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ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Vish - did he really go to QC?  Or he only a tell abbey dat?  He nah seem to be the QC kind to me.

QC don't always have the brightest and the brightest don't always come from QC.  I mean look at BJ.  Very few QCites could class with him.  In fact seems many despise him because of just that!!

Hey Basement man......make like a dry leaf and fly away.....

Nuh, I gon make like a fly on the wall and watch Bibi swat you all over!!'re a fly and Bibi has the swat....what an image this conjures up. Hehe

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Admins have a thankless job to do here.  And they are doing the best they can.  Kari why didn't you post this thread a year ago when people like you, Jalil, and others were screaming death to Jagdeo and other demonic rants against people?  It's interesting how self serving this has become to you and some of the haters on here.

And if you are not proud of GNI - get out!!  There are other BBs that would welcome you.

Kari NEVER screamed death to Jagdeo.

While he and I argue he never reduces himself to such low level rants like you and the rest of your brown KKK.  He presents facts.  I might disagree with his analysis of the facts, but he argues based on facts.

You resent the fact that Kari is an Indian who left the PPP plantation.

Kari never left the PPP plantation.  He spit.  He didn't swallow.

Bibi getting pornographic.....hehe



And of course the other threads are closed.

Here is the deal. In 1992 PPP supporters screamed "liberation" and then "ahbe pan tap, black man time done".

Now they express shock that when the PPP loses, those who they marginalized behave in a similar manner.

I suggest that the brown KKK establish a fund to pay for the repatriation of those Indians who object to living in a country where 50% of the population is either African, or of partial African descent.   If we blacks are so evil, why stay. 

Guyana is multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious. You CANNOT stay in your ethnic bubble, dominating every one else as you did during the PPPs 23 years.  D2 warned of this, and the brown KKK ridiculed him, using vile bigoted language as they did so.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Admins have a thankless job to do here.  And they are doing the best they can.  Kari why didn't you post this thread a year ago when people like you, Jalil, and others were screaming death to Jagdeo and other demonic rants against people?  It's interesting how self serving this has become to you and some of the haters on here.

And if you are not proud of GNI - get out!!  There are other BBs that would welcome you.

Kari NEVER screamed death to Jagdeo.

While he and I argue he never reduces himself to such low level rants like you and the rest of your brown KKK.  He presents facts.  I might disagree with his analysis of the facts, but he argues based on facts.

You resent the fact that Kari is an Indian who left the PPP plantation.

Kari never left the PPP plantation.  He spit.  He didn't swallow.

Bibi getting pornographic.....hehe


I guess Jagdeo rejected her advances, so she has resumed stalking you.

caribny posted:

And of course the other threads are closed.

Here is the deal. In 1992 PPP supporters screamed "liberation" and then "ahbe pan tap, black man time done".

Now they express shock that when the PPP loses, those who they marginalized behave in a similar manner.

I suggest that the brown KKK establish a fund to pay for the repatriation of those Indians who object to living in a country where 50% of the population is either African, or of partial African descent.   If we blacks are so evil, why stay. 

Guyana is multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious. You CANNOT stay in your ethnic bubble, dominating every one else as you did during the PPPs 23 years.  D2 warned of this, and the brown KKK ridiculed him, using vile bigoted language as they did so.

Lie, in 1992 the sentiment among Indians was "return of democracy".  And yes, there were the few who went over board, but that was not the prevailing sentiment.  In fact, there were lots of T-shirts celebrating the return of true democracy!

Today the PNC cries liberation, return Guyana to the people, like it was a foreign occupation.

ba$eman posted:

Lie, in 1992 the sentiment among Indians was "return of democracy". 

And that meant removing blacks from almost all decision making situations.

You know if you want blacks to sympathize with your plight, you need to be equally open.

Jump and scream like a monkey that only blacks are to blame, and Indians will continue to be excluded every time blacks win an election. They too will focus only on their pain and be closed off to Indians.

Chief posted:
Vish M posted:

But Kari is a great fella to know.

He is no push over and intelligent, sharp and witty

Kari is definitely a decent and upright individual.

His political stance is fair and does not take sides. 

tHE PPP GNI crew does not like that hence their attack.

Oh lord, and look who talking!  Is like you have any credibility!


and Indians will continue to be excluded every time blacks win an election. They too will focus only on their pain and be closed off to Indians.


The man is absolutely correct. Many dont know the PNC, they are MONSTERS and that is how they live and rule. Some claim to know about Guyana, it's History and everything but unaware or ignorant of the Barbarians called PNC.  I have been RIGHT all along trying to educate Al YUh of the Sophia University IDIOTS!!!  I witnessed them in action, demonic, hostile, disrespectful, blatant Biases are all their best qualities!!!!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Lie, in 1992 the sentiment among Indians was "return of democracy". 

And that meant removing blacks from almost all decision making situations.

You know if you want blacks to sympathize with your plight, you need to be equally open.

Jump and scream like a monkey that only blacks are to blame, and Indians will continue to be excluded every time blacks win an election. They too will focus only on their pain and be closed off to Indians.

I doubt Guyana will survive as a state in its current form under the PNC!  So, alyuh might eventually save the celebration to Brooklyn!

