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 President accuses M&CC of fiddling while the city flounders : –during visit to areas inundated by heavy rainfall
President accuses M&CC of fiddling while the city flounders : –during visit to areas inundated by heavy rainfall
President Donald Ramotar and Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn during their visit yesterday to South Ruimveldt and Albouystown to assess the situation in the two communities

President accuses M&CC of fiddling while the city flounders : –during visit to areas inundated by heavy rainfall

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar, accompanied by Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, paid a visit late yesterday to several areas in the city left under water by consistent heavy rainfall, which began overnight and continued, at intervals, all day yesterday.Recce-3Among areas he visited so as to gauge the situation were sections of D’Urban Street (which begins in Lodge in the east and ends in Werk-en-Rust to the west); parts of Albouystown; South and North Georgetown; and along Sussex Street.

While at the Sussex Street koker, he told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that many of the problems currently being encountered whenever it rains heavily are because of poor drainage, which is something the government will have to look into at the earliest opportunity.
He however noted that the Ministry of Public Works has been working assiduously to clear the drainage canals around the city and ensure there is a smooth flow of water, so as to bring relief to the residents living in the relevant communities.
Upon learning that Albouystown was the area most affected by the recent rains, President Ramotar said: “The City Council, which has more than 900 workers and spends more than $80M a month to pay [their] salaries, I don’t know what they are doing… The Government is ready and willing to assist, but the City Council is not doing anything at all in these areas.”
According to Minister Benn, yesterday’s deluge alone saw the accumulation of about two to four inches of rainfall; he was however swift to note that the ministry has deployed four teams to work in specific areas in an effort to stem the floods.
He said, too, that the ministry will continue to monitor the situation and continue its works; however it will have to map out a programme for the next four to five years to moderate the situation over that period of.
“We will have to look at the designs with the City and the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority, and come up with a plan to re-establish kokers and pump stations, and put a programme in place to improve the secondary and tertiary drainage in the communities,” Minister Benn said.
The ministry’s interventions will cost over $40M, which money will go towards the cleaning outfalls in Albouystown, South Georgetown and other areas, and the removal of garbage.
The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development has also been playing a major role in this regard, in terms of rendering whatever assistance may be needed, especially in the area of solid waste disposal. (GINA)


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Originally Posted by seignet:

Presidents who put on long booths and tour about when the place get flooded.


Hail President Jagdeo.


Now Hail, President Ramotar.


Deadbeat Greene collects millions of taxes, he should not rub his filth on the president's face. ALL PNC thugs cannot run anything including the City of GT. The government has no business in bailing out deadbeat Greene.


Guyanese need to realize that PNC always give them filth.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Presidents who put on long booths and tour about when the place get flooded.


Hail President Jagdeo.


Now Hail, President Ramotar.


Deadbeat Greene collects millions of taxes, he should not rub his filth on the president's face. ALL PNC thugs cannot run anything including the City of GT. The government has no business in bailing out deadbeat Greene.


Guyanese need to realize that PNC always give them filth.

Poor PNC. An excuse for kuli ppi shyte house mentality. I wonder if dem clean dem Prado Houses.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Presidents who put on long booths and tour about when the place get flooded.


Hail President Jagdeo.


Now Hail, President Ramotar.


A PRESIDENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. I understand his concern and care for GT but I would leave them in the Filth. They seem to enjoy that. Where is the Mayor of GT???


Yogi, I have seen the president on the front line in hard hat and weather booths before and this is nothing new to excite me. The president is assessing the problem, not fixing it. He needs professional engineering advice to get the flooding problem fix properly. Whether he's supposed to be there or now, there is no need to make unnecessary announcement to the world. The taxpayers are paying them to do their job. I am sorry if I am not excited as you are.


The Rev would like to see the Ramotar administration take the bull by the horn and clean up the filth in Georgetown. We all know the town council under Mayor Green is useless. No more blaming. Just clean up the damn place.





Last edited by Former Member

The picture above speaks volume, and it cannot be denied that someone is not doing their job. However, that garbage you see has been there for years, and it's been overlooked until pressure builds and the blame game begins. It's still a problem as we can see, but no solution in sight. I guess no one is supposed to complain. Why the government doesn't want to enforce the rules and prosecute the violators is another story. With this inaction by the govt., Guyana will forever be drenched in a garbage stench, and G/T will be drowned under water each time its rains.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The picture above speaks volume, and it cannot be denied that someone is not doing their job. However, that garbage you see has been there for years, and it's been overlooked until pressure builds and the blame game begins. It's still a problem as we can see, but no solution in sight. I guess no one is supposed to complain. Why the government doesn't want to enforce the rules and prosecute the violators is another story. With this inaction by the govt., Guyana will forever be drenched in a garbage stench, and G/T will be drowned under water each time its rains.


How about the citizens elect a REAL mayor and not a PNC filth like Greene ?

How about citizens of GT being more responsible in disposing garbage ? 

Here in the city of Vaughan, we recycle most items including vegetable peels etc.


How about the citizens of GT take to the streets and demand that Green clean up his filth otherwise they will refuse to pay taxes ?

How about the PPP stop bailing out this PNC filth Greene ?


The city of GT collect taxes. My grandfather used to tell me that PNC cannot even run a cake shop, how can the run a country ? Green is an example what awaits Guyana under the PNC.


Stop defending the filthy Green and taking a stand against this Burnhamite thug. When will the citizens of GT grow some aloo and speak out against this thug.


This is not about the PPP. This is about a PNC bully and thug Greene. 






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  • Unknown
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev would like to see the Ramotar administration take the bull by the horn and clean up the filth in Georgetown. We all know the town council under Mayor Green is useless. No more blaming. Just clean up the damn place.





