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Berbice recorded 157 blackouts last year

January 6, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under News

-65 less than 2010
In 2011, there were 157 blackouts compared to 222 in 2010, a reduction of 65 power outages last year in the Berbice area. According to Branch Manager of the Guyana Power & Light Inc (GPL), Ayube Bacchus, while this in no way is a desirable situation, the state of affairs can be credited to the high level of maintenance carried out by the company.
“These reductions are due to our planned maintenance programme and that is really the drive behind it, (the reduction) to ensure that our work programme is achieved each year for the Transmission & Distribution (T&D) as well as our generation,” he explained.
However he explained that the short but frequent power outages over the past couple of days and during the Christmas week was caused by problems that developed with the facility’s engine protections.

GPL Berbice Operations Manager, Mr Ayube Bacchus

Bacchus noted that the situation was corrected on Wednesday morning and the unit should be back on line shortly.
Bacchus mentioned some positive developments in GPL’s Berbice Operations last year, including the commissioning of the five Megawatt Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) generator at Canefield in November.
He referred to that as “very significant in helping to reduce some of the [power] outages.”
The machine was first commissioned using Light Fuel Oil but was later converted to HFO use. While HFO consumes less energy, maintenance costs usually go up, Bacchus stated.
The rehabilitation and rebuilding of the sister unit at the Canefield Power Station, the Number four Unit, is about 80 per cent complete and all works are scheduled to be finished by the first quarter of this year, first on LFO followed by HFO.
“We are working assiduously to bring the outages down, but there are challenges out there. Yes, things like weather conditions, which are very challenging to us in some areas and also our vegetation management,” he said.
However, Bacchus said, the company has made inroads in those areas.
The GPL Branch Manager added that GPL in Berbice will be contracting out certain services such as road clearing and vegetation clearing, so that the technical teams can have more time to dedicate to the T&D network.
“We will be able to spend more time on the network; that is what we have planned for this year”, he noted.
Generation specifics
This year, another five Megawatts will be brought into the system, “which will significantly bring generation to an achievable level”.
As it stands, the Canefield Power Station generates some 11.5 Megawatts of electricity through the Caterpillar units and the Mirlees Blackstone Unit. At Onverwagt, there are seven Megawatts from two General Motor Units and two Caterpillar Units. Bacchus revealed that at the Skeldon Sugar Factory, there are four Megawatts being generated during the out-of-crop season and “as much as six to seven Megawatts during grinding season.”
He lauded the Skeldon Factory for boosting power supply in the Region and being “very supportive to the grid and that is a big plus.”
Berbice has a daytime demand of 12 Megawatts and a peak demand of “as high as 18.3”.
Bacchus noted the increasing demand for new services as well, such as new housing schemes.
“In 2012, we project to have a modest increase in load demand by 3 ½ per cent, due to new customers and new schemes coming on stream.”
Customers in Berbice can expect an improvement in customer service in 2012, he assured. “That is an area we need to improve on, because we want to reach out more to the customers out there,” he posited.
The company wants to “improve on that image and we want to reach out more and do more in-house training, how staff interact with the public”
In addressing a matter at Reliance East Canje, whereby nearly 25 residents had complained of damage to their household appliances due to low-voltage in the area during last week, the Regional Manager stated that the matter is being dealt with by the company. He noted that affected persons must verify ownership of the appliances they claim are damaged and then the power company will act accordingly. “If they cannot produce the receipts, in terms of establishing ownership of purchase, there are avenues we can look into that we will take into consideration. It is a due process,” he noted.
Angoy’s Avenue
He stated that the company cannot go in the Angoy’s Avenue area to provide services, since going in there would mean “breaking the law”. The New Haven Co-op Society filed an injunction to the Guyana Government 11 years ago and since then there have been a lot of barriers to further development of the area.
“We gotta be careful not to break the law,” he noted. Residents in Angoy’s Avenue, he said, have to meet the requirements before electricity can be provided, and that is “proof of legal occupancy, whether you have a title or transport” and the area has to be legalized.
A number of persons today have electricity in the area, since they received power under the Electricity Reform Act of October 1999 (ESRAC), before the injunction was filed. However, the area has become more populated in recent times with a heavy influx of residents who want electricity and telephone services.
“GPL is willing to supply electricity to consumers. We have that mandate and want to discharge it but customers will have to keep their side of the requirement by bringing to us, you know, the required, necessary paperwork that would legalize them to the entitlement of the service,” he noted. He is hoping the matter could be resolved soon.
He urged customers to desist from tampering with the meters. “It’s not worth it. It is very dangerous, because when we catch up and we have hard evidence, the law allows us to go 24 months down the road to back- bill,” he noted. He asked customers who are having financial problems to go into the company and they will work out a payment plan.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

All of whom continues to blame the PPP for Guyana failure will get older and dumber when the next general comes around. I've never seen a bunch of grown men speak without any morals in a time of a temporary shortage of electricity. Most of these men must be exported to other parts of the world to appreciate the living standard of Guyana.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
All of whom continues to blame the PPP for Guyana failure will get older and dumber when the next general comes around. I've never seen a bunch of grown men speak without any morals in a time of a temporary shortage of electricity. Most of these men must be exported to other parts of the world to appreciate the living standard of Guyana.

