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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went from President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes. thesis of the swing votes hold. Let's see how the new PPP win these back . Pavi, Cobra, Rama_cant and DG...explain.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went from President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes. thesis of the swing votes hold. Let's see how the new PPP win these back . Pavi, Cobra, Rama_cant and DG...explain.


Dem PPP Antiman dis managed to lose Mibicuri Black Bush Polder divisions


Also, check out the upper middle class Indian areas of Queenstown. The PPP lost this election in the Corentyne and Queenstown.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went from President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes. thesis of the swing votes hold. Let's see how the new PPP win these back . Pavi, Cobra, Rama_cant and DG...explain.


I congratulate you my friend. We now have an Indo and a Mixed swing voter in Guyana. Elections from now on will be determined by a swing vote.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went for President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes.

That's what I heard. Nuff coolie people, in traditionally PPP strongholds, switched.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went for President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes.

That's what I heard. Nuff coolie people, in traditionally PPP strongholds, switched.


That is a cold hard ugly fact. I remember sitting wid dem PPP mudheads on election night and as soon as we got back a single Queenstown division and the Kildonan division from the Corentyne, I said APNU+AFC won because this indicated a trend against the PPP. I don't see how you can lose substantial votes in the Corentyne and Queenstown as the PPP and still hold Government.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went for President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes.

This is so interesting - 227 in achlyne/Whim voted for the APNUAFC.


This is a telling tale.  The PPP is badly wounded.



vs.  Lancaster - mostly APNUAFC.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gupta:

Too much race hatred speeches by PPP cost them the elections.

I think it was the corruption. Jagdeo was strongarming too many affluent people.
People could listen to the race hatred speeches and chose to ignore. The corruption was a little hard to let slip.

I was told a few years ago, exact words from a reliable source, "bai.. is not lil bit money dem men teefin... is millions and millions of US."

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went for President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes.

This is so interesting - 227 in achlyne/Whim voted for the APNUAFC.


This is a telling tale.  The PPP is badly wounded.



vs.  Buxton  - almost 100% APNUAFC.




Dem Mudheads dis managed to lose a Mibicuri BBP division. Jaganville they lost.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went for President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes.

caribny will say all of them are black people.  Does he mean black skin coolie 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK: thesis of the swing votes hold. Let's see how the new PPP win these back .


Pavi, Cobra, Rama_cant and DG...explain.

When the Guyana Election Commission provides a transparent recount of the votes, then the final and decisive results will be declared to all.


In the meantime, given the Election Commission's attitude, the results of the 2015 elections will remain inconclusive.


In any country where the difference is such a small margin, there is always an immediate automatic recount prior to confirming the official results.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK: thesis of the swing votes hold. Let's see how the new PPP win these back .


Pavi, Cobra, Rama_cant and DG...explain.

When the Guyana Election Commission provides a transparent recount of the votes, then the final and decisive results will be declared to all.


In the meantime, given the Election Commission's attitude, the results of the 2015 elections will remain inconclusive.


In any country where the difference is such a small margin, there is always an immediate automatic recount prior to confirming the official results.

Perhaps, perhaps not...

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went from President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes. thesis of the swing votes hold. Let's see how the new PPP win these back . Pavi, Cobra, Rama_cant and DG...explain.


I congratulate you my friend. We now have an Indo and a Mixed swing voter in Guyana. Elections from now on will be determined by a swing vote.

When I told them that there was a swing vote, they disagreed and went on their merry way.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went for President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes.

Shaits, if memory serves me right, Kildonan is an Afro dominated area.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


So ammm......many many Indo villages went for President Granger. This is why no amount of allegations of PNC rigging will ever be deemed credible. The PPP got their asses beat in traditional PPP villages.


A Kildonan Division alone (my mother's village) went 137 PNC to the PPP's pathetic 12 votes.

caribny will say all of them are black people.  Does he mean black skin coolie 

caribj will merely compare the % of votes in 2011 with the % in 2015.  GT Mosquito did so in certain PPP strongholds, noting that virtualy all of the increased vote went PPP.  So if 300 voted AFC in 2011 and in 2015, but the PPP won an additional 1,000, then why do you credit the TOTAL victory to the PPP. 


