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The WPA was expecting dem friends to be handsomely rewarded with some well paid cosy jobs, just like how the PPP used to do.Notice how the biggest shouters are all black folks. But Granger said already that nepotism is dead under his watch. So now the WPA looking to pick a fight in the hope that Granger will silence them with some $$ stuffed down their throat. You know the saying: keep your friends close, but your enemy closer. Like the WPA nah hear that Granger making space in prison. He is looking to release 60 people. He never said what race they'll be from. That means he'll have 60 vacant spots that can be filled with trouble makers of any race. 


Come on, Mr. T, the article did say that Christopher Ram criticized them. Also, he did appoint 26 ministersand 4 Vice Presidents. Are some of these not jobs for those who supported him. Please be reminded that he campaigned on reducing the number of ministries. Also, I am cautious of the source the Times. The concern expressed most in the article seems to be on the decision-making process and not so much on the decisions made. 



From what I understand there are fewere appointments made then there were under Jagdeo and Ramotar. But we also have to consider what these appointments are meant to be for. In the PPP one person could hold a whole section of government to ransom. Sooba is a typical example, but not the only one. Ashni and many others were were in a similar mold. Total  control without oversight. Granger seems to have devised his own pan on how to override deliberate bottlenecks in government.


People want to know what some of these ministries are all about.  Given that they are funded by the taxpayers, they are owed an explanation.


This top down semi autocratic way that Guyanese gov'ts have traditionally govern has to stop.  It is embarrassing that moves are made and even entities within the coalition government aren't informed.


David Hinds has an independent career and I feel confident isn't interested in any job with this new gov't.  He loves the freedom to say what he likes, and that wouldn't happen if he gets some job.


I am sure that once the smoke has cleared then things will be explained and made obvious. But it is only a few days ago when the election was held. The man asked for 100 days to construct the foundation. You can't expect him to hold a speech to explain his move every time he shifts a stone in place. No builder does that. You have to judge the house upon completion, not by where the building material came from or who went to fetch it.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am sure that once the smoke has cleared then things will be explained and made obvious. But it is only a few days ago when the election was held. The man asked for 100 days to construct the foundation. You can't expect him to hold a speech to explain his move every time he shifts a stone in place. No builder does that. You have to judge the house upon completion, not by where the building material came from or who went to fetch it.

Well it turns out that these new ministries cannot function, because they have no budget.  So that is reason alone for there to have been less haste in making these radical changes.


What is the Ministry of Social Cohesion?  And do the Ministries of Governance and Citizenship need to be stand alone?  That should have been explained upfront to the people who are footing the bill.


Note something.  Granger doesn't own Guyana.  He is like the contractor, and the contractor CANNOT make major decisions without informing the owner of the building.


So yes when he makes major decisions which involve taxpayers' money he is obligated to offer an explanation.

Last edited by Former Member

As Granger said, the budget will be presented in the next 60 days. You can't allocate a budget unless you know how much money you got in the kitty or expect to collect from taxes etc. That's standard business practice. What you seem to suggest is that the departments should be told how much they have to spend, before the financial state of the country is established. That's how companies go out of business.

At the same token, you can't wait till the financial side is sorted out before you then set up the structure. You need some sort of structure in place before you can even look into the financial state of the country.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

As Granger said, the budget will be presented in the next 60 days. You can't allocate a budget unless you know how much money you got in the kitty or expect to collect from taxes etc..

So why then make radical changes in the structure of the ministries, especially without telling people about your thinking behind it.


Now there is the embarrassment of even some members of the coalition claiming that they weren't informed.


Given that the transition will ne difficult, and each day provides additional evidence of the extent to which the PPP raided the treasury and how impoverished Guyanese really are, one would have expected greater caution.


It just smells of building ministries to reward certain people.


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