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I must say what is happening in Guyana is beyond Shameless. The in your face stealing of an Election you did not expect to see in a civilized world. The barbaric and criminal PNC wants to build a Country on those principles. All I can say is I am glad I am a Trinidadian, thank you for accepting me TT. The shame and disgrace that Guyana has displayed through the PNC was just too much for me.

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De swing vote in Trini is round 25%. Doh is because dem is wan island and yuh force foh cooperate more. Guyana big and abie swing vote is juss 10%. Abie can be in abie lil village and na have foh deal wid wananada...hey hey hey. Hey hey shameless foh true. But Guyana not wan normal kuntry. Moss blackman doan want coolie Presi and moss coolie doan want blackman Presi. Ayoo gat wan solution? Hey hey hey...


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