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‘Sell out Skeldon Factory’ – New Chairman recommends

August 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– Estate producing at over US$0.70 cents per pound, others at US$0.40

By Kiana Wilburg


The Skeldon Sugar Factory is producing at an astonishing US$0.70 cents a pound while other estates are producing at $0.40 cents. As a result of its high cost of production, recently appointed Chairman of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), Dr. Clive Thomas, is of the opinion that the $200M estate should be sold or used for other purposes.


Dr. Clive Thomas

Dr. Clive Thomas


But Kaieteur News understands that such a recommendation would pose some serious difficulties, as the Skeldon Factory has no co-generation capacity. Its co-generation plant was sold just before the General and Regional Elections held in May.

Documents reveal that on March 30, last, the then Chief Executive Officer of GuySuCo, Dr. Rajendra Singh convened a meeting where members of staff were informed of the previous Cabinet’s decision to transfer assets from Skeldon Co-Generation Plant to a newly formed company, Skeldon Energy Inc (SEI).

The effective date of transfer was stated as April 1, 2015 and GuySuCo was expected to receive a total of US$30M from the said transaction.  There have only been three payments from NICIL thus far – $1,000,000, 000 on February 25, $2,070,000,000 on March 17 and $1,035,000,000 on April 17. The sale took place without there being consultations with technical personnel from GuySuCo to solicit their views on the pros and cons of the proposed arrangement.

The co-generation plant comprises a diesel plant and a steam power plant. Currently, SEI operates and maintains the diesel power plant with a staff complement of 17 persons sourced from Wartsila Operations Guyana Inc. Records also show that the operations and maintenance of the steam power plant remain the responsibility of GuySuCo.

Given the crucial an inseparable link between the power generation plant and sugar production, this newspaper understands that recommendations were made to the GuySuCo Chairman for the steam power plant to remain under the ownership and management of GuySuCo.

It is also believed by senior officials within GuySuCo that the divestment of this key plant devalues Skeldon and denies it of a future income stream. With the aforementioned in mind, calls have been made to Dr. Thomas to have the transaction reversed and ownership of the co-generation plant revert to GuySuCo. Given his position that Skeldon should be divested, Dr. Thomas was asked by this newspaper how this would be possible given the fact that it does not have its own co-generation plant.

He said, “Indeed the alarming cost of production by Skeldon calls for drastic measures. We have a big problem before us. Skeldon is one of the biggest factors leading to the inefficiency of GuySuCo and the sugar industry by extension. It is the worst performing estate and it cannot be allowed to continue as it is. Its cost of production is just too high.”

Skeldon’s efficiency has always come in for heavy criticism as it requires up to 18.5 tonnes of cane to produce one tonne of sugar. The highest producing estate is Albion which recorded 9,772 tonnes using an average of 9.tonnes of cane to produce one tonne of sugar in March, last.7

Asked if he would push for the ownership of the co-generation plant to be returned to GuySuCo, the economist said, “That is my preference, to reverse the transaction, but it has to go to the board.”

Dr. Thomas said that in any case, the matter of the sale of the co-generation plant has been reported to the State Asset Recovery Unit which he emphasized, will investigate the entire transaction.

“One has to investigate who really authorized the sale of this plant without the permission of the GuySuCo Board, and what piece of documentation they were guided by that would allow them to do this just before the 2015 elections. Management and the GuySuCo board knew nothing about this, so this can’t be right.”

There is currently a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into GuySuCo. Dr. Thomas currently sits as one of the Commissioners and he is tasked with Financial and Economic Analysis. Others involved include Mr. Vibert Parvatan who serves as the Chairman, and John Dow and Joseph Alfred who are looking at Factory Operations.

The CoI into the state of GuySuCo is revealing some realities. At the same time, it is becoming clearer to the Commissioners that policymakers will be faced with making tough decisions in the industry which employs over 16,000 Guyanese.

Dr. Thomas had said that one of these realities is that Guyana simply cannot compete on the world market with the giant sugar producers. The economist had said that Guyana needs to stop trying to compete, and to do so fast.

However, there seems to be, as the old maxim goes, “a silver lining in the cloud”. Dr. Thomas had said that sustainability and profitability of the industry can be had if focus is given to production for the domestic and Caribbean markets.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If the new owners have not paid for the plant then the original owners can take it back. If you buy anything and don't pay the full price as agreed the original owner has a full legal right to take back possession of the item.


