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Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Video coming in a while

Need to see video, lots of conflicting info out there. I don't trust PNC or PPP, let the video roll.

I am surprised that many believed that the old tiger has changed its stripes. The PNC/s propensity to violence is well established and documented.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Video coming in a while

Need to see video, lots of conflicting info out there. I don't trust PNC or PPP, let the video roll.

Yes! You'll hear from the victims themselves

Not so fast, slick.

We want to see video of the 'mayhem' not some stupidee, staged press conference with paid liars . . . and then U must tell we when the attempted murder charges gun be laid . . . arrite??
Originally posted by The Judge:

Are you a fool? Do people walk around with cameras everywhere they go?

So the only time they dont forget is when the AFC has a meeting and only a few show up.

The PPP guy started shooting. No one was shown with visible marks of attack....hardly likely if stones were thrown at them.

I have no doubt that the PNC ssees no reason why the PPP ought to be so bold as to come to "their' village. The same as how the PPP behaves when the AFC went into "their" villages. Same verbal abuse and threats.

Maybe people might just vote AFC as they have tired over this war of 55 years between the PPP and the PNC which has turned Guyanese into a laughing stock.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by redux:

Not so fast, slick.

We want to see video of the 'mayhem' not some stupidee, staged press conference with paid liars . . . and then U must tell we when the attempted murder charges gun be laid . . . arrite??

Are you a fool? Do people walk around with cameras everywhere they go?

Yep . . . I thought so.

When y'all planning to bring de felony charges again . . .??
Why the hell are you folks yapping? This is predicted and it is not because black people are quarrel some people prone to violence. It is predictable for all societies like us where one group is locked out and know in their hearts the chances of them wresting power from the incumbent administration in an election is practically nil.
Originally posted by redux:
still waiting, waiting, waiting for the video . . .

They have to recruit blacks to restage this. Give them time. It will be a shabbily amateurish production so dont worry.

Yes people got rowdy in Victoria. They knew thsi woould happen so they went to provoke this. They think that this will get Indians back to the PPP fold. Some how I suspect Indos will not care the slightest about an Afro on Afro battle and I know the Afros will not care either.

Getting rowdy and engaging in violence are not the same. What disturbs me is that a PPP supporter thinks its OK to fire a gun in a crowd.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by redux:
still waiting, waiting, waiting for the video . . .

They have to recruit blacks to restage this. Give them time. It will be a shabbily amateurish production so dont worry.

Yes people got rowdy in Victoria. They knew thsi woould happen so they went to provoke this. They think that this will get Indians back to the PPP fold. Some how I suspect Indos will not care the slightest about an Afro on Afro battle and I know the Afros will not care either.

Getting rowdy and engaging in violence are not the same. What disturbs me is that a PPP supporter thinks its OK to fire a gun in a crowd.

Don't you think that they are telling the truth?

It's a glaring fact the PNC's criminal machinery are resurfacing under Granger. Don't you people know that violence will bring all Indians together..
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Don't you think that they are telling the truth?

The 'TRUTH' is in the Police report, the arrest record, and . . . subsequent actions of the DPP.

Everything else is bullshit war propaganda!

The police is covering up their failures to curb violence. They are now taking orders from the PNC. Felix and Best ore friends of Granger.

Stop supporting violence, you prick..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The police . . . are now taking orders from the PNC.

Stop supporting violence, you prick.

Suh . . . alyu water carrier Henry Greene is now a PNC . . . Ha Ha Haaaa! How delicious.

BTW, stop obsessing over my prick . . . go pull down U panty and compare sizes with the other house negro Kwame.

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