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As crime spirals out of control…

Man gunned to death in Bourda Market

Freed murder accused, Stanley Lovell also called “Steve”, age 30, of Lot 64 Premniranjan Place, Prashad Nagar, Greater Georgetown, was in the wee hours of Saturday morning gunned down in the vicinity of Bourda Market and Regent Street, Georgetown.

While information remains sketchy, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Guyana Times that an eyewitness told investigators that Lovell was in the company of a group of men when a bitter argument ensued.

Executed: Stanley “Steve” Lovell

Executed: Stanley “Steve” Lovell

During the argument, one of the men reportedly whipped out a .9mm pistol and pumped 13 bullets into the man’s body. Blanhum also confirmed that 14 spent shells were retrieved from the crime scene.

Another man, Anthony Lall, 21; a cleaner of Bent Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown, also received a gunshot injury to one of his legs. He reportedly told investigators that he was in the vicinity when he saw a “known” gunman walk up to Lovell and discharge a loaded firearm in his direction. Lovell reportedly fell to the ground and died almost instantly.

Lall was treated at a private medical institution. Guyana Times further understands that Lovell had just left the Rio Sports Bar and headed to the market to get something to eat. He reportedly parked his car and was sitting on the truck when he was riddled with bullets.


Hot tempered Lovell is reportedly known for getting into arguments with others, due to his short temper. This publication was informed that only recently, he was involved in an argument which resulted in him being gun butted to the head, resulting in him receiving several stitches.

Lovell, who was no stranger to the law, was charged for the murder of second-year University of Guyana student, Dennis Edghill in February of this year. He was freed in June following lack of Police evidence.

Edghill, 23, at the time of his death, was among several students at the university campus when an argument erupted between two students. Edghill intervened since one of the persons involved in the argument was a close friend. He was allegedly stabbed in the neck and stomach with a broken bottle by Lovell.

Lovell was a friend of the other person involved in the argument.

Edghill, later succumbed to his injuries at the Georgetown Public hospital, forcing Lovell into hiding. However, sometime later, he turned himself in to Police accompanied by his Attorney Nigel Hughes. He was subsequently charged with murder. It was reported that the Preliminary Inquiry into the case commenced on March 13, and close to 10 witnesses were called. Hughes made a no-case submission due to the lack of evidence.

Soon after he was released in June, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali Hack had ordered the Police to re-arrest him but after Hughes threatened to approach the High Court on the issue, he was subsequently freed.

In 2012, he reappeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts after he was charged for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend. The matter was heard and dismissed after the victim refused to give evidence.

Crime scene ranks revisited the area later in the morning as they continue their investigations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Seems like typical PNC/AFC running's here, appears to have been released by Grainger, committed crime again and defended by Hughes, released and now committed murder.


Maybe Grainger will released him one more time.

Originally Posted by asj:

Seems like typical PNC/AFC running's here, appears to have been released by Grainger, committed crime again and defended by Hughes, released and now committed murder.


Maybe Grainger will released him one more time.

He might make Lovell a VP.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Seems like typical PNC/AFC running's here, appears to have been released by Grainger, committed crime again and defended by Hughes, released and now committed murder.


Maybe Grainger will released him one more time.

He might make Lovell a VP.

Yall dumb rass should larn fo read or maybe is a understandin problem yall rass got. Anything to try and make the Govt look bad is aright by you dum ass guys.



Freed murder accused, Stanley Lovell also called “Steve”, age 30, of Lot 64 Premniranjan Place, Prashad Nagar, Greater Georgetown, was in the wee hours of Saturday morning gunned down in the vicinity of Bourda Market and Regent Street, Georgetown.

Originally Posted by asj:

Seems like typical PNC/AFC running's here, appears to have been released by Grainger, committed crime again and defended by Hughes, released and now committed murder.


Maybe Grainger will released him one more time.



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