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Every day East Indians of Guyana are being fired and dismissed from making their daily bread


And Africans faced similar exclusion, under the PPP, except for low level jobs that Indians didn't want.

YOUR point?

As to your culture. Please indicate a systematic drive by Africans to force Indians to transform their culture.

Here is a fact that your brain needs to work out. Guyana is a multi ethnic and multi cultural society. Each group impacts on the other. There are words in every day usage in Guyana which are derived from Hindu words that every Guyanese uses. In most instances completely ignorant of this.

Clearly Indians living in the Caribbean, have also undergone cultural transformation.  They live next door to non Indians, so are impacted by them. They have to negotiate their way in a multi ethnic society so must be adaptive.  

And I am willing to bet that this ability to negotiate their way in multi cultural societies like Trinidad and Guyana helps them when they arrive in NYC. It is a known fact that people raised in monolithic societies are less able to adjust as societies become diverse, than those who aren't.

So cease whining that some one is forcing you to get rid of your culture, or that you are culturally pure. Even India itself has the heavy stamp of British colonial influences, and is as impacted by the spread of US pop cultural as every where else. 

And of course in its pre colonial era India was impacted by many cultures, from the groups which arrived there 50,000 years ago from Africa, to the Central Asian groups who arrived not long before the British.

To be culturally monolithic is to be BORING. Just compare the blandness of Barbados with the cultural vibrancy of Trinidad.

Caribbeanj you are passing off artificial Englishman mimic as African culture. Keep promoting the slave master name. You called me a charter member of the kkk brown boy collective. Point out where I said a racist statement.


ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
Vish M posted:

But Kari is a great fella to know.

He is no push over and intelligent, sharp and witty

Kari is definitely a decent and upright individual.

His political stance is fair and does not take sides. 

tHE PPP GNI crew does not like that hence their attack.

Oh lord, and look who talking!  Is like you have any credibility!



who are referring to?

Vish M
Vish M posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
Vish M posted:

But Kari is a great fella to know.

He is no push over and intelligent, sharp and witty

Kari is definitely a decent and upright individual.

His political stance is fair and does not take sides. 

tHE PPP GNI crew does not like that hence their attack.

Oh lord, and look who talking!  Is like you have any credibility!


 who are referring to?

The handle to which I responded.  It was not you, I don't have a position on your handle!

And I do think Kari is a decent person, I was not commenting on that either!

ba$eman posted:

I doubt Guyana will survive as a state in its current form under the PNC!  So, alyuh might eventually save the celebration to Brooklyn!

Yes I know that you have this racist need to insist that Guyana will fail because a black supported government is in charge.

Guyana did quite well between 1964 and 1973.  In fact this is when there was the most rapid economic development, with heavy emphasis on infrastructure.  ESPECIALLY in the rural areas, as I guess the MMA means nothing to you.  Or rural electrification, and surfaced roads, instead of the infamous red clay roads.

Its only when the communist bug bit Burnham's ass did things start collapsing.

If you think that Cheddi, with his doctrinaire Marxism would have done better you dream. I am sure you know of several lost PPP old men, who are useless except for their ability to prattle the Marxist theory that they learned while being brainwashed in Moscow.  Those would have been the clowns who would have ruined Guyana instead.

And if the PPP was this garden paradise explain why so many Indians fled to majority black islands do to bottom level jobs?

Last edited by Former Member
Vish M posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
Vish M posted:

But Kari is a great fella to know.

He is no push over and intelligent, sharp and witty

Kari is definitely a decent and upright individual.

His political stance is fair and does not take sides. 

tHE PPP GNI crew does not like that hence their attack.

Oh lord, and look who talking!  Is like you have any credibility!



who are referring to?


Prashad posted:

Caribbeanj you are passing off artificial Englishman mimic as African culture. Keep promoting the slave master name. You called me a charter member of the kkk brown boy collective. Point out where I said a racist statement.


I am neither a pretend African, nor am I English. I am a product of the Caribbean, and if that means having an Anglo Saxon name, so be it.

Unlike you I don't grovel to Africans, begging for them to accept me. as you do towards Indians. I don't fool myself that a "pure" culture exists.

You see this is why you are such a miserable man, as you refuse to accept who you are, and where you were born.

Why don't you take your mulatto wife and your dougla kids back to that village in UT or Bihar from whence your ancestors came. I am sure that they will chase, not only them but YOU away.

Guyana and the Caribbean are multi cultural zones.  If that angers you then go and stew in your own gravy.  Alas even India will enrage you, as the stamp of the British Raj remains a firm feature of that land.

Your entire thesis about blacks murdering and killing Indians, is in fact racist.  Your whole thesis about blacks as we are a degraded, and violent people without culture, identity or values.

Now can you tell me why you demand that your wife and dougla kids abandon their full heritages? One can argue that this is racist too.  Your wife isn't Indian, and your kids are only half Indian, and yet your screams about the fact that Indians need to be pure.

Clearly you think that your concept of what Indian culture is, is better than that of black Caribbean people, who you degrade as black Anglo Saxons when clearly that is NOT the case.   In fact English people will be very shocked to read this description of Caribbean blacks, as they reminisce about how strange these people were when they began to arrive in England in the late 40s and early 50s. 

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