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Attorney-General flays APNU for trying to railroad the President

–into establishing COI into December 2011 shootings

ATTORNEY-General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall, has taken Leader of the Opposition, Brig. (Rt.) David Granger, to task for flouting the law in an attempt to force the President to establish a Commission of Inquiry into the December 2011 shootings by the Guyana Police Force.

Opposition, Brig. [Rt.) David Granger

Opposition, Brig. (Rt.) David Grangerani

The Minister, in his objection to the Motion raised by the Opposition Leader in the National Assembly on Thursday, asserted that the combined opposition should not continue to demand that the President establish commissions of inquiry without the President acting of his own volition.

“We cannot, with the alarming frequency that I see repeated in the Order Paper and discussions in the House, keep requesting the President to hold commissions of inquiry one after the other,” he said.

Minister Nandlall drew his objection to the Motion from Article 111 (1) of the 1980 Constitution. He said the constitutional provision states that the President, in the exercise of his functions under the Constitution or any other law, may act in accordance with his own deliberate judgement.

Similarly, the President may act on the advice or recommendation of any other person or authority only in cases where he is required to do so by the constitution, or by any other law.

He further contended that, in accordance with Section 2 of the Commission of Inquiries Act, Cap.19:03 Volume Six, the decision to establish a Commission of Inquiry and the ability to appoint a Commissioner or Commissioners vests with absolute discretion of the President. And the matter being inquired into must be deemed to be in the best interest of the public welfare by the President.

The AG noted that the legislative drafters did not provide for a situation where the President has the power to act on his own judgement, but only under the constitution.

He said, “The Commission of Inquiries Act and the Constitution concatenate to give to the President a power that he should exercise in his own deliberate judgement”.

Minister Nandlall, however, bemoaned the fact that the Opposition Leader was asking for a commission of inquiry into a matter for which he had already provided the answers, based on the strong, condemning language of his presentation. He similarly noted that the Opposition Leader is once again attempting to undermine the powers of the President.

“You are effectively denying that deliberate judgement that the law and the constitution vest in the President”, Nandlall asserted.

The Legal Affairs Minister, referring to a speech made by Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Basil Williams, during the budget debate, recalled that the position of the APNU was made clear when the party recognised the right of Mrs. Walter Rodney to have closure with her husband’s death.

The Minister, in citing the submission by Williams, underscored the APNU position: “We (APNU) do not accept that she (Mrs. Walter Rodney) has a role in determining the formation and the operation of the CoI (Commission of Inquiry)”.

“APNU regards this as the sole preserve of the person (in) whom Parliament has reposed that power, that person is the President”.

The National Assembly, in sittings past, had conferred the power to establish a commission of inquiry and to appoint a commissioner or commissioners in the President.

The Minister chided the APNU on the question of principle for requesting, once again, that the President abdicate his responsibility, since, according to the statement by Basil Williams, “the acceptance of the advice from Mrs. Rodney to exclude WPA (Working People’s Alliance) and the PNC (People’s National Congress)” was an abdication of the responsibility given to the person in the Act (Commission of Inquiry Act), meaning the President.

“You are saying that the President should have never listened to Mrs. Rodney; he should have never been counselled and procured by Rodney, but how can you say that he must be counselled and procured by the Leader of the Opposition or by the National Assembly? It is the same principle?” Minister Nandlall stressed.
AG Nandlall denounced the notion put forward by the Opposition Leader during the background to his motion that there existed an institutional policy to condone violations by the Police Force in shooting citizens who were protesting.

“I cannot lend credence to any violation, or allegations of violations of the law; I cannot stand here and defend the violation of people’s constitutional rights; I cannot condone the abuse of power; I will not do so”, the AG stressed.

While Minister Nandlall underscored that he is in agreement with the sentiments of constitutional violations which drives the Opposition Leader’s motion, he disagreed to the mentions in Granger’s speech of there being a policy that allowed for violations to continue without the administration addressing them.

In an attempt for clarity in the Opposition Leader’s presentation, the Minister indicated, “I didn’t get the impression…that there is some systematic or institutionalised policy driven by the executive to perpetrate and perpetuate these types of violations; because if he says that, I will part company with him absolutely. I don’t think he is saying so.”

