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Arrogance and power: The real legacy of the Jagdeo presidency

By Alissa Trotz

A few days ago I came across an article on CSME Network News, an online news resource that describes itself as compiling “the latest in political and business news from CARICOM member states.” The article in question, titled ‘Jagdeo says Guyana will have first dibs on his service after retirement,‘ had been taken from a Demerara Waves report on President Jagdeo’s press conference last week. It raised two significant issues that all Guyanese should bear in mind – at home and in the diaspora where political parties have already come looking for campaign funds in this election season.

The first relates to the President’s response to a question about his plans after the forthcoming national elections, where he apparently “said he has had a ‘huge‘ number of offers to work abroad and he is still to determine how he will relate to them because some of them are ‘quite lucrative.‘”

This is quite a remarkable disclosure. One wonders what a “lucrative” offer looks like next to the golden handshake that pensioner Jagdeo will receive from Guyanese.

One thing we know for sure is that unlike the vast majority of Guyanese pensioners who currently receive $7,500/month, President Jagdeo will not be going hand to mouth while he makes a decision about which of these “lucrative” offers he will take. Unlike other Guyanese pensioners, many of whom in the twilight of their lives are reduced to begging or scraping a living from whatever job they can find, 48-year-old pensioner Jagdeo can choose to take another paid job, for he does not have to lift a finger for the rest of his life. Literally, for he will have an unlimited supply of maids, security guards, gardeners, attendants, clerical and technical staff to do all this for him. The same legislators who have told Guyanese pensioners to make do with $250.00 a day because this is what the country can afford, are the ones who have guaranteed that President Jagdeo will enjoy the most vulgar and obscene pension entitlements that we have ever seen in this country. The head of the Presidential Secretariat would have us believe that this is a most reasonable arrangement, despite the fact that the Minister of Finance cannot tell the Guyanese taxpayers what the cost of footing this bill will be, since the Act that brought this legislation into existence does not put any limits on these entitlements. We know this makes no financial sense, so we need to ask ourselves what else is going on here, and whose interests is all this supposed to serve? The sky’s the limit, but only for this one soon to be pensioner.

At the press conference, the President was reported to clearly express his undying patriotism, and to say that “anything I can do to advance our wellbeing as a country, that’s a priority for me.” Perhaps he should let us know equally clearly if, after he takes one of these so-called “lucrative” offers, he intends to keep squatting on the massive golden egg that is the Guyanese taxpayers who have to bear the unconscionable burden of footing his pension bill. With election date announced yesterday, it is time for all those campaigning for Guyanese support – votes and campaign donations – to ask all political parties and candidates some questions. Given that President Jagdeo promised that “Guyana will always have first call on his time,” should the PPP win the election and Jagdeo return to public office (as PPP presidential candidate Donald Ramotar has publicly mused in the past), will the party guarantee right now that he will be required to give up his pension, like former heads are required to do in other Caribbean countries? More crucially, which of the parties will categorically agree that Guyana’s current provisions for presidential pensions (under which Jagdeo will be the first recipient at age 48), are a complete and utter eyepass to Guyanese taxpayers, and which of the parties will commit to revising this vulgar legislation?

The second issue relates to President Jagdeo’s reported comment that “It’s important that we are competitive with each other as elections should be, people should criticize each other. I think we’re fair game for criticism because we’ve been in government for a while and we haven’t been perfect but we believe our record is good compared to the other people we are contesting against.”

This is also a most remarkable statement, in light of the President shutting down CNS TV Channel Six for four months, effectively ensuring that they are off the air for the duration of the elections. As newspaper editorials and commentators to the media and on the streets at the public meetings have pointed out, this is not a matter of either defending the content of the programme that allegedly precipitated this decision, or defending Mr Sharma personally. Channel Six is already before the courts since Bishop Juan Edghill brought a motion against Anthony Vieira and C N Sharma.

