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alena06 posted:

What will arming our teachers accomplish?  This one beats it all...I guess buy more guns to arm our teachers so the gun manufacturers have more sales.

Taught have been around for a some time.  It ain’t going to fly. It’s the NRA position but I doubt trump will stick with that position.  Common sense will prevail.  Trump will upset the nra apple cart. 


They reported last night that the armed Resource Officer stayed outside the school for some 5 minutes while they mayhem was taking place inside. My guess is that he figured that he was outnumbered by the assault rifle. So how does that work with Frump’s half brain idea of teachers carrying arms. Whose gun will be bigger? The sensible solution is to start reducing the number of guns in Americans possession starting with the larger guns. 

ksazma posted:

They reported last night that the armed Resource Officer stayed outside the school for some 5 minutes while they mayhem was taking place inside. My guess is that he figured that he was outnumbered by the assault rifle. So how does that work with Frump’s half brain idea of teachers carrying arms. Whose gun will be bigger? The sensible solution is to start reducing the number of guns in Americans possession starting with the larger guns. 

That banna is a coward.  Them like shoot down unarmed Black people but run from the real thing. 

Trump, as a civilian, supported a ban.  He is now caught in the political tug-of-war.  He will eventually come up with a reasonable proposal based on the various competing interests and his personal conviction on the issue!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

They reported last night that the armed Resource Officer stayed outside the school for some 5 minutes while they mayhem was taking place inside. My guess is that he figured that he was outnumbered by the assault rifle. So how does that work with Frump’s half brain idea of teachers carrying arms. Whose gun will be bigger? The sensible solution is to start reducing the number of guns in Americans possession starting with the larger guns. 

That banna is a coward.  Them like shoot down unarmed Black people but run from the real thing. 

Trump, as a civilian, supported a ban.  He is now caught in the political tug-of-war.  He will eventually come up with a reasonable proposal based on the various competing interests and his personal conviction on the issue!

Trump has no convictions...he just throw mud on the wall and goes the way the idiots who voted for him feel

He says one thing and does clue, just guided by his backers

cain posted:

Schools should lock their doors once classes begin then a thorough check to make sure no one other than students and teachers are in the building.

I can just imagine a teacher shooting someone and killing them, they could be scarred for life.

Not a good idea Cainman. Locked doors are a trap during a fire. The best solution is still a reduction of guns especially massively deadly ones. Have you noticed that you can’t buy sulphuric insecticide anyone. They removed it from retail stores after 911. Wonder why? Exactly. Therefore they should do the same with these deadly guns. This obsession with guns is misguided. There are many other countries in the world where their citizens are not suspicious of their government taking away their freedoms. I thought we in the US had the government least interested in taking away their citizens’ freedoms.


Trump is shaping up to be one of the most successful president the USA has ever had.  Not surprised he is reviled on this board.  Guyanese admire losers for leaders and our winners are the lesser losers vs greater losers.  That’s why Guyana remains a basket-case where success or failure is defined as whether Guyana is ahead or behind Haiti on the totem pole of human misery!

That’s the Guyana story and alyuh reflect it!

Baseman posted:

Trump is shaping up to be one of the most successful president the USA has ever had.  Not surprised he is reviled on this board.  Guyanese admire losers for leaders and our winners are the lesser losers vs greater losers.  That’s why Guyana remains a basket-case where success or failure is defined as whether Guyana is ahead or behind Haiti on the totem pole of human misery!

That’s the Guyana story and alyuh reflect it!

America has been a success way way before Trump...Obama set the stage nice for the economy

Last edited by Former Member
Riff posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is shaping up to be one of the most successful president the USA has ever had.  Not surprised he is reviled on this board.  Guyanese admire losers for leaders and our winners are the lesser losers vs greater losers.  That’s why Guyana remains a basket-case where success or failure is defined as whether Guyana is ahead or behind Haiti on the totem pole of human misery!

That’s the Guyana story and alyuh reflect it!

America has been a success way way before Trump...Obama set the stage nice for the economy

Alyuh gon still be saying that in 2024!

Baseman posted:

Trump is shaping up to be one of the most successful president the USA has ever had.  Not surprised he is reviled on this board.  Guyanese admire losers for leaders and our winners are the lesser losers vs greater losers.  That’s why Guyana remains a basket-case where success or failure is defined as whether Guyana is ahead or behind Haiti on the totem pole of human misery!

That’s the Guyana story and alyuh reflect it!

Successful? The clown has had to let go of more people than you can count in your entire family. And that is only in the last 12 months. Mueller filed some more charges against Manaford and Gates tonight. The 32 indictments yesterday were not enough. And the ones tonight stretches from 2016 to early 2017. Like I said before, time is longer than twine. 


Trump should come out and say he was just looking into all possibilities and feedback before making any commitment to school safety. He should also apologize to all teachers who felt that guns should not be in schools or in the hands of teachers. 

With a little bonus, he should send specially made black cakes and ginger beer for the entire school in Florida. Lol

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is shaping up to be one of the most successful president the USA has ever had.  Not surprised he is reviled on this board.  Guyanese admire losers for leaders and our winners are the lesser losers vs greater losers.  That’s why Guyana remains a basket-case where success or failure is defined as whether Guyana is ahead or behind Haiti on the totem pole of human misery!

That’s the Guyana story and alyuh reflect it!

Successful? The clown has had to let go of more people than you can count in your entire family. And that is only in the last 12 months. Mueller filed some more charges against Manaford and Gates tonight. The 32 indictments yesterday were not enough. And the ones tonight stretches from 2016 to early 2017. Like I said before, time is longer than twine. 

Datt is Manafort prablem, not Trump’s. The issues relate to years old transactions and non-disclosure of foreign accounts as required be FBNR!

And dem chose Verginia as the jurisdiction.  Clever!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump should try Ramjattan Gun buy back program.  That was successful, wasn't it?

In the end it should be a state by state issue.  Nothing stopping states from passing all the laws they are asking the federal Gov’t to do!

States passing gun laws do not have a way to stop the transportation of guns from other less strict gun laws states. Federal laws are needed for crimes that cross state lines.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump should try Ramjattan Gun buy back program.  That was successful, wasn't it?

In the end it should be a state by state issue.  Nothing stopping states from passing all the laws they are asking the federal Gov’t to do!

States passing gun laws do not have a way to stop the transportation of guns from other less strict gun laws states. Federal laws are needed for crimes that cross state lines.

It does, then the states could set rules.  Most guns involved in these mass shootings were legally obtained under today’s rules. Most illegal gun owners are involved in crime and not mass murder!

The states could do a lot more to control proliferation of legal guns!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

the highly trained, armed POLICEMAN at the scene didn't want no part of the shooter

he stayed outside!

Trump now call him coward and want to give the teachers guns

oh sh!t, wait, wait, wait

I’m sure he would be all man and brave and ready to take out some lil black kid walking with his hands in his pockets.  

It was not only him but the three others who arrived and hid behind their cars!


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