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Guyana has come a long way from the colonial days, and we've learned the difference between dictatorship vs democracy in our political system today. I don't think any fair-minded Guyanese will ever allow Guyana to return to a dictatorship era again. If we believe in the will of our people, we must believe that Guyana will progress with them.                                                        

I also believe when a lesson is learned only then changes will be made to correct them. The PPP has ruled for 19 years before they realized their mistake in 2011, and I am sure they will do everything in their power to correct them in 2016. With this in mind, government must learn to correct mistakes every day and not only on election year.

Now, let's concentrate on our current state of affairs and ask ourselves if that's the way it was written for the PPP to win the presidency and the house of parliament? We have to start to embrace reality and stop looking at the crystal ball. Many of us were caught by surprise, and it can happen again.             

When people are crying daily about corruptions, we must stop and listen to their grievance, because they too are Guyanese. When we hear government must be accountable to the people and their money, we must stop and listen because they too are Guyanese. Democracy is when we have an opposition to make sure the ruling government spend within its means and answerable to the people.     

If we feel that Guyana has a superior people vs an inferior one, that is oppression in modern times. If Guyana should ever become a full fledge democratic nation, we must be willing to give up our political culture. So, think long and hard about your feelings for the opposition. They're not the enemies; we are the enemies to our own democracy.

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First of all the Opposition needs to learn Democracy and then how to practise Democracy. CUt CUT CUt is NOT Democracy. Passion, Revenge and I got You is NOT DEmocracy!!!!! Put dat in yuh Pipe and Smooooooke it!!! Acting like little Children is not what the Guiyanese People want and they WILL VOte the incompetent, Petty and Undemocratic Opposition OUT!!!!

Originally Posted by Prince:

Are you an enemy to democracy or an enemy to yourself? The opposition is not your enemy; they did what they were voted to do. Guyanese must give up their race based political culture before a true democratic air can resonate with the people of Guyana. 

WEhat Race has to do with it. Moses, Jhaaaaat and Snakeoil GR are all Indians the last time I checked.

Originally Posted by Prince:

America has white Democrats and white Republicans and they live well together as Americans regardless who is president. Why Guyanese can do the same?

That is a very good question. Maybe some feel they OWN the Place and therefore can do as they please. CUT CUT CUT like yuh cutting Bamah Grass!!!


Winston Churchill once said, "the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter."


Listen! No matter what good you do in life---some people will manufacture reasons to complain and criticize.




But they are best equipped to lead Guyana right now.




Guyana has been experience positive growth under the PPP.








When you change your position about Guyana then Moses and GR will be less effective. If you see them as a threat that would destabilize the PPP progress, they would do just that. Guyanese must change their attitude about their political system. Those of us who live in North America and praise America's democracy ought to think and do better for our own country. Do you agree?

Originally Posted by Rev:

Winston Churchill once said, "the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter."


Listen! No matter what good you do in life---some people will manufacture reasons to complain and criticize.




But they are best equipped to lead Guyana right now.




Guyana has been experience positive growth under the PPP.







I understand most of what you said is true, but sometime you have to make the ultimate sacrifice to make Guyana a better place for the people who are living there. Race still plays a significant role in our political system, and we're culturally trained to believe that's the way it was supposed to be. In reality, that's not right. Government must be inclusive and work harder to bring all the people together. The media also plays an important role in our political system, and that medium is powerful. When government connects with voters across racial line, the opposition will have to change their strategy. Any future change will start with us and the way we think. Guyana must break away from the Afro-Indian culture of politics.


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