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No confusion about PPP’s ideological orientation.


January 25, 2017

Dear Editor,

There seems to be some confusion generated by some sections of the media regarding the ideological orientation of the PPP, especially since the conclusion of the party’s Congress in December last year. Similar confusion transpired after the PPP/C won the October 5, 1992 elections in which attempts were made by the media to project the PPP as ideologically inflexible and anachronistic.

It is instructive to recall the way Dr Jagan responded on the issue of the ideological orientation of the PPP vis-à-vis that of the Civic alliance after the PPP/C was victorious in the historic elections of October 1992.

“The People’s Progressive Party to which I belong is historically a party of the working people and the poor, guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism and with the aim of building a democratic and humane society with amulti-party parliamentary system.” (Stabroek News, August 26, 1993).

Regarding the Civic alliance he said the PPP had never foisted its ideology on its alliance partner nor on the PPP/Civic government, and was emphatic that the party had no intention of doing so.

Dr Jagan explained that what his government did was to dismantle the structures of ‘party paramountcy’, the pernicious doctrine of the former PNC government under which the ruling party was indistinguishable from the state.

Dr Jagan was critical of some sections of the media for sensationalizing on the question of ideology with the view of projecting the party in a negative light at home and abroad.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally

Replies sorted oldest to newest


Just in case you all missed it,I support Democracy in Guyana and welcome change of Government,no party should be anchored in for more than two terms of government,Presidents shouldn't be allowed for more than two terms,I am sure there are individuals who have ideas to move the country forward and should be given a chance,these individuals will have to present their ideas to the people who will decide if they are fit to manage their affairs.The country have been divided for too long,gradually the young ones are moving away from the APAN JAAT mentality.

Let me reiterate I don't hate my people,what i detest is their mentality of being like sheep,they need to think for themselves don't let the divisionists think for them.Guyana is a  multi ethnic country and belongs to everyone,no citizen should have ENTITLEMENT,what the country needs is "REAL" MULTI ETHNIC GOVERNMENT,hopefully that can materialize in the future.



Bibi and Nehru,

here is my post on another thread  []  which was condemmened by both of you as PURE CRAP and bull crap.

wondering how much this post differs from the letter writer??


Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:

What I conclude from Hydar's letter is that the PPP is still "guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism." And I wonder how the Trump Administration would take that.

If you are right then this man, Hydar Ally, is an ass.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:

What I conclude from Hydar's letter is that the PPP is still "guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism." And I wonder how the Trump Administration would take that.

If you are right then this man, Hydar Ally, is an ass.

But his letter cannot be dismissed lightly, as he is a longstanding PPP Central Committee member. Knowing Hydar, I don't believe he wrote the letter without the knowledge of his comrades.


(The PPP)is historically a party of the working people and the poor, guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism. I am sure Marx and Lenin believed in more than  protecting the poor. We saw the sign in America "We are the 99%." So are these 99% who care for each other Marxists and Leninists. What is wrong with protecting the poor? Aren't we our brothers' keepers? If you can, please help your unfortunate friend. Juss me 2 lil jill hey.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hydar Ally needs to have his head checked. 

He could have left out "guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism". The world has evolved beyond Marx and Lenin.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hydar Ally needs to have his head checked. 

He could have left out "guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism". The world has evolved beyond Marx and Lenin.

On the contrary, comrade, socialism has regained its popularity in certain places. During the US election campaign Bernie Sanders' astounding support sent a lot of people to bookshops for Marxist literature and there was reportedly a spike in sales of Marx's "Manifesto of the Communist Party". 

Last edited by Former Member

Django, some clarification, please. You posted that you did not support a political party anchored in for more than two terms. Does that mean that you ban that party from running after two consecutive terms. Or do you fail to recognize their victory if they won the third consecutive election? How does this position fit in with a notion of a democracy where electors are free to choose the government of their choice?

do not see this as me supporting Jagdeo or the fight for a third term for him. It is more related to a notion of democracy where the constitution does not limit the consecutive ascension of power by a political,party.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hydar Ally needs to have his head checked. 

He could have left out "guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism". The world has evolved beyond Marx and Lenin.