‘You are saying that the President should have never listened to Mrs. Rodney; he should have never been counselled and procured by Rodney, but how can you say that he must be counselled and procured by the Leader of the Opposition or by the National Assembly? It is the same principle?’ Attorney-General, Mr. Anil Nandlall

By contrast, Nandlall recalled, it is the intention of the Government to establish various measures, training programmes, and policies which are applied and imposed daily with the view to creating a professional law enforcement agency.

The Minister pointed to former Commissioner of Police and present APNU Member of Parliament, Mr. Winston Felix, who could give testament to the policies of the Government designed to avoid the types of incidents that are mentioned in Granger’s motion.
“Police shooting civilians is something that the constitution outlaws and the government abhors and will always reject”, Nandlall affirmed.

Additionally, Minister Nandlall urged that conclusions should not be made that the police are solely at fault. He observed that Granger, in his presentation, alluded to the fact that there are reactions to every action, and therefore there should be a level of consciousness in the awareness of legal responsibilities in the decision to exercise the constitutional right to protest.

He urged that it is not the police, on the one hand, that should be blamed, but instead, the history of protest actions should similarly be taken into account. Such history, according to the Minister, “resulted in violence and a lot of political damage to the PNC (now the majority bloc in the APNU), and perhaps that is why protest action is not an option they would like to resort to, in recent times.

Nandlall conclusively alluded to the ‘slow fiyah, moh fiyah’ campaigns and the burning of Regent Street, which would have occurred in the late 1990s and early 2000s. “We have that history, we came from that, and we cannot turn a blind eye to these things. The police would have been reacting to situations that are at hand”, he said.

(By Derwayne Wills)


extracted from Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

how dare we impose on our elected King to act judiciously! He is king after all and is obliged to act only when and how he sees fit!!!


One of these days we will simply ask....and yes they will answer for all of these excesses!


APNU wants to distract attention from the Rodney inquiry. They want the president to sign an illegal bill for local election. Yet again they want engage the president on more Commission of inquiries.


Minister Nandlall drew his objection to the Motion from Article 111 (1) of the 1980 Constitution. He said the constitutional provision states that the President, in the exercise of his functions under the Constitution or any other law, may act in accordance with his own deliberate judgement.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

APNU wants to distract attention from the Rodney inquiry. They want the president to sign an illegal bill for local election. Yet again they want engage the president on more Commission of inquiries.


Minister Nandlall drew his objection to the Motion from Article 111 (1) of the 1980 Constitution. He said the constitutional provision states that the President, in the exercise of his functions under the Constitution or any other law, may act in accordance with his own deliberate judgement.

That is hiding behind the letter of the law to circumvent good sense and ethical behavior.Remember, it will be your ass soon.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition has been swiftly losing ground and as such desperately trying to attract a ray of limelight....

Imagine that...the crooked PPP on account of their prodigious capacity for thievery and their habit of enriching friends and family are gaining ground and others trying to thwart their greed are losing! This is not show biz with lights, cameras and action. It is people's lives and their judgement where they are being held in contempt most. Of course the answer to that is straight up those crooks in office.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One tends to wonder, if the opposition sole role is to oppose everything of the state.....just for the sake of opposing....what are the opposition's alternatives?..smh

Contscience, Buggery is outlawed under the contstitution.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One tends to wonder, if the opposition sole role is to oppose everything of the state.....just for the sake of opposing....what are the opposition's alternatives?..smh

Until a couple of years ago they had no option. For 2 decades the PPP run rough shod over them. Unaccountable to no one, the PPP became the oligarchs we know them to be...using the nation assets as they see fit and that means to enrich themselves.


There are lots of opposing to do. Practically every action they make needs to be brought into some sense of compliance as a meaningful activity that matters for the people. If it seems a lot of objecting; imagine how they felt for 2 decades as you did as you please

Last edited by Former Member

The P.P.P suffered from incumbency syndrome, complacency also played a role in the outcome of the 2011 results. One may argue that the P.P.P was also a victim of their own success.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P suffered from incumbency syndrome, complacency also played a role in the outcome of the 2011 results. One may argue that the P.P.P was also a victim of their own success.

If Sam HInds is the next Presidential Candidate, would Indians vote for the PPP?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P suffered from incumbency syndrome, complacency also played a role in the outcome of the 2011 results. One may argue that the P.P.P was also a victim of their own success.

