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In a much expected speech President Cristina Fernandez announced a further escalation of the Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty diplomatic dispute with the UK including formal ‘militarization’ complaints before the United Nations, a personal attendance with a delegation from all parties next June 14 to the UN decolonization committee and called on PM David Cameron to “give peace a chance”

The Tuesday evening speech on national television and before a packed Casa Rosada started with the reading of the decree that declassifies the Rattenbach report on the Falklands/Malvinas conflict which was ordered by the military Junta following the June 1982 defeat.

The report by the respected General Benjamin Rattenbach never saw public light in its original version since it was amended and deleted to lessen responsibilities of the generals, admirals and brigadiers involved in the invasion. Cristina Fernandez announced a committee will report to the president in thirty days to ensure there is no harming information for national security and then it will be made fully public.

“This will show that the full responsibility of the military adventure was a spurious military Junta, not the Argentine people; the Junta was the war monger, not the people in spite of circumstantial support for the events of 1982”, said the Argentine president, who emphasized the Malvinas cause is no longer only Argentine, “it has become a continental cause, a South American cause”.

This will show those who beat the war drums that the Argentine people, the 40 million Argentines, as a sovereign nation and in democracy have decided to claim the Malvinas Islands through peaceful and diplomatic means.

Following Cristina Fernandez announced Argentina would be filing a formal complaint before the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council over the militarization of the South Atlantic.

The complaints come in response to the recent announced deployment of a super state of the art ‘destroyer’ and the arrival of Prince Williams, heir of the British throne in a military uniform, “whom we would have preferred to see in civilian attire”.

“We will present a complaint to the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, as this militarization poses a grave danger to international security” she said adding that “we cannot interpret in any other way the deployment of an ultra-modern destroyer accompanying the heir to the throne, who we would prefer to see in civilian attire.”

The Argentine president made the announcements in a ceremony surrounded by Vice-President Amado Boudou, Cabinet Chief Juan Manuel Abal Medina, ministers, top officials and opposition members as well as umbrella union boss Hugo Moyano, Malvinas wars veterans and human rights activists.

Cristina Fernandez then recalled that next January (2013) will the 180th anniversary of the expulsion from the Malvinas by the British of a settlement of Argentines, including a gaucho by the name of Riveros, who back in the continent was involved in several important battles for the unification of Argentina.

And to press this point CFK announced she would be presenting, together with a delegation from the whole political spectrum, before the UN Decolonization Committee next June 14, Argentina’s case in support of sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands.

Finally she urged British Prime Minister David Cameron “to give peace a chance” and engage in bilateral discussions about the future of the Malvinas Islands as mandated by the UN.

“I would like to ask British Prime Minister David Cameron to give peace a chance,” she said.

“Don't expect us to deal with this outside of politics or diplomacy. It's not going to happen. We've suffered too much. We don't like weapons or war,” she added.

On a more domestic issue, the Argentine president said a Malvinas Veterans hospital for the mentally ill because of the consequences of war will be inaugurated in a former military compound.

“Veterans have been asking for this for almost thirty years, in the meantime over 400 veterans committed suicide; let’s hope this hospital will give them the medical attention and care to those who offered their lives: honour and glory to them”.

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ARGENTINA WILL HAVE TO TAKE THE ISLANDS BACK BY FORCE. There is no way the international organisations, which most of them are manipulated by the British, will do Argentina any justice.

DEATH to the empire. The islands are South American.

Falkland Islands newspaper calls Cristina Fernández de Kirchner a b1tch
Thousands of complaints after insult that followed Fernández accusing Britain of militarising south Atlantic islands
*       Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent, and Uki Goni in Buenos Aires
*, Wednesday 8 February 2012 23.09 EST

