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It’s clear that PPP failed to make Guyana safe

March 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 


The recent Latin America Public Opinion Poll (LAPOP) survey which showed that Guyanese lack confidence in the Guyana Police Force (GPF) was used by A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) as an argument to prove that something is terribly wrong with the security sector. The coalition made this reference yesterday in response to a press statement sent out by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Monday. Via this release, Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee called on APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate,  David Granger to desist from using the security sector as a “political football”, stating that Granger conveniently chooses not to recognise the progress of the sector. This was in response to statements by Granger to the effect that the security sector was in bad shape. Rohee, in retaliation to such statements, said that the opposition leader “likes to set himself up as the guru for the security sector in Guyana, and tries to convince the nation that no one else but he has all the answers to the security situation in our country, ignoring all accomplishments and investments done since 1992 by the PPP/C  (Peoples Progressive Party/Civic) Administration.” Among other things, Rohee stated in the press release that “David Granger is entitled to his opinion, but not to his own facts in this matter.  It is therefore disingenuous for him to pontificate and attempt to pronounce on any of the above issues in the manner in which he is attempting to so do.” Yesterday, the APNU+AFC coalition said that the figures are there to support the statements made by Granger and “figures don’t lie.”  The coalition said that the “facts show that there is nothing to celebrate in the security sector, despite the propaganda, that Clement James Rohee wants to peddle.” APNU+AFC was adamant that “no attack on the Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC David Granger can erase the fact that there was an eleven percent (11%) increase in the number of armed robberies involving firearms in 2014.” The coalition added that “No amount of propaganda can erase the fact that there were 146 road fatalities, up from 135 recorded at the end of last year (2014). No press release bashing Granger can erase the fact that 147 Guyanese citizens were murdered in 2014 and unfortunately the trend continues in 2015.” The political body added that Minister Rohee needs to stop “being deaf to the plight of the people of Guyana who in the latest LAPOP survey registered a total lack of confidence in the Guyana Police Force.” The coalition said that Rohee seems to be blind to such facts and continues to exhibit the same “incompetence and neglect of duty” that warranted a vote of no confidence against him in the 10th Parliament of Guyana. It was said that an APNU+AFC government will ensure that the people of Guyana are safe. “APNU+AFC will invest in retraining and reequipping of the Guyana Police Force. It is a travesty that and shows the depths of depravity that Rohee and the PPP/C administration would make attempt to make political hay out of the current security crisis. It is time for Change”.

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For the PPP, as long as the higher echelons have their guns and guards, they are OK.


They have done very little to make the country safe.  The rest of us working poor are dispensable.  Even many small businessmen were left exposed and were killed because the Govt will not give gun permits.


Bandits escape with guns, ammo after storming National Credit Union building

March 19, 2015 1:40 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-





Police say that at around 2:00hrs on Thursday March 19, three gunmen stormed the National Credit Union (NC) building on Regent and Albert Streets and escaped with a quantity of firearms and ammunition.

According to a police statement, the three men, one of whom was armed with a firearm broke into the building and torched a safe being housed in the facilities.

Subsequently, the men made off one . 32 pistol, one .32 revolver and five 12 gauge shotguns along with 45 cartridges.

The police also noted that during the break-in an unarmed watchman on duty at the compound was confronted. The bandits tied him up while they went about their activities in the building.

So far no one has been arrested and police investigations are in continuing.


Bandits dressed as cops strike at Mahaicony

March 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

“What do we do when we come upon a “police” roadblock in an isolated area in the middle of the night? Should we stop and risk getting robbed or do we drive through and risked being riddled with bullets?” These are the questions that came from the lips of the three victims of a recent robbery at the hands of three men in police uniforms. The robbery which was committed on three employees of Mohamed Farm of Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara, producers of Royal Chicken, occurred around 21:00 hours on Wednesday at a village called Grove, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara. According to reports, the victims were heading back to their place of origin after conducting business in Berbice when they were stopped at a “roadblock” by men dressed in police uniforms. The victims apparently thought that the police were conducting a campaign and it was “just another roadblock”, since they were stopped about 30 minutes earlier at another roadblock outside the Fort Wellington Police Station. But they were wrong because on the latter occasion, as the “cops” turned out to be bandits, who held them at gunpoint. “Two of the bandits were clad in the black police anti-crime uniforms, while the other was wearing the normal blue shirt and black trousers. The men said that they certainly looked like policemen,” a source who is associated with the victims told Kaieteur News. The bandits locked their victims in the tray of the truck and drove it down a lonely dam. There they broke open a canister which contained the day’s sales and escaped. The three workers – the driver and two porters – were left tied up in the locked tray of the truck. About 30 minutes after the bandits left, the workers managed to free themselves and sought assistance from nearby residents, who subsequently contacted the police. By the time they arrived though, the bandits had vanished. Bandits have been using this modus operandi to carry out their activities, capitalizing on the absence of a clear policy on police roadblocks. The police had assured that nightly roadblocks will be conducted in well illuminated areas and there will be clearly marked police vehicles. This was after a spate of robberies by persons dressed in police uniforms on the East Bank of Demerara. Divisional Commander of the police East Coast Demerara Division, Assistant Commissioner Christopher Griffith told this newspaper that in the interest of trust, he had advised his ranks to conduct their roadblocks in proximity to police stations, a method that has been working well. Another bone of contention is the number of unreturned police kits that have found their way into the hands of the criminally minded. These kits consist of complete uniforms and police identification cards. Within recent times, there have been reports of ex-cops and even serving policemen committing armed robberies, using the very police kits. “Once a person leaves the force, they are supposed to turn in their kits but there seems to be a lack of accountability when it comes to this area, we need to tighten up in that area,” a police source acknowledged.


Gunmen grab $15M, weapons after storming business place

March 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Three armed bandits stormed the National Credit Union and Caricom Insurance Company at Regent and Oronoque Streets in Georgetown early yesterday morning and escaped with $15M in cash and several weapons. The robbery occurred sometime around 02:15 hrs. The assailants carried out their brazen act after beating and tying up the company’s lone security guard with a phone cord. Police in a release said that three men, one of whom was armed with a firearm, broke into the National Credit Union building and torched a safe – this was done after the men tied up the company’s unarmed security guard. The bandits took away one .32 pistol, one .32 revolver and five 12-gauge shotguns along with 45 cartridges. They also carted off $15M in cash. There are reports that the National Credit Union and Caricom Insurance building is not protected by cameras, and investigators will most likely have to rely on surveillance footage from nearby businesses. According to information reaching this newspaper, one man armed with a gun and two armed with cutlasses stormed the facility, after which they tied up the guard. After robbing the place, they escaped in a waiting vehicle. “When dem gone, the security untie heself, and call the company chief security who then inform the police,” a source said. While the security guard did not recall hearing any gunshots, other guards attached to nearby businesses reported to the police that shots were fired. No one has been arrested as yet. Investigations are ongoing.


Beach-goers tied up, robbed at Number 63 Beach

March 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

It is not even safe these days to go on the beach, this fact was learnt by three beach-goers who were tied up and robbed by two gun-toting bandits. According to information around 17:00 hrs on Wednesday, two men and a woman were relaxing on the No 63 beach (by the No. 58 area) when they heard a loud explosion. Upon looking around they saw two men, one armed with a gun and the other with a knife. They were told not to move as the men tied them up and relieved them of their cash and jewellery. They were then told to walk and not look back and the bandits made good their escape. The matter was subsequently reported. Investigations are continuing.


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