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Armed bandits unleash vicious attack on Better Hope, ECD businesswoman – in attempt to steal her car


By Michel Outridge, October 27, 2015, Souirce


BUSINESSWOMAN Nirvona Boodhoo reached home from work in the wee hours of Monday, and had just parked her car, PLL 4164, outside her home at Lot 188 Phulwarie Street, Better Hope, East Coast Demerara when three men accosted her and demanded the keys to her vehicle.Screaming with fear, she threw the keys in her yard, and this infuriated the bandits, one of whom proceeded to give her a vicious beating in the face and head with a gun.


Boodhoo told this newspaper that as she screamed in pain and agony at the merciless blows that were being rained on her, the bandit “told me to stop screaming!” while his accomplice “told him to shut me up or shoot me!”

One of the bandits told her: “Bitch, you threw away the car keys; you want me to shoot you?”


She related that one of her sisters heard her screams and got out of bed to see what was happening. When she saw what was transpiring, she also started to scream from inside the house, and this aroused neighbours and caused the bandits to flee in their waiting silver and gold car which was parked some distance away in the street. That very car was circling the property before Boodhoo drove to Sparendaam Police Station to lodge a report, and also to the GPHC and then to the Woodlands Hospital.


Boodhoo explained that although the bandits did not succeed in stealing her vehicle, they were able to ransack the car and relieve her of $100,000 in cash, apart from three cell phones, one of which is not activated. She said she received more than five telling blows during the ordeal, which left her with injuries that required stitches. This was done at the Woodlands Hospital after she had been given the ‘royal runaround’ at the Georgetown Public Hospital, although she was covered in blood.


Boodhoo said the experience has left her very terrified, and her terror is exacerbated because Sunday marked the one-year death anniversary of her late husband.


Police reported that at 00:45 hrs on October 24, 2015, three men, two of whom were armed with handguns, robbed and injured Nirvona Boodhoo, 36, a businesswoman of 188 Phulwarie Street, Better Hope, ECD.


“Investigations reveal that the victim was about to enter her yard in her motor car, PLL 4164, when she was confronted by the men, who relieved her of Gy$100,000 and three cell phones.


“The men then attempted to steal her vehicle, but she threw away the car keys and made an alarm. At that stage, one of the men then struck the victim several times about her head and face with a firearm, after which they made good their escape”.


No arrest has as yet been made, but investigations are in progress.


By Michel Outridge

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nirvona Boodhoo, when she went to seek medical attention following the armed robbery outside her house in the wee hours of Monday morning [Rabindra Rooplall photos)

Nirvona Boodhoo, when she went to seek medical attention following the armed robbery outside her house in the wee hours of Monday morning (Rabindra Rooplall photos)

Indo Guyanese wil have to fight back against this new state of ethnic cleansing in Guyana.

“The men then attempted to steal her vehicle, but she threw away the car keys and made an alarm. At that stage, one of the men then struck the victim several times about her head and face with a firearm, after which they made good their escape”.


No arrest has as yet been made, but investigations are in progress.


Armed bandits unleash vicious attack on Better Hope, ECD businesswoman – in attempt to steal her car, By Michel Outridge, October 27, 2015, Souirce

Perhaps like many others situations, no arrest will ever be made.


Granger gave freedom to criminals without telling the public about their crimes. More will be released for independence day 2016. The folks that supported this regime should bury their heads in shame. 


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