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Former Member

I agree that he is PNC to the bone and defends the current rigging cabal.

BUT he is entitled to his views. We can disagree with him but we should not personally attack him. GNI needs opposition and PNC are in the minority here with DJ being the leader of the opposition.

At the current rate, PNC will eventually become ZERO at GNI.

I have done my best not to attack DJ but to engage him with his misguided opinions. 

There are rules and we must follow them.

We anxiously await Fraudette's election declaration The world is watching.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

You full of shit, you talk shit, and you smell of shit. Give it up and make yourself useful. 

Petal ...

Refrain from making such statements.

Corrective measures can be taken by management of the Forum.

Be advised. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy == Moderator.


One of the site rules.

Posting Rules: Unacceptable Conduct:

2) Personal attacks, rudeness, insults to others, or arguments will not be tolerated. If you wish to challenge a member's point of view and opinions, then do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

Source -

@Former Member posted:

Petal ...

Refrain from making such statements.

Corrective measures can be taken by management of the Forum.

Be advised. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy == Moderator.


One of the site rules.

Posting Rules: Unacceptable Conduct:

2) Personal attacks, rudeness, insults to others, or arguments will not be tolerated. If you wish to challenge a member's point of view and opinions, then do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

Source -

How come you become fully awake, when other reports worse than this, including swearing, was recently ignored by the moderator ?  Talk  about taking sides !!  


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