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Former Member
As I can remember, the providence stadium was not only for cricket, but also for Bollywood entertainment, Rappers and English mix artists, local performers, and a blend of Religious and cultural musical delights, graced the stage at providence under the PPP government.

Also, all faiths celebrated their religious events equality, as their cultural activities are recognized by the government.

Today, I recognize a change in Guyana that only embrace the African cultural and heritage by the coalition government.

Why is this?

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Originally Posted by Cobra:
As I can remember, the providence stadium was not only for cricket, but also for Bollywood entertainment, Rappers and English mix artists, local performers, and a blend of Religious and cultural musical delights, graced the stage at providence under the PPP government.

Also, all faiths celebrated their religious events equality, as their cultural activities are recognized by the government.

Today, I recognize a change in Guyana that only embrace the African cultural and heritage by the coalition government.

Why is this?

Cuz ah we dayzz now, collie day done, alyuh pack up and go back Hindustan!!

Mr. Mahadeo Shivraj invested his time, money and talents to make local movie based on themes of Indian cultural, with songs, drama and thrills for all audiences. He made comedy and skits to make you laugh. And, Brown sugar it too bitter for me is an all time favorite many guyanese in Guyana and the diaspora. The gentleman who played money lender get fired by the new government. He is the brother of my friend in New York.

All of this movie making investment in Guyana is forced to stop since Grainger assumed power.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Mr. Mahadeo Shivraj invested his time, money and talents to make local movie based on themes of Indian cultural, with songs, drama and thrills for all audiences. He made comedy and skits to make you laugh. And, Brown sugar it too bitter for me is an all time favorite many guyanese in Guyana and the diaspora. The gentleman who played money lender get fired by the new government. He is the brother of my friend in New York.

All of this movie making investment in Guyana is forced to stop since Grainger assumed power.

All of this movie making investment in Guyana is forced to stop since Grainger assumed power.


How so Cobra? Has there been an Act of Parliament to prevent Mahadeo Shivraj (a friend of mine) from making films with Indian themes in Guyana?


Cobra, there definitely was a period of time in Guyana when Indian culture's (i) exposure", and (ii) importation suffered - the period of Burnham's economic squeeze. Trinidad and Suriname in that period leaped past Guyana in burnishing Indian culture and providing artists and instruments to propagate such culture. The Indian High Commission and the Mandirs to some extent filled that void.


I find the title of this thread to be misleading, alarmist and pandering to racism. Why Cobra? What's your motivation?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Mr. Mahadeo Shivraj invested his time, money and talents to make local movie based on themes of Indian cultural, with songs, drama and thrills for all audiences. He made comedy and skits to make you laugh. And, Brown sugar it too bitter for me is an all time favorite many guyanese in Guyana and the diaspora. The gentleman who played money lender get fired by the new government. He is the brother of my friend in New York.

All of this movie making investment in Guyana is forced to stop since Grainger assumed power. better call Mahadeo Shivraj,i read last week (while browsing the net)he is filming a new movie in Guyana.


You guys give Paul too much attention; something he craves. everytime he pops up here, its  either to ask some jackass question or put up some antiman thread. All he needs to do is book a flight to Guyana, seek out the relevant parties and state his concerns. I'm sure he'll get the answers he seek plus some.
It shouldn't be much longer now before he starts asking if Diwali and Phagwah will be banned and replaced by cumfuh drumming and kweh kweh.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

You guys give Paul too much attention; something he craves. everytime he pops up here, its  either to ask some jackass question or put up some antiman thread. All he needs to do is book a flight to Guyana, seek out the relevant parties and state his concerns. I'm sure he'll get the answers he seek plus some.
It shouldn't be much longer now before he starts asking if Diwali and Phagwah will be banned and replaced by cumfuh drumming and kweh kweh.

He is the most irrelevant person on here...all the time it takes to come up with this nonsense could be better spent in the park enjoying summer

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

You guys give Paul too much attention; something he craves. everytime he pops up here, its  either to ask some jackass question or put up some antiman thread. All he needs to do is book a flight to Guyana, seek out the relevant parties and state his concerns. I'm sure he'll get the answers he seek plus some.
It shouldn't be much longer now before he starts asking if Diwali and Phagwah will be banned and replaced by cumfuh drumming and kweh kweh.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I can access GNI when I go take dump. In any bars. While at Nehru house. And a good way to cuss down Riffraff anytime and place. All on my smart ass phone. Lol seems you lack a real life

Bro, we tolerated cussing....a few "your mama jokes"...kept wives and sisters off limits....swallowed horrible racist characterizations from dunces like the above but since when are we tolerating threats to murder of government officials of law officers? I suggest you take this fellow seriously and ban his ass for the infraction.


Note Joan took Chickery to the FBI for less and they raided his house. This nit has done this three times by my count....insist that someone kill police and/or politicians. You need to do your job and police the board.


We are all skirting the limits of appropriate behavior but never in the history of this board has anyone been as obscene as this fellow. We never  threatened anyone either.  Safraz kicked off cookup completely for life for attacking his father. This nit needs to be put in his place.


I've said the same before, Cobra has overstepped boundaries with his posts and nothing is done. There should be a limit as to how mental unstable someone should be in order to post, because if this creep goes off and do something terrible, someone on this board could be in some real shit.