It was an OFFSETTING increased vote in PNC strongholds which offset the fact that Moses DID NOT GAIN GROUND IN PPP strongholds.



Accept this fact.  If APNU sat down and twiddled their toes and waited for Moses to bring in the winning margins, Rev and all of them would have been screaming 54% PPP victory.


Moses brought in what he did  in 2011, maybe even less.  The increased vote came from the SAME people who populated all the coalition events, even those on the majority Indian Corentyne.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Carib doing all he can to diminish the AFC's contribution.


For the first time in its history, the PNC won an election because the AFC coalesced with it.


Is that so hard for Carib to concede?

Jay if APNU only won the 139k votes that they did last time, where would that have left the AFC?  The PPP would have gotten their 54% of the votes that Rev and the others screamed that they would have gotten.


Most assuredly the AFC didn't get enough Indian votes to offset that tsunami of votes that the PPP drummed up.  The coalition LOST votes in Region 6, despite higher turn out in New Amsterdam and other PNC areas.  Ditto in Region 5. 


They definitely didn't in Whim where the PPP STOMPED them.


Jay gratitude is a good thing.  Say thanks to APNU for having the organizational strength to drum up AFRICAN crowds when the coalition had campaign events in PPP areas, to offset Nagamootoo's complete INABILITY to generate enough Indian crowds.


FACT.  A strong APNU turn out and a sliver of an Indo AFC vote won the election.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

How come there are more black votes than Indian votes?


Where did the votes came from?    Dead men don't vote.

Sorry to inform you, but it seems evident that the African + mixed vote is now as large, maybe even larger than the Indian vote.


Maybe next time the PPP will try to get cross ethnic support and not alienate non Indians as they did last month.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Carib doing all he can to diminish the AFC's contribution.


For the first time in its history, the PNC won an election because the AFC coalesced with it.


Is that so hard for Carib to concede?

....and without APNU you all would have 5 or 6 seats on the path to obscurity in 2020. The point of a coalition was acheived - victory, and in this case, relegating the PPP to opposition.


You are a indo only PPP Jaganite who wanted to use APNU to install Moses as king. You thought you could use APNU as a means to an end and now left holding your limp lolie in your hands.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

You are a indo only PPP Jaganite who wanted to use APNU to install Moses as king. You thought you could use APNU as a means to an end and now left holding your limp lolie in your hands.

Yes. This comedian, jalil, mitwah, HM_redux, and Kari.  Now that they have failed to take over the APNU and fully marginalize the non Indians in the AFC they cry. 


And what makes it worse for them is that Moses isn't supporting their claims.  The man is busy attempting to build bridges, and to over come the distrust which undoubtedly will exist towards him from within BOTH APNU and the AFC.


I will not claim that APNU doesn't need to be watched to prevent a slide into ethnic revenge or ethnic domination.  Guyana's history of BOTH the PPP AND the PNC, suggests that this is a real risk. 


But to claim that APNU isn't making an effort, and that the PPP did a better job in ethnic diversity, as Jay claims, just shows Jay as the racist PPP clown which he is, angry at Jagdeo, but otherwise remaining staunchly PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

You are a indo only PPP Jaganite who wanted to use APNU to install Moses as king. You thought you could use APNU as a means to an end and now left holding your limp lolie in your hands.

Yes. This comedian, jalil, mitwah, HM_redux, and Kari.  Now that they have failed to take over the APNU and fully marginalize the non Indians in the AFC they cry. 


And what makes it worse for them is that Moses isn't supporting their claims.  The man is busy attempting to build bridges, and to over come the distrust which undoubtedly will exist towards him from within BOTH APNU and the AFC.


I will not claim that APNU doesn't need to be watched to prevent a slide into ethnic revenge or ethnic domination.  Guyana's history of BOTH the PPP AND the PNC, suggests that this is a real risk. 


But to claim that APNU isn't making an effort, and that the PPP did a better job in ethnic diversity, as Jay claims, just shows Jay as the racist PPP clown which he is, angry at Jagdeo, but otherwise remaining staunchly PPP.