157 blackouts cannot be deemed as temporary. Where did you live outside of Guyana?
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
. Most of these men must be exported to other parts of the world to appreciate the living standard of Guyana.

yes. When they go to Barbados and see almost no black outs they will truly appreciate the living standards of Guyana. LOUSY.
In many nations, citizens will die for their country. Only heedless Guyanese always talks highly of other countries and discredit their own for racial and political reasons. Get a life, Caribj, and stop being a sucker.
Most of these letter writers are politicians with a grouse. It's all about smearing the image of the ruling party. If there is problem with the power station in Berbice please put pressure on those working in the power stations. Give them the flak and stop making everything a national issue that requires the president of the country to intervene.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
In many nations, citizens will die for their country. .

So go ahead and die then. Why are you demanding that others sacrifice when you arent willing to?
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
If there is problem with the power station in Berbice please put pressure on those working in the power stations. e.

Power is the responsibility of the govt as it is a state owned entity. So its their responsibility to esnure that it functions. If the people put to do this are unable to then the govt needs to find alternatives.

I am sure that you blamed the PNC for black outs in their days so why the difference now?
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
All of whom continues to blame the PPP for Guyana failure will get older and dumber when the next general comes around. I've never seen a bunch of grown men speak without any morals in a time of a temporary shortage of electricity. Most of these men must be exported to other parts of the world to appreciate the living standard of Guyana.
i am trying to figure which rock you crawl out from under.if you do not know,this is the 21 century.stop making excuse for the government with your stupid outburst.the government have money to throw big party for that thief bar--rat but no money for electrity.
Should I throw a bone for them APNU/AFC rice bellies? Noel, warrior and caribj, is you guys I am talking about. Cain, I will give rice with fish bone to choke on. belnah All you does talk pupsy.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Should I throw a bone for them APNU/AFC rice bellies? Noel, warrior and caribj, is you guys I am talking about. Cain, I will give rice with fish bone to choke on. belnah All you does talk pupsy.
my father always say.son lookout for them snakes,when you see they raise their head chop it off panman
Originally posted by Mitwah:
I was just on the phone with a contact and there is another blackout in New Amsterdam.

It was the same thing since I passed there in 1975. Burnham was in power then. You telling me that the PPP has not managed to improve things?
NICE...shut these ungrateful collies out, let them go to the AFC for electricity now after all they voted for those losers...good job guys....apply the pressure pun these neemakarams....let them go and ask Moses for current cheers
I live on the lower East Coast of Demerara. My area has had about 5 blackouts this year already. Its not just Berbice that suffers, I bought a CAT generator from MACORP in 2009 but I don't have an automatic switch over so its very tedious to switch over.
Here in Guyana the power situation is very unreliable and is no match to even our neighbor Suriname.
I can't remember experiencing any black outs in Suriname, not even in the country side. As a matter of fact, it is very unusual to find anyone there owning an electricity generator if they are wired up to the national grid.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
I can't remember experiencing any black outs in Suriname, not even in the country side. As a matter of fact, it is very unusual to find anyone there owning an electricity generator if they are wired up to the national grid.

Originally posted by SuperMike:
NICE...shut these ungrateful collies out, let them go to the AFC for electricity now after all they voted for those losers...good job guys....apply the pressure pun these neemakarams....let them go and ask Moses for current cheers

Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tink dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
NICE...shut these ungrateful collies out, let them go to the AFC for electricity now after all they voted for those losers...good job guys....apply the pressure pun these neemakarams....let them go and ask Moses for current cheers

Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.

The ninconpoops like Mustafa and Bacchus should be made to walk the plank and bring in competent people to solve the problem.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
NICE...shut these ungrateful collies out, let them go to the AFC for electricity now after all they voted for those losers...good job guys....apply the pressure pun these neemakarams....let them go and ask Moses for current cheers

Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.
sledge, black out do not worry you,you have a big generater.after all your collie parents work and leave it there for you.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.

The Aryan Nation asks that U reapply fuh membership . . . dis time, dey seh fuh put on mo pancake makeup to cover up yu blackness in de application pictcha.

Meanwhile, keep practicin yu hood & sheet dance . . . and doan forget to wash wha anda de stink panty, arrite
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
NICE...shut these ungrateful collies out, let them go to the AFC for electricity now after all they voted for those losers...good job guys....apply the pressure pun these neemakarams....let them go and ask Moses for current cheers

Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.
sledge, black out do not worry you,you have a big generater.after all your collie parents work and leave it there for you.

