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As Melania Trump Faces Plagiarism Claims, Her Staff Lashes Out at News Media

Melania Trump, the first lady, arriving for the kickoff of her “Be Best” initiative in the Rose Garden at the White House on Monday. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Melania Trump’s rollout this week of her “Be Best” initiative focusing on children was intended to give the first lady an agenda all her own. Instead, it revived accusations that Mrs. Trump’s ideas were really coming from somewhere else.

Observers on Twitter quickly pointed out that one of the primary materials with “Be Best” branding, a booklet on social media guidelines called “Talking With Kids About Being Online,” had been circulated by the Federal Trade Commission during the Obama era. As the story spread, Mrs. Trump’s communications director published an extraordinary statement on Tuesday that admonished the news media for reporting on the plagiarism claims.

“Our office will continue to focus on helping children, and I encourage members of the media to attempt to Be Best in their own professions,” the communications director, Stephanie Grisham, wrote, “and focus on some of the children and programs Mrs. Trump highlighted in her remarks yesterday.”

Before the official “Be Best” rollout on Monday, aides had been upfront to reporters when asked about the fact that Mrs. Trump’s office was repackaging items, including the Federal Trade Commission booklet, from other programs. Among program materials distributed to reporters covering the event was an initiative by the National Safety Council intended to encourage people to talk to their doctors about opioid abuse.

Mrs. Trump’s staff plans to continue to solicit ideas for the initiative, which focuses on opioid abuse, social media pressures and mental health issues among young people, from places the first lady has visited. Those include a West Virginia clinic that treats infants born with opioid addiction and a Michigan school where students participate in a program to stress the importance of emotional intelligence and kindness.

But critics did not buy the defense. Mrs. Trump enjoys higher popularity ratings than her husband, but she has been accused of plagiarism before. In 2016, a large part of a speech she delivered at the Republican convention appeared to be taken from remarks Michelle Obama, her immediate predecessor, delivered in 2008. On Monday, observers also noted that Mrs. Obama had delivered remarks in 2016 urging men to “be better.”

Like her husband, Mrs. Trump is also viewed by many as having baggage related to the Obamas, stemming back to jabs she took at President Barack Obama while her husband was promoting the conspiracy theory that Mr. Obama was not an American citizen: “It’s not only Donald who wants to see” Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, Mrs. Trump said during a 2011 interview. “It’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him.” Mr. Obama eventually released his long-form birth certificate.

The East Wing is known to lash out when faced with coverage the first lady views as unfair: In October, Mrs. Trump directed her office to release a scorching statement criticizing President Trump’s first wife, Ivana, for jokingly referring to herself as the first lady. But East Wing aides who had worked to execute a tightly scripted and controlled kickoff — and who are particularly sensitive when observers draw comparisons to the Obamas — had not anticipated the negative reaction to the booklet.

Different versions of it have circulated since at least 2009, and the booklet is meant to be distributed, as the Federal Trade Commission noted in its own news release on Monday: “We’re excited that the first lady is sharing this important information with families across the country,” an agency official, Nat Wood, wrote in a statement.

In the version the East Wing distributed on Monday, the only original part appeared to be a brief statement signed by Mrs. Trump.

“The lessons in this booklet can help kids act thoughtfully and kindly,” Mrs. Trump wrote in a statement at the front of the booklet, which was labeled on the back with the Federal Trade Commission’s logo and web address. “The internet — and technology in general — are powerful forces for good.”

The statement was accompanied by her official portrait.

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Funny how the staff isn’t concerned about Melania being the best at what she claims she wants to do but is telling the media to be the best at what they do. This White House desperately needs a mirror.

Demerara_Guy posted:

As Melania Trump Faces Plagiarism Claims, Her Staff Lashes Out at News Media

WASHINGTON — Melania Trump’s rollout this week of her “Be Best” initiative focusing on children was intended to give the first lady an agenda all her own. Instead, it revived accusations that Mrs. Trump’s ideas were really coming from somewhere else.

Observers on Twitter quickly pointed out that one of the primary materials with “Be Best” branding, a booklet on social media guidelines called “Talking With Kids About Being Online,” had been circulated by the Federal Trade Commission during the Obama era. As the story spread, Mrs. Trump’s communications director published an extraordinary statement on Tuesday that admonished the news media for reporting on the plagiarism claims.

The trend continues.


I read yesterday that even Melania was skinning sheh puss about Obama birth certificate back in 2011. Now she is being exposed for the fraud she is. Having a nice ass can only go so far.


Obama was public figure until he became a private citizen. Hilary Clinton scrutinize his place of birth and said Obama attended a terrorist school in Africa. That was not puss. Anyone can speak about former presidents at will. If the anti-Trump gangbangers can talk puss about Trump, Melania can talk puss about Obama. Fair exchange is no robbery.


Trump Campaign Denies Melania Plagiarized Michelle Obama's Speech

Inside Edition
Published on Jul 19, 2016
If you thought Melania Trump's Republican National Convention speech sounded a little familiar, you're not alone. The potential next first lady has been accused of lifting the celebrated speech Michelle Obama gave to the Democratic convention in 2008. Though the speeches line up nearly word-for-word in places, Trump campaign officials have flat out denied the address was plagiarized in any way. Is the speech nearly identical? Judge for yourself.

Melania Trump and Michelle Obama side-by-side comparison

Published on Jul 18, 2016
At least one passage in Melania Trump's speech Monday night at the Republican National Convention plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.
Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Now I don’t mind her skinning sheh puss. Only when sheh skinning sheh puss over Obama’s birth certificate. Especially since hers is actually the foreign one.

Dah puss bai prince is a real poke(puss).


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