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March 31 ,2020


Dear Editor,

They say “when you in a hole, stop digging.” This is good advice for our VP. The recent visit by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State got an earful from the PNC and Article 13 about recent Government harassment of Civil Society groups that have been calling for transparency, accountability, consultation, and full disclosures before major decisions are made about expensive Government projects that seem improperly planned and rushed. The Government’s PR assault and well-choreographed attacks on Civil Society, supported by opportunistic newspaper columnists doing the Government’s bidding against the people, has invited blowback. Now the Government has earned itself entries in the ABC/EU Human Rights Reports and communiques on Guyana. For a Government that came into power through the advocacy and support of Civil Society, the attacks seem ill-advised. They say “be nice to the people you see on your way up; they are the same people you will see on your way down.” Somebody needs to tell the PPP, that when they hang by a one-seat majority, they cannot afford to alienate good people.

The PPP Manifesto states it will engage Civil Society but apparently, it means those groups who are lined up to sing its praises. On page 3 it says, “… to prevent oil money being squandered, civil society will be involved in a central role to monitor compliance and accountability.” Has the PPP backslidden from that election promise? It has been reported that our VP said Government is open to civil society scrutiny but will not sit idly by and allow lies to be spread by organisations that claim to be apolitical but are partisan. The VP has said, “If they come and lie about the governed or take partisan points as they have done, we will not take it because we are not eunuchs. We are not going to sit and take everything just because we want to have a good name that we will not criticise civil society,” he added. The news report said Jagdeo hit back saying that government wants to work with civil society but believes that most here tell untruths and are political. Some bodies, he said, only consist of one member and government will support “support civil society when it expands.” “Some of these civil society organisations are corrupt. They operate just to collect money from the international community. Some are undemocratic; it is a one person organisation. One man couldn’t get a job in government and he went off and… he formed an organisation that is one of the most vocal groups,” the Vice President said.

The VP must know that democracy means “one man, one vote, one voice.” There is nothing wrong with any citizen, as an individual or as part of a group, making opinions and views that might be perceived as “political” in nature. Everyone has civil as well as political rights. In 2015, the PPP lost Region 8 by one vote. In 2011 and 2015, it lost the majority in parliament by one seat. Mr. VP, don’t knock what you call “one member” groups. You cannot set up tests to decide whom you will recognize or not recognize. You do not have that power! The VP accuses Civil Societies as partisan, political and corrupt. Let’s ask the VP some questions. Did the Presidential candidate say he will “review and renegotiate the oil contracts?” In Dubai, last week he said, he would not. What do you call that? The President made a special address to the nation and said he would establish an “Order of Democracy.”

He has not done that. What do you call that? The VP said some organizations are “one man” organizations. Mr. VP, is there one man in the PPP that controls everyone and everybody, and no deals can go through without him? Who might that person be?  Mr. VP, you talk about corruption. The Vice News reporter did not ask any Civil Society member if he or she is taking bribes and was corrupt. Since you know, please name the persons and groups that are corrupt. The people who really care for Guyana will be the ones standing up for transparency, accountability, consultation, and full disclosures before major decisions are made about expensive Government projects that seem improperly planned and rushed. Mr. VP, please stop your harangues against Civil Society groups. Stop digging! These groups are not going anywhere!


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