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Attorney General gets five advisors.

May 5, 2017 Source

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams SC will now be assisted in his duties by a ministerial council of legal advisors.

The council is made up of former Caribbean Court of Justice Judge, Duke Pollard; former High Court Judge, Justice James Patterson; former Justice of Appeal, Claudette Singh SC who is currently the Guyana Police Force’s Legal Advisor as well as Professor Harold Lutchman, former professor of the University of Guyana (UG) and Rudy James who still serves as a professor at UG.

At the post-cabinet press briefing yesterday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said: “Cabinet has approved the establishment of a Ministerial Council of Legal Advisors to the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs.”

He said the functions of the council will include providing legal analysis and advice on the development of the justice sector, the government’s legislative agenda and litigation matters.

This, he said, would enable the council “to have an input of legal policy designs and to engage stakeholders who are interested in the justice sector where appropriate.”

He pointed out that “the functions of the council will include providing legal analysis and advice on the development of the justice sector, the government’s legislative agenda and litigation matters.”

According to him, “The council will be assisted in the execution of its mandate by support staff from the Ministry of Legal Affairs.”

It is unclear why the council of advisors has been deemed necessary now, two years into the term of the APNU+AFC administration.

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5 Advisers + Basil = 6 brainpower to make each ministerial decision.

So, if 6 brains make 1 decision, Basil's brain makes one-sixth of that decision.

President believes Basil the Blunderer is capable of using only one-sixth of his brain so President sent reinforcement to Basil. We can now expect PROGRESS. 


So these are in addition to the advisors he already had????

UK-trained lawyer Special Adviser to AG

Special Adviser to the Attorney General, Ms Tessa Oudkerk

Attorney General, Basil Williams has hired a United Kingdom-trained lawyer as his special adviser, a release from the AG Chamber has said.
Ms Tessa Oudkerk will include assisting the Williams, a Senior Counsel and also Minister of Legal Affairs in the execution of his functions in respect of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Regime and his work relating to the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the release stated.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Well it looks lie the PNC jackasses can't even use their brains. At least Jackass Williams is using 1/6th of his brain. Remember that Jackass Granger is using ZERO of his.

This proves my point that they cannot even run a cakeshop.


Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

The courts are going to be VERY busy, the opposition better recruit some top lawyers, if not some will be jailed with fake crime.

The PNC is gearing up to restore a Brutal and RACIST Administration, part two.

Drugb posted:

The man get 5 servants

 1 fuh comb he hair

1 fuh wipe he ass

1 fuh blow he nose

1 fuh tie he shoe lace

1 fuh brush he teeth

Drugb can always be counted upon to provide insightful and brilliant analyses like this one on current affairs in Guyana. You're da best, Db. 

Gilly can find only one fault with your assessment: you should have left out "1 fuh brush he teeth" and put in "1 fuh tek back de LexisNexis law books from Chatree". Dat wouldda mek some sense, right?

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

The man get 5 servants

 1 fuh comb he hair

1 fuh wipe he ass

1 fuh blow he nose

1 fuh tie he shoe lace

1 fuh brush he teeth

Drugb can always be counted upon to provide insightful and brilliant analyses like this one on current affairs in Guyana. You're da best, Db. 

Gilly can find only one fault with your assessment: you should have left out "1 fuh brush he teeth" and put in "1 fuh tek back de LexisNexis law books from Chatree". Dat wouldda mek some sense, right?

The courts will decide on the law books, Anil got these lil school boys running in circles. 

I was considering "1 fuh empty he slop can", however that was a position that djangy took away from gilly. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
I was considering "1 fuh empty he slop can", however that was a position that djangy took away from gilly. 

Another profound thought from the wise Drugb. You're da bestest.


Appointment of Justice Singh as advisor to AG poses conflict of interest.

May 6, 2017 Source

Dear Editor,

With respect to the recent announcement by Minister Harmon, of Cabinet’s approval of the establishment of a ‘Ministerial Council of Legal Advisors to the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs.’

I’m hoping that someone is paying keen attention to an obvious case of conflict of interest, by having the Legal Advisor for the Guyana Police Force, former Justice Claudette Singh SC, sit on the Council.

One would have thought that the legal minds in the President’s Cabinet ought to have seen that Justice Singh will no doubt will be wearing two hats. Hence, resulting in a blatant act of mockery to the democratic values, and particularly, an insult to the people of Guyana.

Finally, and before anyone gets too sensitive. I wish to make it clear that I have tremendous respect for Justice Claudette Singh, SC. However, I’m concerned about the obvious conflict of interest. After all, she will be sitting as a member of the Government’s Legal Council, and also as Legal Advisor to the Guyana Police Force. Thus, even if she recuses herself from matters that involve the government, the perception of conflict of interest, will still be a factor. That said, the government needs to decide on whether this eminently qualified former Justice, who herself was an advisor to the former controversial Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, should wear two hats.

Yours faithfully,

Mark A. Benschop

kp posted:

This makes Nandlall looks very good it is taking the AG plus Five other layers to do Battle.

I think Anil having fun with these school boys. He could easily give them the useless dated law books which are a worth a measly 3k US. However it is the principal that has motivated him to teach these jackasses a lesson in law. 


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