On the contrary, comrade, socialism has regained its popularity in certain places. During the US election campaign Bernie Sanders' astounding support sent a lot of people to bookshops for Marxist literature and there was reportedly a spike in sales of Marx's "Manifesto of the Communist Party". 

That is exactly why Bernie Sanders is not President of America.  (Well, other than the fact, that Hillary stole the Democratic nomination from him!!!!)

Massa, leh me tell you something, communism dead.  North Korea, China, Cuba and North Vietnam are the only true communist countries left on this planet.  And China trade rules are all capitalist!

And for those of you who don't know, Jagdeo is more capitalist than Trump!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:

What I conclude from Hydar's letter is that the PPP is still "guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism." And I wonder how the Trump Administration would take that.

If you are right then this man, Hydar Ally, is an ass.

Trump's government is the Government of the People, for the People and by the People. This is clearly a definition of communism.

Trump's rhetorics is proclaimed to all the world.  He actually believes what he says he believes in, and is very sincere about his beliefs. He is so very paranoid and very delusional.


Zed posted:

Django, some clarification, please. You posted that you did not support a political party anchored in for more than two terms. Does that mean that you ban that party from running after two consecutive terms. Or do you fail to recognize their victory if they won the third consecutive election? How does this position fit in with a notion of a democracy where electors are free to choose the government of their choice?

do not see this as me supporting Jagdeo or the fight for a third term for him. It is more related to a notion of democracy where the constitution does not limit the consecutive ascension of power by a political,party.

Zed,what i really meant is preferable after a party is in government for two terms the electorate should be "wise" to elect other parties to govern,taking into consideration there are two major parties where their support are ethnically based,one with an advantage due to a narrow margin will always be the winner,race based voting is not healthy for democracy,gradually i think that is changing in the homeland.

The electoral system in Guyana need one change that's to allow alliances to be made after elections,I am not seeing a push for that,both major parties seems comfortable with the current system.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Zed posted:

Django, some clarification, please. You posted that you did not support a political party anchored in for more than two terms. Does that mean that you ban that party from running after two consecutive terms. Or do you fail to recognize their victory if they won the third consecutive election? How does this position fit in with a notion of a democracy where electors are free to choose the government of their choice?

Zed,what i really meant is preferable after a party is in government for two terms the electorate should be "wise" to elect other parties to govern,taking into consideration there are two major parties where their support are ethnically based,one with an advantage due to a narrow margin will always be the winner,race based voting is not healthy for democracy,gradually i think that is changing in the homeland.

The electoral system in Guyana need one change that's to allow alliances to be made after elections,I am not seeing a push for that,both major parties seems comfortable with the current system.

Let the people exercise their democratic right. There should be FAIR AND FREE elections at all times in Guyana. If the people choose to elect one party consecutive times, then that's their choice. Democracy is working for them. Nah dis PNC rig and frig the elekshian wid fat bai Hunt and the swine Surujbali.


Django bai, nothing wrong with a constantly changing government. The problem with the current government is their haplessness. It is unwise to install a hapless government just for the sake of change.

ksazma posted:

Django bai, nothing wrong with a constantly changing government. The problem with the current government is their haplessness. It is unwise to install a hapless government just for the sake of change.

Django please take note.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Django bai, nothing wrong with a constantly changing government. The problem with the current government is their haplessness. It is unwise to install a hapless government just for the sake of change.

Django please take note.


Django - y'all PNC people pra pra wicked you know.  Look story here!  PNC people should not write letters on behalf of the PPP.

Government recognises the dedication of Hydar Ally

Mr Hydar Ally

A LARGE crowd gathered at the Public Service Ministry’s Training Division, Vlissengen Road, last Saturday to show appreciation to former Permanent Secretary of Ministry of the Public Service, Hydar Ally. The event, organised by current Permanent Secretary of the Public Service Ministry, Reginald Brotherson, was also attended by Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix and Minister of State Joseph Harmon.