Barring that, what he is doing is plain obscene.

Originally Posted by cain:

I've said the same before, Cobra has overstepped boundaries with his posts and nothing is done. There should be a limit as to how mental unstable someone should be in order to post, because if this creep goes off and do something terrible, someone on this board could be in some real shit.


Barring that, what he is doing is plain obscene.

Raymond erased one of the most horrible racist posts from him provoking our non indian posters with obscene racist slurs. He had the audacity to lie and  say he only called posters afro and the thread should not have been deleted. 


He forget that everyone who looked at it has a copy in their offline directory waiting to be retrieved if they care to look for it. He also forgot Raymond read it and has the post as well because deleting it does not mean removing it from the storage location. He is a nit and should not be allowed to do as he does.

Danyarl, I never cuss  anyone mother or sister for the record. My way of cussing is by typing the word cuss.

Riffraff, I have a good life. I am on a month vacation. I am free to come on GNI whenever I please. I don't go to the park to scratch my nuts. I leave that to old folks like you to go feed the pigeons. That all.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Danyarl, I never cuss  anyone mother or sister for the record. My way of cussing is by typing the word cuss. 

You called for Indians to burn Georgetown and riot. You called for the murder of policemen and their bodybags sent to Ramjattan. Right hay. Now yuh batty biting yuh and fear setting in, asking Gilly questions like you really interested in how the cyber crime law gon wuk.


What you really wanna know is what can happen to you. Would be funny as hell if yuh dumb arse, who ain't visit Guyana in donkey years, wind up there on trial for the racist, seditious shit yuh posting hay! I would mek the trip to see yuh dumb skont on the stand. LOL.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
You certainly has personal issues that need attention.

BTW, cussing and threatening are two different things.

Don't back pedal now. Big up yuh chatree chest and thump am. Yuh big and bad. Yuh call for the death of guyanese policemen and called fuh indians to bun down GT. That ain't cussing. That's seditious. Call up Shaitan and ask he. He might have mercy and rescue yuh dumb befo yuh drink malaton.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Danyarl, I never cuss  anyone mother or sister for the record. My way of cussing is by typing the word cuss.

Riffraff, I have a good life. I am on a month vacation. I am free to come on GNI whenever I please. I don't go to the park to scratch my nuts. I leave that to old folks like you to go feed the pigeons. That all.

Bro, you are 46 Years old so you are in no position to call anyone old. Also I am not a useless sedentary drunk like you are so I look good for my 56 years.Plus you are an ugly shrimp.


I never said you cussed anyone's mother or sister. I said you were rather vitriolic in your descriptions  that black people are not even worthy to be termed functioning humans.


Get it bro, I do not know how you were raised where you went to school or what were your exposure to the world but anyone with ass backwards opinions like yours is still to get off the  pier an plunge into and experience the ocean.


You are as insular and as parochial with your racist views as a country bumpkin and that is doing a disservice to country boys. You cannot be a happy fellow. I who in their right mind would want to be around you with your awful belief system...


As I said, you have to be a perfectly distilled moron to be 46, from our wonderful country and living in one where black people died for you to be here and yet maintain those terrible racist beliefs.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I an not afraid of you, Riffraff or the monkey regime in Guyana. They're not only bad, they smells bad. Now get out my face.

You do not have to be afraid of me. You are a disease one avoid. Your world is RH and even there it is too big. You cannot come into mine. It is not a place you will fit in because, yes you would be as a dreaded disease to be avoided


And indeed  you stink; and that is not about even physical stench. Who you are is the kind of waste people the world can do without. You come and leave this place and not a damn person care you ever were. You are of no use to others...die tomorrow and you would be snowflake on the river....not a damn ripple in the universe would mark that you were.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
As I can remember, the providence stadium was not only for cricket, but also for Bollywood entertainment, Rappers and English mix artists, local performers, and a blend of Religious and cultural musical delights, graced the stage at providence under the PPP government.

Also, all faiths celebrated their religious events equality, as their cultural activities are recognized by the government.

Today, I recognize a change in Guyana that only embrace the African cultural and heritage by the coalition government.

Why is this?

You don't live in Guyana and you really don't give a shit. You should be prosecuted for making threats to kill police and politicians.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
My wife was there and came back. I am going next, but GNI peeps will never know.

Don't dress like a banana.

True dat Cobra, remember what you say one time back, dem black people dem might eat you.

No he is going to find an Amazonian PNC woman with a super cyat, and a big strong PNC man with a huge pole. That is why he doesn't want to go there with his wife.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Danyarl, I never cuss  anyone mother or sister for the record. My way of cussing is by typing the word cuss.

Riffraff, I have a good life. I am on a month vacation. I am free to come on GNI whenever I please. I don't go to the park to scratch my nuts. I leave that to old folks like you to go feed the pigeons. That all.

Um doan yo got to have nuts first to scratch um---?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Danyarl, I never cuss  anyone mother or sister for the record. My way of cussing is by typing the word cuss.

Riffraff, I have a good life. I am on a month vacation. I am free to come on GNI whenever I please. I don't go to the park to scratch my nuts. I leave that to old folks like you to go feed the pigeons. That all.

Scratching nuts is a much better vocation than talking shit all year


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