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Attempt murder victim surprises police when she hires a lawyer to represent the same man who tried to kill her:


A Nigg Settlement woman who had survived over a dozen rounds of suicide attempts but later decided to live a normal life, got a rude awakening when she discovered that her husband actually wanted her dead in any case, and had recently made attempts to take her life.

As a result, several social workers and the police in B Division acted upon her circumstances and arrested the man, who has been identified as Michael Ishmael, a taxi driver.

However, while in custody, the man subsequently escaped, thus forcing Commander of B Division, Assistant Commissioner Paul Williams to place armed police ranks around-the-clock at the woman’s premises to protect her from the man, since she was certain that he was out to kill her.

But fortunately, after several hours of police work and stakeouts, the man whom the woman was fearful of, was captured the next day.

Thereafter, police ensured that he was quickly taken to court in the hope that he can at least be kept in safe custody or be incarcerated for his years of abusive crimes against the woman.

But much to their embarrassment, instead of presenting herself as the victim to the court, the woman simply went ahead and hired an attorney to press for the man who wanted to kill her, to be released.

As a result, presiding Magistrate Renita Singh had no other choice but to release the man on $160,000 bail, which the same fearful woman was busy making provisions to pay.

The police are now at a loss for words since their hands are legally tied, as they may more than likely be unable to save the woman this time from her seemingly certain demise.

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After 15 suicide attempts, I don’t know why I keep going back into the same suicidal relationship:


But what remains obviously miraculous, is the fact that the victim has survived all fifteen suicide attempts even though the quantity of substances that she had taken on each occasion were life threatening.

According to family members, the  29-year-old Nigg Settlement woman, became chronically suicidal after suffering from a prolonged bout of abuse from her common law husband, who has been identified as a taxi driver.

The Guyana Guardian was reliably informed that the woman’s case of suicide attempts has been so severe and rare, that several social workers and mental health worker had to be assigned to her, with the police themselves and hospital personnel practically monitoring the woman day in and day out.

But on each occasion that the woman makes an attempt to take her own life, her husband would usually opt to leave her in whatever state she may be in until a relative or someone else that is monitoring her discovers her frothing or unresponsive.

But after her fifteenth suicide attempt a while ago, social workers hopes for her full recovery were dashed, when it was discovered that her husband was now making direct attempts to kill her.

Suddenly and ironically finding value for her life, it became a plus when the woman along with social workers gave several incriminating statements to police, which subsequently led to her husband being arrested and taken to court.

But as reported earlier by this publication, the woman made an unexpected U-turn when the matter was called before magistrate Renita Singh.

Instead of giving evidence against the man who had attempted to kill her, the woman strangely defended him and even paid a lawyer to represent her abuser’s interest.

Questioned by the Guyana Guardian on her reasons for wanting to rescue the same man who had driven her to commit suicide on at least fifteen occasions, and who recently made a direct attempt to take her life himself, the woman simply said: β€œI do not know”.

And even when she was specifically questioned about going back into a suicidal relationship with the man, she similarly said she did not know.

Prince posted:
Mitwah posted:

She is either bipolar and/or delusional. She needs help.

She seems to be getting all the help she needs. What is scarier is that she attempted suicide 15 times, plus her estranged husband trying to kill her and she is still alive.   Beat that nah?  

I know of a similar case here. The lawyer will be the winner and laughing all the way to the bank.


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