Imagine and the PPP are such eminent psychologists you invent your own political pathology. But then again you are used to taking the view what  you say comes with the voice of a god. Unfortunately for you the god complex is a common view one attribute to pig headed people. Deny what is obvious to all and a lot of you folks will wake up and wonder why the people kicked you to the curb. Hint, hint...kleptocracy!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah" quit your racist remarks, one should be fostering national unity instead of being racist, your above post is very distasteful!!!!!.....smh

My question is pertinent to your *****ish remarks.


If Sam HInds is the next Presidential Candidate, would Indians vote for the PPP?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

APNU wants to distract attention from the Rodney inquiry. They want the president to sign an illegal bill for local election. Yet again they want engage the president on more Commission of inquiries.


Minister Nandlall drew his objection to the Motion from Article 111 (1) of the 1980 Constitution. He said the constitutional provision states that the President [BURNHAM], in the exercise of his functions under the Constitution or any other law, may act in accordance with his own deliberate judgement.

This article 111 [1] was intended solely and exclusively for Burnham.

Ramotar is riding Burnham's horse here.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its safe to conclude that the character "Mitwah" is desperately trying to derail the thread, after running out of constructive criticisms.

Fool, if Sam HInds is the next Presidential Candidate, would Indians vote for the PPP?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P suffered from incumbency syndrome, complacency also played a role in the outcome of the 2011 results. One may argue that the P.P.P was also a victim of their own success.


The PPP was a victim of its inability to retain its charismatic Berbician vote-getter Moses V. Nagamootoo.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P suffered from incumbency syndrome, complacency also played a role in the outcome of the 2011 results. One may argue that the P.P.P was also a victim of their own success.

its seems like the ppp still have incumbency syndrome,what ever the hell that means but you conman have stupidity syndrome

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P suffered from incumbency syndrome, complacency also played a role in the outcome of the 2011 results. One may argue that the P.P.P was also a victim of their own success.

its seems like the ppp still have incumbency syndrome,what ever the hell that means but you conman have stupidity syndrome

Settle down brother. Hope all is well with you.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P suffered from incumbency syndrome, complacency also played a role in the outcome of the 2011 results. One may argue that the P.P.P was also a victim of their own success.

its seems like the ppp still have incumbency syndrome,what ever the hell that means but you conman have stupidity syndrome

Settle down brother. Hope all is well with you.

my brother will you ppp guys please teach con man a new line,i think he stick on remote 


There is no question that Moses inflicted serious damage to the PPP in the last elections. He was among the senior leaders of the PPP with a long history of fighting for the party. It was the internal power struggle that led to the weakening of the party and not all those absurd charges of corruption, human rights, and dictatorship. Many PPP supporters did not go to the polls because of the serious fighthing in the party. Many in Berbice decided to give their votes to Moses and not necessarily the AFC. Most of the AFC votes won in the last elections were truly PPP votes. These votes will not stay since Moses has perverted himself by jumping on the opposition bandwaggon instead of taking an independent path. With this in mind the people of Guyana will not forgive nor forget Moses' dirty role in today's parliament. 

 He is no longer  the politician that people look up to. Those who once looked up to Moses are now looking down on him. He has become a stooge for the opposition hence the admiration he gets from the New Nation and other vestiges of the notorious PNC. I can assure you that he will not pull votes in large numbers ever again. He is all washed up and will wither away as soon as the current parliament comes to an end

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many Berbicians were deceived by "Moses", next elections he would not far less support, "Moses" now embraces the P.N.C, the very party he feverishly once fought against...

Who among that rag tag bunch of pernicious crooks in the PPP have the personal gravitas to speak to the people and be credible more than Moses? That sort of thing is not purchased at uncle Dalton dry goods store. Trustworthiness inheres to the person like their smile and one perceives if it is real of fake.


Reliance on the PNC label as an alien stain wont work. The people can examine their lives, evaluate the responsiveness of the government to their personal pain. Holding up the PNC as the vampiric beast sucking happiness from their lives is an easy lie to over come. The PPP were autocrats for 20 years!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many Berbicians were deceived by "Moses", next elections he would not far less support, "Moses" now embraces the P.N.C, the very party he feverishly once fought against...

Fool, if Sam HInds is the next Presidential Candidate, would Indians vote for the PPP?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many Berbicians were deceived by "Moses", next elections he would not far less support, "Moses" now embraces the P.N.C, the very party he feverishly once fought against...

Fool, if Sam HInds is the next Presidential Candidate, would Indians vote for the PPP?

IF Moses is the head of the PNC ticket, will blacks vote for PNC?

Last edited by Former Member

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