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“Attack on Chinese investment is an attack on all Guyanese” – PPP


PPP Member, Zulfikar Mustapha and General Secretary, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

PPP Member, Zulfikar Mustapha and General Secretary, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

[] – The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has noted with grave concern “the sustained and calculated attacks by the opposition and two media houses namely the Stabroek News and Kaieteur News perpetrated on foreign investors especially those of Chinese origin.”


At a press conference on Monday [August 18], General Secretary, Clement Rohee said the Party is convinced that “these targeted attacks are directed at the Chinese people in spite of their industrious predisposition which is evident throughout the world.”

He noted, “the industrious nature of the Chinese people has redounded beneficially to the economies of many nations and has impacted positively on the lives of many. Our Party wishes to remind the Opposition and the Kaieteur News that we live in a multi-ethnic society with our peoples cohabiting in harmony sharing and celebrating each other’s culture and traditions. This is evident through all of our national festivals, everyday way of life and events that serve to bring our people together.”

The Chinese, according to Rohee, “remain an integral part of this country’s identity sharing common bonds of indentureship with other ethnic groups. Their contributions to our Nation since setting foot on these shores, like all others have been immeasurable and invaluable. As we are all aware, the Chinese who have made this land their home are Guyanese first and foremost. Those Chinese who have demonstrated confidence and the will to contribute to the development of Guyana must be encouraged and must not be victims of hostile political and media propaganda bordering on xenophobia.”

The PPP believes that “an attack on one ethnic group is an attack on all Guyanese. We call for an immediate halt to such unwarranted attacks which run counter to the hospitable characteristic our Nation and can only damage and disgrace our motto of one people, one nation, one destiny. More over these attacks are in blatant contradiction to the call for investments. There must be no discrimination against Chinese investors. The Opposition and the Kaieteur News and Stabroek News have persistently accused the PPP/C Administration of not doing enough to encourage foreign investors which according to them is badly needed to create jobs and bolster the economy.”

The PPP recalled that during the last election campaign “the Opposition spared no effort to convince Guyanese that foreign investors would be welcomed were they to be elected to office and that the PPP/C Government has not done enough to make Guyana an investment hub. True to their nature and attempts at hoodwinking the Nation, the Opposition has not only endeavored to discourage and chase away foreign investors, they have whipped up media frenzy at conduit for such attacks. The Kaieteur News willingly agreed to be the hand maiden of the political opposition campaign.”

The PPP says it is “convinced that these anti-business and anti-development actions by the Opposition are nothing but attempts to return this now prosperous Nation to a state of bankruptcy a hallmark of their weak administration. As regards the Bai Shan Lin issue the Opposition and Kaieteur News constant attacks, the PPP stand guided by the pronouncements of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) who reiterated that the company has not exceeded its harvest level and that their operations confirm to guidelines based on international best practices and conservative extraction.

“In this context, we call on the Kaieteur News and the Opposition’s unfounded and unwarranted and profit circulation oriented attacks on Bai Shan Lin and to work towards encouraging foreign investments to invest in our country so that Guyana and all its people would benefit from the related economic prosperity. In this now global competitive environment, our country can afford nothing less than all hands on deck in an effort to create and secure a brighter future for all. Our Party remains committed to this cause and urge Guyanese to reject all attempts to disparage any ethnic group and to deter much needed foreign investments for our country.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Not the government, but instead it is the Peoples Progressive Party that lacks the know how to stop Foreign crooks posed as Foreign investors to rape the resource of the country.


The government of Guyana has had poor managers eversince in the 50's. They all have played politic with the governing arm and weakened the role of the Permanent Secretaries. Putting in place men and women of poor characters to oversee the daily activities of the country.


At this point in the choas, all I can hope for, is for some people have a guilt of conscience and do the right things.


The PPP needs to be cleansed, for they seem to hold the entire country at ransome because the indoes gives them blind support. The Afroes knows that and so now they are clamouring for Freedom House. If u cannot beat the crooks then join them. The Jagans must be estactic. Wipe out the opposition and have a one party state-communist thinking.


There is no such thing as a Chinese investment. It is a one way street. They steal from us and give us nothing but poverty in return. Any Guyanese who believes otherwise is involved in taking money from these people.



I don't believe that the PPP gets it.


Our Party remains committed to this cause and urge Guyanese to reject all attempts to disparage any ethnic group and to deter much needed foreign investments for our country.


