the National Assembly and approved”, GPA stated"


Guyana moves up on World Press Freedom Index

Georgetown, GINA, February 14, 2014

Guyana has moved up two places on the 2014 Reporters without Borders World Press Freedom Index; ranking at 67 out of 180 countries. Last year, the country came in at number 69 out of 179 countries.
Reporters without Borders is a non-profit organisation based in France. The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published by this body based upon its assessment of the countries’ press freedom records in the previous year.
In Guyana, over the last 20 years under the PPP/C led Administration, the local media fraternity, both print and electronic, has grown exponentially.
The enactment of the Broadcast Act paved the way for the establishment of a new regime of rules and procedures by which persons can participate in an open and competitive broadcasting sector. This Act established the Guyana Broadcasting Authority (GNBA).
While the role of the State-owned media must be recognised, the GNBA ensures fairness and balance. In essence, the broadcast industry in Guyana is seen as plural and open to fair competition.
Over the last 20 years under the PPP/C Administration, the print media has increased from two to four daily newspapers, three of which are privately own, from just three television stations to over 20 and from just one radio station to now over 10.
Additionally, there are several internet-based news outlets. As recent as December last year, the GNBA sent out 16 more letters of approval for broadcasting licences.

Dave posted:

Guyana moves up on World Press Freedom Index

Over the last 20 years under the PPP/C Administration, the print media has increased from two to four daily newspapers, three of which are privately own, from just three television stations to over 20 and from just one radio station to now over 10.
Additionally, there are several internet-based news outlets. As recent as December last year, the GNBA sent out 16 more letters of approval for broadcasting licences.

Sometimes more the merrier is not good,especially in small populations like Guyana.

No wonder the people are confused.Some of the print media isn't worth reading,dunno about the TV Stations,not much international access.

When living there had plans to established TV Station,was at a point of building TV Transmitter.

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Give aways to the Chinese and friends and family is not investment. We got a full fledged drug culture and every industry a failure under his watch. Yes there is much there that was better but the reality it is the incidentals of a parallel underground economy that creates  the corrupt rich and leave the multitude in dire poverty.
While come can buy Hummers and Mercedes most cannot earn 200 US a week. The reality is most live on liss than 2 dollars a day still. You can call that progress I call it utter neglect due to incompetence compounded by corrosive greed and corruption.
It is indisputable that 40% of our people ( with minor difference among the major races) with Amerindians in the danger zone of 70 %  exist in dire  poverty. The remaining survives while everything is consolidated in the hands of party cronies. 

Same "giveaway" occurring under Pnc today but you staan quiet about that.  Investors are rewarded in a capitalist system, you should talk, give up your wealth to the poor then, the same exist in the US and right in your own backyard. Are you not also accountable? 

Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. 

Uninformed ignorant bilge as usual. I can prove I complain more than you so pull up your pants and do your duty.  The rest is your usual nonsense given you have but air between those ears. 

antabanta posted:

Rodney didn't get very far - he was assassinated. I do think Jagan could have done more for Guyana but it is not for us to foist such a demand upon others that could endanger their lives. Burnham was a dictator. There was little or nothing anyone could have done to thwart him short of a violent rebellion which impossible because of his control of the military.

I judge Cheddi's out put from the perspective of philosophy and leadership and in both he is found wanting. Philosophically he fell victim to the seduction of utopianism of a classless society and a vanguard party. He never sought to create a western style deliberative democracy. 

Leadership wise he was worse. Again this is an product of Marxist philosophy in that he say no need to cultivate  leadership based on merit but based on party selection. 

Burnham had 6000 regulars and some 17 thousand part time paramilitary support. Had cheddi not been an acolyte of Lenin he would have gain the benefaction of the brits who allowed the US to implant burnham. The brits liked cheddi, despised burnham and made that clear to Kennedy. Kennedy did not care all he wanted was to be rid of any possibility of a new cuba. 

Django posted:
So his actions was Authoritarian yes or no.

Continue to peddle your usual foolishness of some can fetching.

Refresh your memory, the article below.

“To the best of our knowledge, the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) never recommended to Mr Jagdeo that CNS TV 6’s license be suspended or cancelled because of the broadcast of the offending remarks.

Hence, the President has usurped the authority of the ACB which is regarded as the precursor to a Broadcast Authority whenever the long-delayed broadcast bill is tabled in the National Assembly and approved”, GPA stated"


Your lack of education becomes more apparent as you continue to attempt to pass your self off as a pseudo intellectual. See the highlighted above, it is not evidence, but merely a claim by the Stabroek in their attempt at shoddy journalism.  In addition the Min of Information has the constitutional right to pass punishment, in this case that person happened to be Jagdeo. Show us the specific law that shows that Jagdeo's actions was unconstitutional. In addition, had Jagdeo acted unlawfully, then his decision would have been challenged before the courts by CN6 and the sloppy boys in the afc/pnc. 