The Falkland Islands newspaper the Penguin News has triggered uproar on Argentinian social networks by calling President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner a b1tch.
The newspaper's website uploaded a photo of Fernández briefly using the insult as a file name on Wednesday, a day after she accused Britain of militarising the south Atlantic islands.
The word triggered an immediate avalanche of complaints and abuse from Argentinians, reflecting heightened sensitivity towards the archipelago in the runup to the 30th anniversary of the war with Britain.
The Buenos Aires daily La Nacion said the word, "perra" in Spanish, was a strong "anglo-saxon term ... signifying disrespect". Within hours more than 2,000 readers responded with comments, many vitriolic.
The Penguin News, which is printed weekly and online updated daily, usually has a tiny readership - the islands have a population of 3,000 - but the escalating diplomatic row between London and Buenos Aires has in recent weeks attracted many readers in Argentina, which calls the islands Las Malvinas and asserts ownership.
To illustrate a story about Fernández's speech on Tuesday it uploaded a photograph of the president with the offending word. Those who saved the image found that the default file name was "b1tch".
Challenged by an Argentinian on her Twitter feed the editor, Lisa Watson, replied: "emmm oops - not now you'll find." The word was removed. Watson referred to colleagues' "dry humour". By then however the page had been saved and posted on multiple websites, prompting online fury.
The editor's Twitter feed reflected angry and often vicious hate messages. Penguin staff did not reply to emails or phone calls last night but last week, before the controversy, Watson told the Guardian she had been receiving abusive messages for weeks.
"I receive threats and insults via our work email address and on Twitter. The threats I try not to take seriously, particularly as the individuals tend to sign their name and even offer 'besos' (kisses) after claiming they are coming to the Falklands and their first task will be to kill me. Mainly I am referred to as a prostitute, liar, thief and pirate, other words I really wouldn't like to mention."
She did not keep such emails, she said. "I read and delete immediately because it's not something you want to keep as a souvenir, but one said 'Die you decadence wh0re', others say things like 'I am coming to the Malvinas so walk softly because I will find you.'"
She did not take them seriously. "I assume it is simply people momentarily angry because they have read something in their newspaper about the islands - I suppose we all feel like that sometimes but threatening to kill me seems a little extreme."
Watson said she was more upset about random calls to islanders. "It's intimidating to be woken in the night to someone shouting at you in Spanish."
Nevertheless she said it was important to have dialogue. "I have no objection to chatting and debating with Argentines. My reason for doing so is in the hope they will see us as a people with our own culture and our own thoughts. I live in hope that they will understand we are not 'British imperialists' but a population that has struggled to develop this little country and deserve to be allowed to live in peace.
"I should say that I also receive many messages of support from Argentines or messages from people who do not agree with my point of view but want to offer kind thoughts anyway."
Henry, I hope that you are not in the pay of the (R.E.I.H.C.O) RACIST EXPANSIONIST IMPERIALIST HAN CHINESE OUTFIT disguising itself as the Communist Party. Because eventually they will put two kicks in you when they finish using you.
I find it deeply embarrassing, given the history of Guyana and the heroic sacrifices that Guyanese statesmen and stateswomen made to break free from the Empire, that some persons here still feel compelled to lick British boots, or other things British.
Giving the history of Guyana, you should be embarrassed to learn what Burnham did to your country and its citizen. We gain independence to be treated like pigs, worst than what the British did to us. Many countries in Africa gain independence and the entire continent is going through hell and judgement day is not yet reach. Let's kicked out the colonialist and replace them with dictatorship. It that a fair trade? I stand with the British and I'll put them over any dictator government.
Ignoramus. Burnham was a British project; he was used to sabotage the PPP, the party of independence, and artificially divide the nation along racial lines, the standard British tactic.
The LIMEY DOGS has Guyana where it is today. Before those DOGS Afros and Indians used to eat from the same Plate and drink from the same cup. Look out for each other. But those DOGS engineered HATE, DISTRUST and ENVY among us!!!
Originally posted by Henry:
Ignoramus. Burnham was a British project; he was used to sabotage the PPP, the party of independence, and artificially divide the nation along racial lines, the standard British tactic.

Cyar yuh rass, if abie coolie bin gatt wan leader laka da man, coolie nah bin get kik fa 28 years. Da Burnham man put food ah he mattie black peeple mouth but dem always bin spit am out and luky he gi abie coolies lil leff leff, but dah keep abie belly ok. Poo Burnham, da man try he best but black peeple ga baad stomach fa good ting.
The Indian elite business class benefited the most from Burnham's rule he basically eliminated their competition for them then he made the Afro-Guyanese more dependant consumers of the Indian business elite. He also enabled small scale Indian business men/women to move into being medium scale business men of today because he banned essential food supplies thus enabling the small Indian business men to earn large profits from smuggling these products into Guyana thereby ensuring they established themselves as middle class business men.
Trying to calculate which ethnic group benefited under Burnham's rule is simply evading the issue. The whole nation suffered under Burnham, the PPP was ripped apart, and the British were laughing.
Look at the elite Indian business class of today did they suffer under Burnham hell no. You are telling me Toolsie, Beharry, Kisson etc suffered under Burnham. Look at the Shivraj family and Gafoor they establish themselves from small business under Burnham rule into a medium size business. Your argument does not reflect reality.
Originally posted by Henry:
Trying to calculate which ethnic group benefited under Burnham's rule is simply evading the issue. The whole nation suffered under Burnham, the PPP was ripped apart, and the British were laughing.

Dem balck bai geh put pon tap but keep slipping.
Originally posted by Henry:
Trying to calculate which ethnic group benefited under Burnham's rule is simply evading the issue. The whole nation suffered under Burnham, the PPP was ripped apart, and the British were laughing.

I do agree with you. Burnham played the Jagans and the PPP leadership like a Stradivarius violin and the poor people suffered for food.
Cristina has made it clear that her government has no military option on the table. They are putting on pressure diplomatically, with some success. The Brits, however, need a war, whether in the south Atlantic or with Russia and China, they really don't care. It's like in the 1930s -- for those countries that refuse to abandon a failed economic policy, war seems the only way to stay on top of the situation.

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