At issue is the high-handedness of this decision, and its timing. Bishop Edghill’s motion was filed since May of this year, but the President has waited for close to five months, and on the eve of the elections, to take Channel Six off the air. Whose interests does this serve? The President declares that criticism is healthy for a functioning democracy and that his government is fair game, but if he is confident that his party will win the forthcoming elections on the basis of popularity and loyalty, why are he and his government trying so hard to ensure that they sew up the media so that only their views will be heard? The state media is unequivocally and unapologetically unrepresentative, serving as little more than an outlet for PPP propaganda. Communities like Linden are given no choice beyond NCN Linden. The Stabroek News editorial of Sunday October 9 noted that Channel Six has a dedicated following in communities that are considered the stronghold and property of the PPP, (this should not be underestimated as a major factor in the 4 month suspension handed to the station). It is worth repeating what the editorial points out, that “since at the moment there is no indication that the state media intend to provide equal access to the opposition, it means that Freedom House is attempting to ensure that the public hears only PPP voices.”

What we have then, is lipservice being given to the value of criticism, while in reality only unquestioning obedience to and uncritical support of this administration will do. The way it seems we are expected to get things done today is by grovelling and by fear; a common pattern, reflected even in the meeting that led to the 4 month suspension, is the seeking out of personal audiences with the President who grants favours that should be entitlements and takes them away because he can. This is the stuff these days of an executive presidency. This is the difference that the PPP promised 19 years after they came to power? What difference? There is a word for this presidential behaviour, hubris, which means excessive arrogance, especially when the one who is behaving in this obscene way occupies a position of great authority.

On September 16 a lavish appreciation ceremony was held for President Jagdeo at the National Stadium. And while organizers were quick to claim that this was all volunteer labour, state resources were heavily drawn on to bring off the event, from the participation of the armed forces to the extensive coverage of the state owned media. I am sure that for many it felt like déjà vu, reminding us of those ceremonial and public displays of loyalty to President Burnham. In the press conference last week President Jagdeo reportedly stated that “the people who live here are my people.” He may have wanted to communicate that he was of the people, a sufferer with the people, but it is hard not to read the use of the word “my” in another way, one that emphasizes who is really in control, and is prepared to exercise executive power to maintain that control. ‘My people’:

because I am on top and they belong to me. It’s hard not to see this when we look at the lavish farewell ceremony in which the state media make every effort in their coverage to show grateful people thanking ‘massa’; or when we consider the farewell presidential pension package the likes of which the country has never seen and that ‘my people’ will be paying for; or when we think of the decision to shut down criticism because only my people, who must be yes-people, will be allowed to speak.

There is a famous children’s story that my daughter recently performed on stage about the emperor who strutted about naked in front of “his” people because no-one dared to tell him that he was not wearing a new suit of clothes. It took one child to insist to the pompous emperor that he had nothing on. An online definition of hubris suggests that the over-confidence in one’s authority comes from having lost touch with reality. As we enter this election season, and long after the dust settles on it, we need to stand up, to become that child who speaks back to the emperor because she can, and because she must understand that she is the reality that cannot and will not be ignored, the reality that needs to be reckoned with.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Who made the pension rules?
Hoyte and his widow benefitted from it.
Why no one made this an issue until now?
Playing on the ignorant and envious side of Guyanese, especially the bums who don't want to do an honest day work.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Who made the pension rules?
Jagdeo and his buddy Corbin ram this Hog-tied Bill down the throat of Parliament

Hoyte and his widow benefitted from it.
Neither Hoyte his wife received $3MILLION/month. Not even $100,000, thee unlimited, maids, gardeners, security, vehicles, healthcare..etc.

Why no one made this an issue until now?
In 30 years it will end up costing the Guyanese taxpayers OVER $1BILLION...yes $1,000,000,000.

The man (BJ) got us US$ 70 million a year from Norway. What the heck is a 100k a year?? He will give back half in Charity. Do you Jagdeo do not how to drive a car or Ride a bicyle?? Big Grin The man got to get his learner permit. He will need lots of money.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Playing on the ignorant and envious side of Guyanese, especially the bums who don't want to do an honest day work.

Unlike other Guyanese pensioners, many of whom in the twilight of their lives are reduced to begging or scraping a living from whatever job they can find, 48-year-old pensioner Jagdeo can choose to take another paid job, for he does not have to lift a finger for the rest of his life.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The man (BJ) got us US$ 70 million a year from Norway. What the heck is a 100k a year?? He will give back half in Charity. Do you Jagdeo do not how to drive a car or Ride a bicyle?? Big Grin The man got to get his learner permit. He will need lots of money.