It is a big risk indeed. I am hearing whispers that APNU won the thing all by themselves. That all the Indians went back to PPP. Of course, Jagdeo is salivating in his corner.

Originally Posted by TK:

It is a big risk indeed. I am hearing whispers that APNU won the thing all by themselves. That all the Indians went back to PPP. Of course, Jagdeo is salivating in his corner.

Well Moses Nagamootoo DID NOT bring in the amounts of Indian votes that he anticipated that he would.  Had APNU not had a strategy to tremendously increase voter turn out in their strongholds, with a strong emphasis on the youth vote, the PPP would have won.  It is as important for you to admit to this as it is for others to give the AFC credit for bringing in votes which also contributed to the win.


The AFC Indos would look better if they admitted the truth, rather than screaming that they are king makers and that black people must be grateful to them. 


Yes the AFC Indians did bring in votes which contributed to the victory, but to claim king maker status is share bullshit. Any number of communities can lay claim to this, and in fact Linden already is. 


Had Lindeners voted in the same numbers that they did in 2011 the PPP would have been emboldened to demand a recount, and would have gotten it, given that their loss would have been a mere 300 votes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is a big risk indeed. I am hearing whispers that APNU won the thing all by themselves. That all the Indians went back to PPP. Of course, Jagdeo is salivating in his corner.

Well Moses Nagamootoo DID NOT bring in the amounts of Indian votes that he anticipated that he would.  Had APNU not had a strategy to tremendously increase voter turn out in their strongholds, with a strong emphasis on the youth vote, the PPP would have won.  It is as important for you to admit to this as it is for others to give the AFC credit for bringing in votes which also contributed to the win.


The AFC Indos would look better if they admitted the truth, rather than screaming that they are king makers and that black people must be grateful to them. 


Yes the AFC Indians did bring in votes which contributed to the victory, but to claim king maker status is share bullshit. Any number of communities can lay claim to this, and in fact Linden already is. 


Had Lindeners voted in the same numbers that they did in 2011 the PPP would have been emboldened to demand a recount, and would have gotten it, given that their loss would have been a mere 300 votes.

Good! I am glad you have confirmed what I have heard. Let's see if APNU is willing to run by itself in 2020.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

It is a big risk indeed. I am hearing whispers that APNU won the thing all by themselves. That all the Indians went back to PPP. Of course, Jagdeo is salivating in his corner.

Well Moses Nagamootoo DID NOT bring in the amounts of Indian votes that he anticipated that he would.  Had APNU not had a strategy to tremendously increase voter turn out in their strongholds, with a strong emphasis on the youth vote, the PPP would have won.  It is as important for you to admit to this as it is for others to give the AFC credit for bringing in votes which also contributed to the win.


The AFC Indos would look better if they admitted the truth, rather than screaming that they are king makers and that black people must be grateful to them. 


Yes the AFC Indians did bring in votes which contributed to the victory, but to claim king maker status is share bullshit. Any number of communities can lay claim to this, and in fact Linden already is. 


Had Lindeners voted in the same numbers that they did in 2011 the PPP would have been emboldened to demand a recount, and would have gotten it, given that their loss would have been a mere 300 votes.

Good! I am glad you have confirmed what I have heard. Let's see if APNU is willing to run by itself in 2020.

TK, please do not go down this road with caribny


Guyana desperately needs a new politics . . . this path leads to perdition

Originally Posted by TK:

Good! I am glad you have confirmed what I have heard. Let's see if APNU is willing to run by itself in 2020.

Tell you what.  Given that you AFC Indos claim full credit for the victory and assign no contribution from the PNC or from blacks as a whole let blacks play no role in 2020 and let AFC Indians run that campaign single handedly.  Have them go into South G/town, Linden, and other PNC strongholds and get out the same turn out that the APNU got in 2015.


I already know what will happen.  PPP victory of 60-70%.  Polling stations in G/town and elsewhere empty.


But maybe that is your ultimate goal.

Originally Posted by cain:

Holy shit man are we gonna be hearing about which party brought on how many votes for the next fkin five years?


Yes we will once a narrow band of PPP refugees, who could hardly bring in votes, announces that they ought to be in control, and then accuses Granger of being racist when this doesn't happen.

Last edited by Former Member

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