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Ashraf ‘Ocean Conqueror’ Ali completes 2 1/2hrs Atlantic Ocean Swim

Sep 06, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...atlantic-ocean-swim/

Ashraf ‘Ocean Conqueror’ Ali’ has done it again, this time achieving his goal of swimming the great Atlantic Ocean for over seven miles. He completed the feat on Saturday last in a commendable time of 2 ½ hours.

Having already swam all the main rivers of Guyana, the courageous 71-year-old Ali has now set his sight on the conquest of the oceans of the world. He has swam the Corentyne River to Suriname, the Berbice, Demerara (back and forth without stopping unaccompanied) and Essequibo Rivers, Lake Mainstay, The Canje River and other locations on numerous occasions.

Also a pastor attached to the Christadelpian Church, Ali who resides in the USA hails from Canefield, East Canje and has vowed to complete his intended mission by the grace of the Almighty.

The swim last Saturday commenced around 13:00hrs aboard a Guyana Defense Force Coast Guard boat from the New Amsterdam Stelling. After travelling for about ten miles, Ali began his swim in the murky, choppy and dangerous waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

He had reckoned that the swim would have taken about five hours but was able to accomplish the feat in half that time.

Ali spoke with the media after his accomplishment: “It was a herculean task to swim nonstop for seven miles riding the high and choppy waves of the Atlantic Ocean.”

Ali also expressed gratitude to His Excellency President David Granger for his support in making the swim a success. Thanks were also expressed to Chief Of Staff of the Guyana Defense Force (GDF) Brigadier Patrick West along with Officer Ramphal and his Coast Guard crew for accompanying him on the journey.

“My next long distance swim God willing will be in the Pacific Ocean in California. I hope I will get the opportunity to swim alongside a shark, wearing no protective paraphernalia, the lesson being that if a human can swim peacefully and nicely alongside a shark then it is incumbent upon us to live peacefully and nicely with each other.”

The man of God ended his missive with a quote from the bible “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Marvelous are thy works Lord God Almighty. Psalm 139:14.

(Samuel Whyte)


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