The PPP is trying to give the impression that it is about an ethnic group. But in reality it is about a bunch of Chinese businessmen coming to Guyana to rob us clean. The only ethnic groups in Guyana are all Guyanese. Chinese from China are not Guyanese, but foreign invaders.


An investment is when you spend to produce. These people spend to extract and they hire their own. Given the tax free concessions and fraudulent construct called an "exploratory lease" gets to recoup even the initial outlay of cash they will use to facilitate their stealing from us.


These PPP crooks have to go. Defending the pillage as procedural in the logging industry is collusion to steal. Note, earnings is only 16 million per year estimated. That is not even the amount the Chinese gets from renting their Pandas to the US. This speaks to how awful these people are. This is not investment. It is the inviting of a mafioso like cartel to come and extract our nonrenewable forest wealth for kickbacks.


The PPP is a joke.  Their toilet paper organ published that Afro Guyanese are programmed for violence and serve no useful purpose in Guyana.  That wasn't an attack on a GUYANESE group.


A bunch of foreigners who are NOT citizens of Guyana engage in the massive and unrestricted destruction of our forestry.  As various nations in Asia and Africa have tossed them out because they insist in exporting low value added logs they come to Guyana. In a land with massive unemployment they hire 70% FOREIGNERS and Guyanese are allegedly being paid as little as US$3/day.


And for that Guyanese must say nothing while a Chinese multinational rapes Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Lil swan you are opposed to the PPP and their Chinese business Partners?

Say it ain't so.....

I have been critical of all foreign investment because the government is not smart enough to deal with these international crooks. They find the holes and syphon off the country's assets.


Dem boys seh…Donald using thugs now on reporters

August 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De timber situation get out of hand. People start fuh talk and all of a sudden de government decide that dem gun terrorise all dem reporter who expose de story. When de story buss out and dem realize dem in fuh nuff nuff trouble, all of dem run fuh cover and stay quiet. Den after a few days dem get Bai Shaan fuh talk crap in a full page ad. Dem boys talk bout shipping out lumber and how much Bai Shan Lin sending out and how Guyana getting nutten. Nobody didn’t talk bout investment. All dem talk bout Guyana getting a fair share from de logs it shipping out. But it seem that Bai Shaan telling Guyana once dem spend money, shut de f*** up and tek whatever “we do”. De government get involve after dem boys start exposing more and more wha dem scamps doing in de forest.  De last straw bruck de camel back when Donald come out and defend Bai Shaan. He didn’t even have de decency fuh seh that de government gun investigate de issue. De government tek almost a whole week to respond. Rohee was one who seh that Bai Shaan didn’t give de Waterfalls paper wha it ask dem Chinee for. That tek de cake. Dem boys did expect Donald fuh ask Rohee wha nonsense he talking. Instead he didn’t seh nutten He setting a new trend, because where he came from everybody knows it’s all about Freedom. He come out of Freedom House wheh he use to preach bout Freedom of Expression and things like that. Instead, dem now find out that Donald come from Free Dumb House wheh people stop and don’t talk at all. At the last press conference dem boys hear he was walking wid a long statement from forestry. So dem boys decided not ask he anything bout that suh he didn’t get to read de statement. He had to remain Dumb. Yesterday he got de forest man to call a press conference and to explain this whole fiasco. Everybody know that a press conference is fuh reporters. Instead dem invite people to abuse, insult, assault and intimidate reporters to mek dem stop talk about wha going on. And de leader was Phillip Bynoe, a big frighten man, a man who run and hide in de bush fuh five years because Jagdeo did want to jail he. He even hide from he wife and pickney when dem visit him in his hideaway camp. Dem boys ain’t talking how he tun a snitch and mek several people get kill just fuh let Jagdeo pardon him. Dem boys want to know how much Rob de Earth pay Bynoe. This man Bynoe now deh in de government pocket from de time Jagdeo pardon him. This same Bynoe did go to Ohh Pee fuh overthrow Jagdeo; this was de man who run and mek he friend, Mark Benschop, spend five years in jail while he hide like a *****. This is de same man who was in de Pee And See and who use to cuss Jagdeo. But de threat of jail mek he switch suh fast that some people wonder if he can ever be loyal to anything. He tell de reporters, after abusing dem and spitting in one of dem face, that he coming fuh picket de Waterfalls paper. Dem boys want he come. De Waterfalls paper is not de forestry people. Fuh sure de paper ain’t gun pay he nutten. Instead, he might end up in de same jail wha miss he de last time. Talk half and feel sorry fuh wha Donald become, liar like de man who resemble de devil.


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