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Attorney General should be made a Senior Counsel PDF Print E-mail Written by PETER FRASER Friday, 25 January 2013 19:37 I WOULD like to recommend to President Donald Ramotar that Attorney-at-Law and current Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General Mr. Mohabir Anil Nandlall be appointed a Senior Counsel with immediate effect. Mr. Nandlall has demonstrated that he is a great jurist of eminence. His erudition and his arguments in court are illuminating and easy to follow. Nandlall has shown that he is a person with great strength of character who can rank with the best of his peers as shown in the many cases in which he continues to be successful while representing the interest of the Government in the High Court. The Attorney General is prepared to argue his case cogently and courageously, challenging some of his seniors who cannot match his panache, which has not gone unnoticed by some of his less able but more ambitious colleagues. With his impressive credentials and someone who, in my opinion is far ahead of his time, I am kindly asking that the President confer on Mr. Nandlall the title of Senior Counsel.

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