Felix explained that the “well organised” function was a demonstration of the high regard which the staff held for Ally. Felix believes that even though it may now be the end of Ally’s contribution to public service, he is “still fit and ready to continue in other areas that require his skill.”
Meanwhile, Minister of State Joseph Harmon reminded the gathering of Government’s policy when it comes to service in the Public Service. Minister Harmon said, “Once people serve honourably, their services will be respected.” He emphasised that Government recognises the inputs of all Guyanese, irrespective of political affiliation, religious persuasion and ethnic backgrounds. “We are concerned about service and the quality of service.”

Minister Harmon added that because of Ally’s training and somewhat still youthful state, “the door is still open for him to come back and offer his service to Government in that capacity – maybe as a trainer in the Public Service Staff College which will be established soon.”

In turn, the former permanent secretary expressed gratitude to the Government and congratulated them on recognising that service to the people of Guyana is more important than one’s political preference.


Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hydar Ally sucking salt with Harmon and Felix and writing letter about PPP ideology.  And of course, GNI brain box Django, cheering on!!

Bibi, seriously, Hydar Ally has earned respect across the political spectrum in Guyana. I have known him for the past 30 years personally. He has always been a humble and incorruptible person, and a well-educated one too. There is ample justification why he currently holds the position as Manager of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre Inc.

When APNU+AFC won the 2015 general elections and PPP-appointed permanent secretaries refused to cooperate, Hydar Ally did the decent thing and performed his permanent secretary function professionally. The Coalition appreciated such decency and professionalism. 

Hydar Ally is a true Jaganite and a loyal PPP member for decades. At the party's recent congress in Essequibo, delegates recognized Hydar's loyalty and longstanding contribution and elected him for yet another term in the Central Committee. It is unfair to cast aspersions on Hydar's steadfastness to the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hydar Ally sucking salt with Harmon and Felix and writing letter about PPP ideology.  And of course, GNI brain box Django, cheering on!!

Bibi, seriously, Hydar Ally has earned respect across the political spectrum in Guyana. I have known him for the past 30 years personally. He has always been a humble and incorruptible person, and a well-educated one too. There is ample justification why he currently holds the position as Manager of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre Inc.

When APNU+AFC won the 2015 general elections and PPP-appointed permanent secretaries refused to cooperate, Hydar Ally did the decent thing and performed his permanent secretary function professionally. The Coalition appreciated such decency and professionalism. 

Hydar Ally is a true Jaganite and a loyal PPP member for decades. At the party's recent congress in Essequibo, delegates recognized Hydar's loyalty and longstanding contribution and elected him for yet another term in the Central Committee. It is unfair to cast aspersions on Hydar's steadfastness to the PPP.

Hydar Ally and other Commie Jaganites like him have become an unnecessary baggage to the PPP.  He spent his entire life in government and what has he done for the Guyanese people - absolutely nothing.  These Commies preach that it is a blessing to remain in poverty.  They sat down in the PPP camp for 28 years while the PNC pillage the country into abject poverty and did nothing about it. 

Many of you all were screaming and wailing - Time for a Change!   If we want people like Hydar Ally, and Hammie Green, and Carl Greendige in positions then that is not change.  Guyana needs new blood, new ideas, new governance.  Guyana needs a government that can empower its people and create new opportunities for them.  People like Hydar Ally have become a nuisance to progress and development by living in the Commie holes that Burnham and Jagan dug for them.

Jagan is dead.  Burnham is dead. Communism is dead.  Time for a Change!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hydar Ally sucking salt with Harmon and Felix and writing letter about PPP ideology.  And of course, GNI brain box Django, cheering on!!

Bibi, seriously, Hydar Ally has earned respect across the political spectrum in Guyana. I have known him for the past 30 years personally. He has always been a humble and incorruptible person, and a well-educated one too. There is ample justification why he currently holds the position as Manager of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre Inc.

When APNU+AFC won the 2015 general elections and PPP-appointed permanent secretaries refused to cooperate, Hydar Ally did the decent thing and performed his permanent secretary function professionally. The Coalition appreciated such decency and professionalism. 

Hydar Ally is a true Jaganite and a loyal PPP member for decades. At the party's recent congress in Essequibo, delegates recognized Hydar's loyalty and longstanding contribution and elected him for yet another term in the Central Committee. It is unfair to cast aspersions on Hydar's steadfastness to the PPP.