BRB, will he declare his world income, even though it may or may not be taxable?
A president who's arrogant and powerful is the kind of leader for stubborn and ungrateful Guyanese. He gave the people what they want, and he takes what he wants. You people are too fascinated with a ten percent party. Luckily, Mr. Ramotar missed out on one seat. He would have kicked some real asses PPP style.
There is a famous children’s story that my daughter recently performed on stage about the emperor who strutted about naked in front of “his” people because no-one dared to tell him that he was not wearing a new suit of clothes. It took one child to insist to the pompous emperor that he had nothing on. An online definition of hubris suggests that the over-confidence in one’s authority comes from having lost touch with reality. As we enter this election season, and long after the dust settles on it, we need to stand up, to become that child who speaks back to the emperor because she can, and because she must understand that she is the reality that cannot and will not be ignored, the reality that needs to be reckoned with.

Jagdeo made his share of mistakes. Being a young man when elected to the highest office of the land, meant that he dealt with some issue, especially those critical of him or his policies and decisions, in a less than Presidential manner. That said, the man did a lot for Guyana and Guyanese. The fact is Guyana and Guyanese is better off by a wide margin than when Jagdeo took office and by leaps and bounds since PPP gained power in 1992. You must have more than 'meh' in yuh eye not to see the development in Guyana. On another issue...Granger objected to Moses being Speaker because he was a former PPP. Then he turned around and voted for Trotman, even though Trots was a PNC. See yuh mistake. Under PNC, all not equal. Moses said that he would vote for a PPP budget if it's good for Guyana and then Trots got upset with Moses. So, Trots really saying that they should not vote for anything the PPP proposes even if it's good for Guyana. See yuh mistake Moses. It's not about what's good for Guyana, it's about who in power. But you shoula known this.. that PPP will neva change stripes.
Originally posted by Breado:
The fact is Guyana and Guyanese is better off by a wide margin than when Jagdeo took office and by leaps and bounds since PPP gained power in 1992.
Better for a few cronies. Tens of thousands of people fled Guyana since 1992. The new Govt and new Parliament should slow the massive corruption that was prevalent in Guyana.

The Guyanese people won!!!
Originally posted by Breado:
Jagdeo made his share of mistakes. Being a young man when elected to the highest office of the land, meant that he dealt with some issue, especially those critical of him or his policies and decisions, in a less than Presidential manner. That said, the man did a lot for Guyana and Guyanese. The fact is Guyana and Guyanese is better off by a wide margin than when Jagdeo took office and by leaps and bounds since PPP gained power in 1992. You must have more than 'meh' in yuh eye not to see the development in Guyana. On another issue...Granger objected to Moses being Speaker because he was a former PPP. Then he turned around and voted for Trotman, even though Trots was a PNC. See yuh mistake. Under PNC, all not equal. Moses said that he would vote for a PPP budget if it's good for Guyana and then Trots got upset with Moses. So, Trots really saying that they should not vote for anything the PPP proposes even if it's good for Guyana. See yuh mistake Moses. It's not about what's good for Guyana, it's about who in power. But you shoula known this.. that PPP will neva change stripes.

Well said, Breado! I only hope some of them on GNI is taking notes.
At the press conference, the President was reported to clearly express his undying patriotism, and to say that “anything I can do to advance our wellbeing as a country, that’s a priority for me.” Perhaps he should let us know equally clearly if, after he takes one of these so-called “lucrative” offers, he intends to keep squatting on the massive golden egg that is the Guyanese taxpayers who have to bear the unconscionable burden of footing his pension bill.