People should dump their garbage at both Ramotar's and Green's residences.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev would like to see the Ramotar administration take the bull by the horn and clean up the filth in Georgetown. We all know the town council under Mayor Green is useless. No more blaming. Just clean up the damn place.





People should dump their garbage at both Ramotar's and Green's residences.



We all agree that the PPP needs to clean up the city even though the responsibility lies with Greene. Your city of Brampton cannot depend on the Federal Government of clean it up. The Feds will tell them where to go.


Greene must go and the People of GT must stop voting in useless PNC thugs.


We can all stand united in cleaning up GT including the thug Greene. It is a known fact that GT was very clean under Burnham. He puts the PPP to shame when it comes to a clean GT.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev would like to see the Ramotar administration take the bull by the horn and clean up the filth in Georgetown. We all know the town council under Mayor Green is useless. No more blaming. Just clean up the damn place.





People should dump their garbage at both Ramotar's and Green's residences.



We all agree that the PPP needs to clean up the city even though the responsibility lies with Greene. Your city of Brampton cannot depend on the Federal Government of clean it up. The Feds will tell them where to go.


Greene must go and the People of GT must stop voting in useless PNC thugs.


We can all stand united in cleaning up GT including the thug Greene. It is a known fact that GT was very clean under Burnham. He puts the PPP to shame when it comes to a clean GT.

I am with Hazel and we have an excellent recycle waste management.  


The place (Guyana) smells. After a few days one becomes immune to the stench. Sometimes I wonder what has happened with civic pride. I remember how we used to clean our yard and the parapet by the road side in front of our shop and burn the garbage in the back yard. 


Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev would like to see the Ramotar administration take the bull by the horn and clean up the filth in Georgetown. We all know the town council under Mayor Green is useless. No more blaming. Just clean up the damn place.





People should dump their garbage at both Ramotar's and Green's residences.



We all agree that the PPP needs to clean up the city even though the responsibility lies with Greene. Your city of Brampton cannot depend on the Federal Government of clean it up. The Feds will tell them where to go.


Greene must go and the People of GT must stop voting in useless PNC thugs.


We can all stand united in cleaning up GT including the thug Greene. It is a known fact that GT was very clean under Burnham. He puts the PPP to shame when it comes to a clean GT.

I am with Hazel and we have an excellent recycle waste management.  


The place smells. After a few days one becomes immune to the stench. Sometimes I wonder what has happened with civic pride. I remember how we used to clean our yard and the parapet by the road side in front of our shop and burn the garbage in the back yard. 


Hazel and Mississauga is an example of how a Mayor should run a city. The city of Vaughan is also well run, we won several awards for our city.


I also remember the good old days when Guyanese of all walks of life had a sense of civic pride. Governments have to share some of the blame and the PPP needs to wake up and smell the garbage and take action now.


Dictator Burnham kept GT squeaky clean. Our PPP boys keeps it dutty dutty and that is nothing to be proud of. I hope that the PPP politicians are listening. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Presidents who put on long booths and tour about when the place get flooded.


Hail President Jagdeo.


Now Hail, President Ramotar.


Hail President Ramotar for abandoning the opposition and the anti-money laundering bill.

yuji22 posted:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev would like to see the Ramotar administration take the bull by the horn and clean up the filth in Georgetown. We all know the town council under Mayor Green is useless. No more blaming. Just clean up the damn place.





People should dump their garbage at both Ramotar's and Green's residences.



We all agree that the PPP needs to clean up the city even though the responsibility lies with Greene. Your city of Brampton cannot depend on the Federal Government of clean it up. The Feds will tell them where to go.


Greene must go and the People of GT must stop voting in useless PNC thugs.


We can all stand united in cleaning up GT including the thug Greene. It is a known fact that GT was very clean under Burnham. He puts the PPP to shame when it comes to a clean GT.

I am with Hazel and we have an excellent recycle waste management.  


The place smells. After a few days one becomes immune to the stench. Sometimes I wonder what has happened with civic pride. I remember how we used to clean our yard and the parapet by the road side in front of our shop and burn the garbage in the back yard. 


Hazel and Mississauga is an example of how a Mayor should run a city. The city of Vaughan is also well run, we won several awards for our city.


I also remember the good old days when Guyanese of all walks of life had a sense of civic pride. Governments have to share some of the blame and the PPP needs to wake up and smell the garbage and take action now.


Dictator Burnham kept GT squeaky clean. Our PPP boys keeps it dutty dutty and that is nothing to be proud of. I hope that the PPP politicians are listening. 

Excellent post here. Castlemore is well kept also. 

Labba posted:
Mitwah posted:

Yugi, You were talking Garbage here. 

De man changed he handle from sushi REV to brahmin Yuji.

You maybe on to something,Rev was smarter,looks like retrograde setting in.


Look story here. Anyway, the Rev will forever remain GNI's most respected and Yuji will forever remain GNI's fearless. 

As for Django, he will be remembered for his can in hand, fetching PNC slop with pride. 

yuji22 posted:

As for Django, he will be remembered for his can in hand, fetching PNC slop with pride. 

I believe this is why Drugb is not around, but not sure. So carry on with your bad self. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

As for Django, he will be remembered for his can in hand, fetching PNC slop with pride. 

I believe this is why Drugb is not around, but not sure. So carry on with your bad self. 

No one dare threaten GNI's fearless.

yuji22 posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

As for Django, he will be remembered for his can in hand, fetching PNC slop with pride. 

I believe this is why Drugb is not around, but not sure. So carry on with your bad self. 

No one dare threaten GNI's fearless.

So why do you keep running away from GNI like a sissy?


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