D2 posted:

Burnham had 6000 regulars and some 17 thousand part time paramilitary support. Had cheddi not been an acolyte of Lenin he would have gain the benefaction of the brits who allowed the US to implant burnham. The brits liked cheddi, despised burnham and made that clear to Kennedy. Kennedy did not care all he wanted was to be rid of any possibility of a new cuba. 

One of the reasons it was difficult to overthrow Burnham.Some folks tried but it was an attempt in futility, also access to arms was difficult, he had that under control.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
So his actions was Authoritarian yes or no.

Continue to peddle your usual foolishness of some can fetching.

Refresh your memory, the article below.

“To the best of our knowledge, the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) never recommended to Mr Jagdeo that CNS TV 6’s license be suspended or cancelled because of the broadcast of the offending remarks.

Hence, the President has usurped the authority of the ACB which is regarded as the precursor to a Broadcast Authority whenever the long-delayed broadcast bill is tabled in the National Assembly and approved”, GPA stated"


Your lack of education becomes more apparent as you continue to attempt to pass your self off as a pseudo intellectual. See the highlighted above, it is not evidence, but merely a claim by the Stabroek in their attempt at shoddy journalism.  In addition the Min of Information has the constitutional right to pass punishment, in this case that person happened to be Jagdeo. Show us the specific law that shows that Jagdeo's actions was unconstitutional. In addition, had Jagdeo acted unlawfully, then his decision would have been challenged before the courts by CN6 and the sloppy boys in the afc/pnc.

Another try to save face with your bilge,rambling incoherently.
Your incoherent attitude is one of the reasons i avoid interacting with you on this forum.You thinks adding the adjectives bolsters and boost your intellect.That there shows your limitations.
Stabroek News is one of the news media, one can count on for fair reporting.
Did Jagdeo acted Authoritarian ?
Last edited by Django
Django posted:
D2 posted:

Burnham had 6000 regulars and some 17 thousand part time paramilitary support. Had cheddi not been an acolyte of Lenin he would have gain the benefaction of the brits who allowed the US to implant burnham. The brits liked cheddi, despised burnham and made that clear to Kennedy. Kennedy did not care all he wanted was to be rid of any possibility of a new cuba. 

One of the reasons it was difficult to overthrow Burnham.Some folks tried but it was an attempt in futility, also access to arms was difficult, he had that under control.

but as it was...he put us in that position by his indulgences of his wife political immersion in communist philosophy.  But I guess Marxism and the  Utopian promise  elysian bliss of the proletariat was seductive as she was to him. We suffered.   

Django posted:
Another try to save face with your bilge,rambling incoherently.
Your incoherent attitude is one of the reasons i avoid interacting with you on this forum.You thinks adding the adjectives bolsters and boost your intellect.That there shows your limitations.
Stabroek News is one of the news media, one can count on for fair reporting.
Did Jagdeo acted Authoritarian ?

The above highlighted statement is subjective, according to you. Stabroek is known to be hostile to the PPP.

If you were educated you would know the meaning of "subjective". Go google it and come back. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Another try to save face with your bilge,rambling incoherently.
Your incoherent attitude is one of the reasons i avoid interacting with you on this forum.You thinks adding the adjectives bolsters and boost your intellect.That there shows your limitations.
Stabroek News is one of the news media, one can count on for fair reporting.
Did Jagdeo acted Authoritarian ?

The above highlighted statement is subjective, according to you. Stabroek is known to be hostile to the PPP.

If you were educated you would know the meaning of "subjective". Go google it and come back. 

Another poor attempt to save face.

The constant bashing of ones education maybe related to your shortcomings.Also choices made in life are taking a toll on well being,it's ironic the resentment for anything black.The only venue to relief the frustrations is GNI,hence the attacks on posters. Be a man stand up,never too late.

No answer to the last sentence.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Another try to save face with your bilge,rambling incoherently.
Your incoherent attitude is one of the reasons i avoid interacting with you on this forum.You thinks adding the adjectives bolsters and boost your intellect.That there shows your limitations.
Stabroek News is one of the news media, one can count on for fair reporting.
Did Jagdeo acted Authoritarian ?

The above highlighted statement is subjective, according to you. Stabroek is known to be hostile to the PPP.

If you were educated you would know the meaning of "subjective". Go google it and come back. 

Another poor attempt to save face.

The constant bashing of ones education maybe related to your shortcomings.Also choices made in life are taking a toll on well being,it's ironic the resentment for anything black.The only venue to relief the frustrations is GNI,hence the attacks on posters. Be a man stand up,never too late.

No answer to the last sentence.

Can you guys stop this batty and poke fighting... jeezzz 


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