They do not have their own co-generation plant so they are going to steal it.


I remember when the PNC had wanted to open their own bookshop, they sent the Police to steal books from Michael Forde Bookshop. 


That is the PNC's way of doing business. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If the new owners have not paid for the plant then the original owners can take it back. If you buy anything and don't pay the full price as agreed the original owner has a full legal right to take back possession of the item.

nah, NICIL and GPL own SEI


Raj Singh and dem PPP bais needed short term cash to paper over the sugar disaster . . . so they decided to cut off the Skeldon factory's dick and grind it into the Guysuco mash as 'nourishment'


geniuses atwork . . . wtf?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If the new owners have not paid for the plant then the original owners can take it back. If you buy anything and don't pay the full price as agreed the original owner has a full legal right to take back possession of the item.

Mr T, would this not be guided by what us in the sales agreement? If the terms of the sales agreement are breached, then it become a matter of formality in recovering the asset. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo's gift to the new govt.

The man is a genious. man gat 5 dacta degrees .

it's not fair and you only get one.  Some of us has to sweat blood to get our own dacta degree.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo's gift to the new govt.

The man is a genious. man gat 5 dacta degrees .

it's not fair and you only get one.  Some of us has to sweat blood to get our own dacta degree.

Yea .


What really is Skeldon Energy Inc (SEI)? Is it a government shell organization or a private entity?


So for the steam plant to operate it would have to buy the steam from SEI?


Anyway there is a difference co generation and combined cycle plants for those interested.  I got this from an internet is correct:


Combined cycle is a term applied to gas turbine generators in which the exhaust heat from the gas turbine is used to produce steam (in a heat recovery steam generator - HRSG), which is then fed to a steam turbine. 
The steam turbine may be on the same shaft as the gas turbine generator, or it may be a completely separate steam turbine & electrical generator. 

Cogeneration is when the heat produced from a combustion process is split between electrical generation and industrial process steam. 
The 'combustion process' can be either a boiler or a gas turbine with HRSG. The 'industrial process' steam can be for truly industrial chemical processes, or it could be for non-industrial steam plants, such as campus heating & cooling. 

In summary, "combined cycle" refers specifically to a gas turbine generator with an exhaust-heated steam turbine generator to increase overall power plant efficiency. "Cogeneration" is making heat through whatever means, and dividing the heat energy between electric generation and other process needs.

Originally Posted by VVP:

What really is Skeldon Energy Inc (SEI)? Is it a government shell organization or a private entity? . . .

part of an elaborate shell game moving debt around to bamboozle the public . . . so people don't get a proper handle on how horribly bankrupt Guysuco is

Originally Posted by Django:

VJ..i will assume the Steam Generating Plant use

bagasse for fuel.

So that would be 2 separate plants. The article says "The co-generation plant comprises a diesel plant and a steam power plant."  Something is confusing.  The steam from a cogen is usually use for other purposes than generating power.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

What really is Skeldon Energy Inc (SEI)? Is it a government shell organization or a private entity? . . .

part of an elaborate shell game moving debt around to bamboozle the public . . . so people don't get a proper handle on how horribly bankrupt Guysuco is

Okay, then the government owns the diesel plant so it shouldn't be a big deal transferring it back to Guysuco if needed.  I don't get this impression from this sentence: It is also believed by senior officials within GuySuCo that the divestment of this key plant devalues Skeldon and denies it of a future income stream.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

What really is Skeldon Energy Inc (SEI)? Is it a government shell organization or a private entity? . . .

part of an elaborate shell game moving debt around to bamboozle the public . . . so people don't get a proper handle on how horribly bankrupt Guysuco is

Okay, then the government owns the diesel plant so it shouldn't be a big deal transferring it back to Guysuco if needed.  I don't get this impression from this sentence: It is also believed by senior officials within GuySuCo that the divestment of this key plant devalues Skeldon and denies it of a future income stream.

the debt doesn't disappear!


better minds than mine will know what endgame the PPP tiefmen had in mind with their divestment "plan"


in some precincts, it's called "stripping of the productive assets" to be gobbled up by the insider parasite class before fire sale or bankruptcy of the rest


homework assignment: dissect the Marriott 'business' plan


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