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At General Assembly, Mozambique calls for reformed UN, greater aid from wealthy States

25 September 2017 – United Nations,

António Gumende, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mozambique to the United Nations, addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-second session. UN Photo/Cia Pak

At General Assembly, Mozambique calls for reformed UN, greater aid from wealthy States

25 September 2017 – United Nations,

25 September 2017 – Only a reformed United Nations and a greater commitment from wealthier countries to help the developing world can confront “the overwhelming challenges of our times,” Mozambique told the General Assembly on the last day of its 72nd annual general debate today.

“We live in a world confronted by challenges that demand global responses,” Delegation Chairman Antonio Gumande said. “The relevance of the UN, the lodestar of multilateralism, over the last 72 years of its existence has always rested in its ability to reform and re-invent itself to respond more suitably to the challenges of continuously changing world it serves.”

He warned that “multiple and complex challenges threaten to constrain gains already made in fostering global peace and stability, stall and reverse advances made in fostering social and economic wellbeing, and cause irreversible damages to our planet.

“The experiences we gained and the challenges we faced in the implementation of other globally agreed development goals in the past underline the need for a greater commitment of our development partners to scale-up and honour their assistance and for funding pledges made for climate resilience, mitigation and adaptation, as well as for disaster prevention efforts,” he stressed.

“This support is of paramount importance to mitigate the effects of climate variability whose devastating effects have been laid bare in several Member States of this august body in the last two months,” he said.

Full statement available here

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