Originally posted by Breado:
Jagdeo made his share of mistakes. Being a young man when elected to the highest office of the land, meant that he dealt with some issue, especially those critical of him or his policies and decisions, in a less than Presidential manner. That said, the man did a lot for Guyana and Guyanese. The fact is Guyana and Guyanese is better off by a wide margin than when Jagdeo took office and by leaps and bounds since PPP gained power in 1992. You must have more than 'meh' in yuh eye not to see the development in Guyana. On another issue...Granger objected to Moses being Speaker because he was a former PPP. Then he turned around and voted for Trotman, even though Trots was a PNC. See yuh mistake. Under PNC, all not equal. Moses said that he would vote for a PPP budget if it's good for Guyana and then Trots got upset with Moses. So, Trots really saying that they should not vote for anything the PPP proposes even if it's good for Guyana. See yuh mistake Moses. It's not about what's good for Guyana, it's about who in power. But you shoula known this.. that PPP will neva change stripes.

Datt man BJ had a tough situation to deal wid. If alyuh bin deh hay you cyan undastaan. Dem Afros went aff pon anada coolie killing spree and tink dem gon get di same results as in 1964. Di man was young and dem tink he gon buckle, but dem mek a big mis-calc and gatt popped. BJ aint di most popular man, but like hell he was di rite man at di time. All alyuh who like criticize di maan, you can nevva do watt da man did. Alyuh bin run and begg Carbin foa mercy and gi da PNC di powah dem was looking fa. Alyuh coolies bettah pay homage to BJ and Gajraj for keeping nuff nuff coolies and da democracy alive donk hay.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Breado:
Jagdeo made his share of mistakes. Being a young man when elected to the highest office of the land, meant that he dealt with some issue, especially those critical of him or his policies and decisions, in a less than Presidential manner. That said, the man did a lot for Guyana and Guyanese. The fact is Guyana and Guyanese is better off by a wide margin than when Jagdeo took office and by leaps and bounds since PPP gained power in 1992. You must have more than 'meh' in yuh eye not to see the development in Guyana. On another issue...Granger objected to Moses being Speaker because he was a former PPP. Then he turned around and voted for Trotman, even though Trots was a PNC. See yuh mistake. Under PNC, all not equal. Moses said that he would vote for a PPP budget if it's good for Guyana and then Trots got upset with Moses. So, Trots really saying that they should not vote for anything the PPP proposes even if it's good for Guyana. See yuh mistake Moses. It's not about what's good for Guyana, it's about who in power. But you shoula known this.. that PPP will neva change stripes.

Datt man BJ had a tough situation to deal wid. If alyuh bin deh hay you cyan undastaan. Dem Afros went aff pon anada coolie killing spree and tink dem gon get di same results as in 1964. Di man was young and dem tink he gon buckle, but dem mek a big mis-calc and gatt popped. BJ aint di most popular man, but like hell he was di rite man at di time. All alyuh who like criticize di maan, you can nevva do watt da man did. Alyuh bin run and begg Carbin foa mercy and gi da PNC di powah dem was looking fa. Alyuh coolies bettah pay homage to BJ and Gajraj for keeping nuff nuff coolies and da democracy alive donk hay.

BJ is the first Indian leader to stand up toe to toe with the PNC thugs and gave then a sweet dose of their medicine.

PNC is bitter but BJ is the type of leader who do not tolerate PNC thugs. He put everyone of PNC thug in their place.

Kudos for bravery. Stand up for your rights. No more PNC thugs around. They are shaking in their boots.

Moses is also standing toe to toe against the PNC thugs with their sidekick Trotman in parliament.

Kudos for bravery.
There is a famous children’s story that my daughter recently performed on stage about the emperor who strutted about naked in front of “his” people because no-one dared to tell him that he was not wearing a new suit of clothes. It took one child to insist to the pompous emperor that he had nothing on. An online definition of hubris suggests that the over-confidence in one’s authority comes from having lost touch with reality. As we enter this election season, and long after the dust settles on it, we need to stand up, to become that child who speaks back to the emperor because she can, and because she must understand that she is the reality that cannot and will not be ignored, the reality that needs to be reckoned with.

If this emperor was on a horse, I would say is Burnham! Big Grin
On September 16 a lavish appreciation ceremony was held for President Jagdeo at the National Stadium. And while organizers were quick to claim that this was all volunteer labour, state resources were heavily drawn on to bring off the event, from the participation of the armed forces to the extensive coverage of the state owned media. I am sure that for many it felt like déjà vu, reminding us of those ceremonial and public displays of loyalty to President Burnham.

déjà vu! Roll Eyes

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