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In 1899 a group of Canadian industrialists, who had just built the electric tramway in Kingston, Jamaica, founded Demerara Electric Company in Montreal and purchased 14 open electric trams, with Westinghouse motors and Peckham trucks, from St. Louis Car Company in Missouri. The new cars were numbered 1-14. The photograph below was taken in Georgetown in 1900 [Street Railway Journal, New York, 6 April 1901, p. 417]:



Demerara Electric inaugurated its new tramway in Georgetown on 25 February 1901. Track gauge was "standard" 56 1/2 inches, the same as used by the country's pioneer steam railroad. The following picture, taken from the tower at Stabroek Market, shows one of the new electric cars on Croal Street. Note left-hand operation, British-style. The spire on the left belonged to Town Hall. The large building with three gables right center was the Court House [postcard, col. AM]:


DEC ordered another pair of trams about 1909, numbered 17 and 18, this time from Brush Electrical Engineering Company in Loughborough (near Nottingham), England. (Exact date of the Brush order is unknown; Brush records are lost.) In contrast to the St. Louis cars, which had eight benches, the Brush trams had nine, but lacked bulkheads. DEC built a new line south to Peter's Hall



Back in 1953, section of estates gat blowup, canefields put on blaze, ppl gat beatup, ppl gat blackmailed and threatened by letter writers.


Since that time, we bin blowing up, beating up, theifing up and a very few bin living it up.


We in alot of ways like middle-eastern ppl. Since Cain killed Abel, in that region, there isn't a day that go by that human blood is not spilled.


WE in Guiana have experienced a downward spiral since Cheddi announced his decision to support communism.


quote "WE in Guiana have experienced a downward spiral since Cheddi announced his decision to support communism." unquote


It is debatable, as some will point out that before Cheddi, there was logies (do you know what a logie is?) before Cheddi water for using in the logies was obtained from trenches, there was no electric lights, if you were sick, you were forced to go to work in the fields, to become a teacher one had to be converted to Christianity........Cheddi started the ball rolling by challenging Massa.  


When he obtained shared power and had formed the Government, the people then had piped water in their community, housing as in housing schemes, electric lights and more.


Life in GT was very different from the life in Logies.


As a child, Cheddie lived at Miss Pheobe and that was not a Logie Settlement. After High school, he went to GT and after GT, he went off to USA and after USA he came back to GT.


My point, Housing Schemes were around long before Cheddie was able to wipe his baxside.


And the masses moved out of logie settlements because the estate wanted the land for cultivation and the majority of new housing schemes were created when Jock Camphell saw the urgency for it. Cheddie was not able to pressure Bookers.


  How come the whole Carbbean where all Guyanese run to never had a had a Cheddi to "challange Massa" but are still better off than Guyana? Trinidad, Bardados, St Lucia, Antigua etc. had the same colonial "Massa" but did'nt had a Cheddi. Is it the lack of Cheddi cause them to be better off today so Guyanese can flock to their shores?

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

  How come the whole Carbbean where all Guyanese run to never had a had a Cheddi to "challange Massa" but are still better off than Guyana? Trinidad, Bardados, St Lucia, Antigua etc. had the same colonial "Massa" but did'nt had a Cheddi. Is it the lack of Cheddi cause them to be better off today so Guyanese can flock to their shores?

They never had the CIA support and install a Dictator in their country. Least you do not know your history.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:

  How come the whole Carbbean where all Guyanese run to never had a had a Cheddi to "challange Massa" but are still better off than Guyana? Trinidad, Bardados, St Lucia, Antigua etc. had the same colonial "Massa" but did'nt had a Cheddi. Is it the lack of Cheddi cause them to be better off today so Guyanese can flock to their shores?

They never had the CIA support and install a Dictator in their country. Least you do not know your history.

They never had to deal with CIA because they did'nt had a comunist sympatizer Cheddi. Check your "history"

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:

  How come the whole Carbbean where all Guyanese run to never had a had a Cheddi to "challange Massa" but are still better off than Guyana? Trinidad, Bardados, St Lucia, Antigua etc. had the same colonial "Massa" but did'nt had a Cheddi. Is it the lack of Cheddi cause them to be better off today so Guyanese can flock to their shores?

They never had the CIA support and install a Dictator in their country. Least you do not know your history.

They never had to deal with CIA because they did'nt had a comunist sympatizer Cheddi. Check your "history"

You are one confused man and cannot debate sensibly. Go drink some AFC snake oil.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Merika NEVER helped anyone. Merika is ONLY concerned with SELF INTEREST.

Since you hate "Merika" that much . . ., feel free to leave us [permanently] for the PPP paradise crafted by Jagdeo, Manny, Kwame, etc., where you can enjoy the hospitality of an expanding cohort of local catamites.

Originally Posted by Django:

When Cheddi was fighting massa,if he had requested America to support him you think he would have got the support? don't run away let us get

some answers from the political pundits.

The whole caribbean at the time of Cheddi was colonize and with no tourist industry at the time, Guyana was ahead and doing better than than most of the Caribbean. At the time of Cheddi Guyana was the only colony the Brits had to implement visa  to control the migration of Islanders to its shores.   


All the colonies were in poverty, Guyana/Cheddi was not the only one that needed help. Fact, Cheddi with the support of his commy witch decide to piss of the USA and decleared themselfs communist.

 "Political Pundits" can twist and turn all the want but the fact is Cheddi brought the wrath of the super power USA on the Guyanese people, caused his 28 years political exile which leave the people to worst dictor of the century Forbs Burnham..may these two useless souls Cheddi and Burnham wander in the endless cosmos forever....



Originally Posted by asj:

A Place that everyone visits, Stabroek Market Square: Circa: Some ninety years ago, Bullocks were king of the road then:

Blown up to a 16 x 12 hanging in a wonderful frame, seems to attrack a lots of attention, and then so many questions to be answered.








I do not doubt that in Guyana Indians have conquered; they over came a monumental 600 years curse as the bottom of the barrel in the society and definitive slaves of the upper class.


In Guyana, Indians of some 20 untouchable tribal heritage suddenly were able to breathe and become a fully operational human being with rights they never had.


Guyana's society was not the war zone. While it was no piece of cake it was a path to freedom at last, thank god almighty, freedom at last.


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