Nah, datt generator is nat nice man, it rass mek noise and smoke, me nah able with datt shit pun mi nice house. Dem PPP coolies nah even build up abie road but dem want abie money an' vote. Me done tell dem gwan soa, nex time dem rass bettah hope AFC nah bring dem to 35% and da PNC win. Is helta skelta foa dem an' all abie coolies.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.

The Aryan Nation asks that U reapply fuh membership . . . dis time, dey seh fuh put on mo pancake makeup to cover up yu blackness in de application pictcha.

Meanwhile, keep practicin yu hood & sheet dance . . . and doan forget to wash wha anda de stink panty, arrite

Yea, mi grand fadda was Aryan from Kashmir, soa mi keepin' up da ole man traditian Wink
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.

The Aryan Nation asks that U reapply fuh membership . . . dis time, dey seh fuh put on mo pancake makeup to cover up yu blackness in de application pictcha.

Meanwhile, keep practicin yu hood & sheet dance . . . and doan forget to wash wha anda de stink panty, arrite

Yea, mi grand fadda was Aryan from Kashmir, soa mi keepin' up da ole man traditian Wink

Yu lie . . . blackface dalit dogshit!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.

The Aryan Nation asks that U reapply fuh membership . . . dis time, dey seh fuh put on mo pancake makeup to cover up yu blackness in de application pictcha.

Meanwhile, keep practicin yu hood & sheet dance . . . and doan forget to wash wha anda de stink panty, arrite

Yea, mi grand fadda was Aryan from Kashmir, soa mi keepin' up da ole man traditian Wink

Yu lie . . . blackface dalit dogshit!

Bai, if datt ole man was alive and mi tell e', he wodda cut out yuh black balls an' feed it to dem coolie rice eatah daggs.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Bai nah talk shyte, PPP bin deh roun' for 19 years, why yuh tine dem people mad an' a goa vote AFC. Alyuh coolies tek all di wuk and gi dem Afros a Govt office, den alyuh saaf heart Coolies tek abie road money an' goa build up Buxton and dem place dah. Den wenn we gat electrictiy prablims, alyuh nah cut-aff dem Afro village cazz you scare looting and bunnin', soa wah alyuh do, cut abie coolie. Alyuh expec abie coolie muss always tie abie belly so adda people nah get mad and loot and bun down. Now abie Coolie seh, no moo rass, leh dem people you give jab, road and electricity goa vote foa alyuh.

Now alyuh gwan soa.

The Aryan Nation asks that U reapply fuh membership . . . dis time, dey seh fuh put on mo pancake makeup to cover up yu blackness in de application pictcha.

Meanwhile, keep practicin yu hood & sheet dance . . . and doan forget to wash wha anda de stink panty, arrite

Yea, mi grand fadda was Aryan from Kashmir, soa mi keepin' up da ole man traditian Wink

Yu lie . . . blackface dalit dogshit!

Bai, if datt ole man was alive and mi tell e', he wodda cut out yuh black balls an' feed it to dem coolie rice eatah daggs.

. . . meanwhile, dem KKK bais send word dat u still too black . . . sorry
Originally posted by redux:

The Aryan Nation asks that U reapply fuh membership . . . dis time, dey seh fuh put on mo pancake makeup to cover up yu blackness in de application pictcha.

Meanwhile, keep practicin yu hood & sheet dance . . . and doan forget to wash wha anda de stink panty, arrite

No. That is not his problem. Sledge is one of those weak, and skinny, emasculated Indo men who worships, and fears and also hates Afro men as he feels inferior, and weak and emasculated. He imagines himself in all sorts of S&M activities with them when usually they ignore him a sthey have better things to do.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by redux:

The Aryan Nation asks that U reapply fuh membership . . . dis time, dey seh fuh put on mo pancake makeup to cover up yu blackness in de application pictcha.

Meanwhile, keep practicin yu hood & sheet dance . . . and doan forget to wash wha anda de stink panty, arrite

No. That is not his problem. Sledge is one of those weak, and skinny, emasculated Indo men who worships, and fears and also hates Afro men as he feels inferior, and weak and emasculated. He imagines himself in all sorts of S&M activities with them when usually they ignore him a sthey have better things to do.

Ooww, Suru and Duru, biagan and baigani, how nah bais? Nah get overly excited about me and mi bady, you see ma lil coolie wife and dougla gyaal nah complain. Now goa big up yall self and play wid mattie.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
I was just on the phone with a contact and there is another blackout in New Amsterdam.

It was the same thing since I passed there in 1975. Burnham was in power then. You telling me that the PPP has not managed to improve things?
It doesn't matter who is in power. Just give power to the people.

People reading and studying for exams by candle light in 2012.

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