Hydar Ally and other Commie Jaganites like him have become an unnecessary baggage to the PPP.  He spent his entire life in government and what has he done for the Guyanese people - absolutely nothing.  These Commies preach that it is a blessing to remain in poverty.  They sat down in the PPP camp for 28 years while the PNC pillage the country into abject poverty and did nothing about it. 

Many of you all were screaming and wailing - Time for a Change!   If we want people like Hydar Ally, and Hammie Green, and Carl Greendige in positions then that is not change.  Guyana needs new blood, new ideas, new governance.  Guyana needs a government that can empower its people and create new opportunities for them.  People like Hydar Ally have become a nuisance to progress and development by living in the Commie holes that Burnham and Jagan dug for them.

Jagan is dead.  Burnham is dead. Communism is dead.  Time for a Change!


Not only Jagan is dead but his children Joey and Nadira attempted to kill his party. 

Kick dem commies out of the PPP !!!



I am in agreement with what you have said,...but....the leader of the PPP should make a true declaration of their ideolgy.

Time for the PPP to remove "Marxism-Lennism" where ever it's hidden in Freedom House.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:


I am in agreement with what you have said,...but....the leader of the PPP should make a true declaration of their ideolgy.

Time for the PPP to remove "Marxism-Lennism" where ever it's hidden in Freedom House.

I have no disagreement here with regards to Marxism-Lennism removed for the party manifesto.

We must remember that the PPP never practised Marxism during their rule so the it is appropriate that it be removed from the PPP manifesto.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:


I am in agreement with what you have said,...but....the leader of the PPP should make a true declaration of their ideolgy.

Time for the PPP to remove "Marxism-Lennism" where ever it's hidden in Freedom House.

Who knew this day would come when you and I are on the same page?  I don't know why that Marxist clause/phrase is in the PPP manifesto.  As Yugi said, they are not practicing it.  My feeling is that they don't want the old Jagan boys, like Hydar Ally, who claim party loyalty to vex up too much.  I personally think they should kick out all the Marxists and their Marxist phrase in one single shot.  It is the only way for the party to move forward. 

Bibi Haniffa


I agree the the communists must be kicked out of the PPP now. They need time to rebrand the PPP and the sooner this happens, the better it is for 2020. 

The PPP must learn from the lesson when Marxist Moses Kakamootoo tried to break up the PPP. This has to happen now. Jagdeo needs to bring out the whip and start cleaning house.

Rebrand the PPP from PPP/C to PPP/Republicans for Guyana. Headed by Bibi.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I have no disagreement here with regards to Marxism-Lennism removed for the party manifesto.

We must remember that the PPP never practised Marxism during their rule so the it is appropriate that it be removed from the PPP manifesto.

Bai, it's not in any manifesto. It's written in the PPP Constitution. There's a big difference between manifesto and constitution.

yuji22 posted:


I agree the the communists must be kicked out of the PPP now. They need time to rebrand the PPP and the sooner this happens, the better it is for 2020. 

The PPP must learn from the lesson when Marxist Moses Kakamootoo tried to break up the PPP. This has to happen now. Jagdeo needs to bring out the whip and start cleaning house.

Rebrand the PPP from PPP/C to PPP/Republicans for Guyana. Headed by Bibi.

Yeah and den y'all gan run and tell dem canecutters that y'all is a working class party.  Dem canecutters should put some gud kutlish pan y'all backside.

yuji22 posted: I agree the the communists must be kicked out of the PPP now.

That's a surefire way to ensure that the PPP remains in the opposition till the second coming of Christ. Historical experience shows that when leading functionaries leave the PPP they take their followers along with them. Balram Singh Rai took his followers out of the PPP. As did Vincent Teekah, Ranji Chandisingh, Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo, among others. Bearing in mind that the PPP Indo support base is now less than 39.8 percent of the population, can the PPP afford to kick out those "communists" who happen to be mainly Indos?


The answer is  - Yes.  Because in the end everyone of those followers ketch sense and ran back to the PPP.  Besides you and I know about a dirty game called politics.  When in Rome do as Romans.  Uncle Sam will put you out if you are a Commie.  Ask GRanger and Burnham - dem guh tell you.

Bibi Haniffa

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