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CDCs - Cheddi's Idea Living On

by Bhoj Tharay

When the PPP/Civic took office in 1992, the entire country was in a state of disrepair. The treasury was in dire need. No money was available to conduct the process of rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure in the various communities.

The late President Cheddi Jagan recognizing the need to uplift the lives of the common man and woman, came up with the brilliant idea of organizing the citizens into Community Development Councils (CDCs).


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Tributes to Cheddi Jagan - Remembering CJ

The Charisma of Cheddi Jagan

by Dr. Frank C. S. Anthony

(A Tribute to Cheddi Jagan on the 7th Death Anniversary)

Time has slowly moved on, trying like a flood to drown the anguish and hurt that we felt seven years ago. Indeed the inevitable march of time does not mean the inevitable erasure of memory. But like the proverb that says " absence makes the heart grows fonder", so it is with us that we are fonder of Cheddi. Jagan, and we often reflect on how he would have done this or that.

I have asked several persons, especially young people what it is that they like about Cheddi Jagan. And they all said he had a multitude of excellent qualities and virtues that made him a charismatic leader.

It is ironic that the word Charisma is used to describe him. Because this word evolved from religion and has a modified meaning. In ancient times to how some people believed in gods and spirits but few have ever seen a miracle, a tangible display of divine power. During that time persons seemed possessed by a divine spirit, speaking in tongues, articulating visions – these men stood out as one whom the gods have singled out. Charisma in those early times was a sign of god’s favor. 

In present day leaders hold power not by divine authority but by votes and competence and lots of hard work and sacrifice. But despite these well-labored principles some leaders just stood out, by the sheer radiance of their personality and character. Cheddi Jagan was a man who commanded attention when he spoke. He had to many of us a larger than life presence and many attributed that to Jagan’s Charisma.


Charisma- what a joker Anthony is. CBJ took advantage of the illiterate Indians in the rural areas. Just like in India, where men made gods of animals and the inanimate quickly, so did the backward indians of British Guiana. CBJ was a communist-a dispisrer of all thing divine. The devil has power too. With the corrution CBJ leff behind-taht cannot be the works of a Righteous God.


Mr. Anthony if u are trying make inroads into PPP heirarchy. Forget it, u pappa Cheddie gave that right to Jagdeo.


Shutup and take ur perks. 

Originally Posted by KishanB:

This is the man who always wore a Lenin button on his chest during the PPP opposition years. Lenin headed the Soviet government for nearly 7 years and died almost penniless.

On the other hand, when the man in this photo became a government minister the nectar was irresistable. And he drank it up bellyfull.

Originally Posted by Django:

After the passing of Cheddi Jagan,and the slick

move by Janet Jagan that made Bharat Jagdeo

the president,PPP morals and ideals are lost.

You can say that again, sir.

But, you know, de tieffing started before Papa Cheddi died. He knew about it and became heartbroken. Those greedy and incompetent ones let him down big time.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Oct 5 de day shit heads run de kuntry. 

Nah seh suh, Kapa. There was great hope and promise on October 5, 1992.

However, everything went fo channa pretty soon.

Dr Jagan had promised that winner would not "take all" but after he won the PPP and Civic took lock stock and barrel.

Before October 5 he had said the Burnham 1980 constitution was authoritarian and would be changed but after winning he kept his silence.

To make matters worse, some ministers started hauling in cash like dem boys who catch plenty patwa wid castnet.

Yes, there was great hope and promise... now look wha happen.

But, yuh know, kapa, something gotta give.

Yuh see how some people build a blue submarine from scratch in de North West bush?

One fine day, if de PPP hold on to power fo dead, yuh go see Made in Guyana LIBERATION WAR TANKS rolling out of the rainforest and heading to GT. History does wuk like dat.


Regardless of the politics of Cheddi and Janet Jagan, the Jagan extended family must always be respected in Guyana.  His sisters always showed respect and kindness to others. Dr. Jagan sisters were truely wonderful people.  I enjoyed every moment in their presence.  I hope this government and if in the future the PNC is back in power or even the AFC they should always invite the Jagan sisters if they are alive to state events and functions.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Regardless of the politics of Cheddi and Janet Jagan, the Jagan extended family must always be respected in Guyana.  His sisters always showed respect and kindness to others. Dr. Jagan sisters were truely wonderful people.  I enjoyed very moment in their presence.  I hope this government and if in the future the PNC is back in power or even the AFC they should always invite the Jagan sisters if they are alive to state events and functions.

Whatsit  with dem two binnie banna? They got nice boobs an so?


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