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The landing this morning [CJIA photo)

The landing this morning (CJIA photo)

February 7 2020


The runway capacity of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) was tested when an Atlas Air (747-400) N475MC cargo aircraft landed at 6:15 am today with ballot papers from Canada.

The Atlas Air, considered a very large cargo aircraft, was the first aircraft to utilize the newly constructed Apron at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport for Code D and E-sized Aircraft.

A release from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport said that all hands were on deck to ensure a seamless landing and takeoff process.

The release said that a Boeing 747-400 at its maximum takeoff weight of 800,000 lbs. would usually require an expansive runway capacity for landing or takeoff and CJIA was able to meet this requirement.

The release reported the management of the airport as saying, β€œWe are very happy that we were able to execute this operation without any major challenges, despite our limitations.”

They added that, β€œIt was a historic experience that has highlighted the efficiency of our services, such as, Ground handling, Air Traffic Control Services and the CJIAC team, among others to collectively demonstrate the importance of teamwork to execute this operation.”

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Django posted:

Atlas Air 747 touches down with ballot papers


The landing this morning [CJIA photo)

The landing this morning (CJIA photo)

February 7 2020,  Source

The runway capacity of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) was tested when an Atlas Air (747-400) N475MC cargo aircraft landed at 6:15 am today with ballot papers from Canada.

Ballots paper for ... ??

-- March 02, 2020 elections; or

-- those who cast their votes and living in Canada.


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