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@Former Member: This is right up your alley!

Barbara Patricia Pilgrim, a black woman, had replaced Charrandass as MP after he voted in favour of the PPP's NCM and fled the country. You posted monkey pictures as part your little in-joke with others who like to call black people monkey. Sick!

I don't expect you'll have anything to say here, huh?


Female cop seeks legal redress over racial slurs and assault

Kaieteur News – A policewoman is pressing for charges to be brought against Attorney-at-Law Nirvan Singh, son of former Chancellor of the Judiciary, Carl Singh who allegedly verbally assaulted her using racial slurs on March 20 at his Cummings and Middle Streets residence.

Attorney-at-Law Nirvan Singh

Shawnette Boilers WC15555, in a letter from her lawyer Eusi Anderson, also accused the younger Singh of spitting on her. She said she is an employee of the Guyana Police Force and was assigned to guard duties at the Georgetown location where the younger Singh lives with his father. The letter said that on March 20, around 22:13 hours, “in the dark of night, you unleashed an unprovoked, verbal tirade of racially charged insults to her saying, among other things, “monkey”, “black monkey”; Black people have no purpose in life and “get out, get off of my property.””
The letter said Singh was loud and aggressive and repeatedly violated the rank’s personal space by coming some two inches of her face to cause saliva droplets to touch her. On the same night, Singh was accused of chasing the rank from his residence and following her some distance away, “â€Ķfurther assaulting her, spitting at and on her and spewing vile words.”
Fearful for her life, the female rank reportedly fled the location and reported the matter to her superiors who despite her complaints, caused her to return to Singh’s residence to continue her duties. It was said that on March 21, the older Singh reportedly apologised to the rank on behalf of his son.
Anderson said in the letter however, that the Singh’s actions, “â€Ķin their most polite description, constitute diverse civil and criminal wrongs,” and that his client is hopeful that the Guyana Police Force would institute the necessary charges.
Boiler, at the age of 32, is working to acquire her CXC certification and will sit the exam in May. The matter however, has left the woman, “â€Ķunhinged and staring into space as she reflects on the ordeal she endured in the dark hours alone that night of 20th March, 2022.” It was noted too that the ordeal also took place on the woman’s wedding anniversary.
“She is adamant that complaints must be lodged with the Bar Association and all Attorney regulatory bodies locally and internationally. She is adamant that complaints be lodged with all human rights, women rights and Black Rights bodies locally and internationally.” The lawyer’s letter stated that silence from local representing bodies has emboldened the female police rank to expose the matter and take measures to verify her story.
“She is making arrangements to take a public lie detector test (polygraph test) on national television and Facebook live to underscore the integrity and veracity of her claims. She has directed me to institute a “lawsuit” to use her words. Same will be forthcoming irrespective of your actions or omissions. She has directed me to record that she is not afraid of any official or unofficial victimization that may follow her decision to stand firmly in her human dignity and basic right to be a proud Black woman.”
The lawyer’s letter has suggested a public apology both written and oral from Singh in the next 24 hours. “I humbly suggest that same be deeply contrite and equal to the damage done. I humbly suggest that whilst doing so you consider a fair amount of financial compensation to offer her. Same can be made to me in writing in short order, considering the damage done to her and the steps she proposes to take nationally and internationally,” Anderson wrote.
Anderson reminded Singh that the world is still in observance of the United Nation’s International Decade for People of African Descent declaration, and posited, “â€Ķthat speaking to brown and black people in that form was last appropriate about 400 years ago and certainly not in the decade of African people. That any person speaks to a brown person in that manner in 2022, especially in your esteemed office, is both out of time by 400 years and out of place in an era where race is no longer a bastion of insult.” The lawyer urged a swift response to his letter.
ACDA condemns action
Meanwhile, the African Community Development Association (ACDA) condemned young Singh’s alleged actions. “We view spitting in the face of this African-Guyanese woman in 2022 Guyana as worse than similar actions of white slave makers to Africans. Attorney Nirvan Singh’s conduct has no place in Guyanese society and must be rejected by all Guyanese, regardless of race or class.”
The Association said it views this matter as not being isolated, but a symptom of a serious and expanding worsening of race relations in the country. “We condemn the leadership of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for its complicity by its failure to act as required by the law of the land. Guyana is a society based on the rule of law, and no citizen regardless of status or political connection is above the law.”
ACDA said it noted an apology from the older Singh, “â€Ķbut the perpetrator remains unrepentant. Mr. Nirvan Singh is a conscious offender with no respect for decency and conduct befitting his profession as an officer of the court.” ACDA called on the Guyana Bar Association to take the necessary action against the Attorney for his alleged conduct.
The Association said too it notes “The rise of racial triumphalism since the return to office by the PPPC government. This racial, aggression must be stopped in the interest of national unity and peace. Those with the power to end this degenerative conduct must act now or accept responsibility for worsening race relations and the consequences. We demand that immediate charges be laid against Mr. Singh by the relevant authorities. Failure to do so will be viewed as a breakdown of the social contract that binds the society.”



Boiler, at the age of 32, is working to acquire her CXC certification and will sit the exam in May.

Just wonder ,how is she qualified to be a Police woman??

As per her own statement, Mr Singh did not SPIT on her, but by talking to her close caused sprinkle of saliva to touch her. Clearly she was trespassing , being on private property.

It all boils down to, he say, she say.


Nirvan Singh should be brought before the courts and dealt with condignly.

The disgraceful behaviour directed at our women by men in our society has to stop. Dildo comments, threats to strip them naked in the street, calling them prostitutes etc.

Men should stand up to these degenerates that pick on women. These clowns don't abuse men they know would knock all their teeth out their mouths but defenceless women are targets.

I see a man heckling the dildo minister at a meeting and didn't say a word to that individual- real mama man

Of course the racist will come out their cesspit to defend Singh's behaviour, that is expected

@kp posted:

Boiler, at the age of 32, is working to acquire her CXC certification and will sit the exam in May.

Just wonder ,how is she qualified to be a Police woman??

As per her own statement, Mr Singh did not SPIT on her, but by talking to her close caused sprinkle of saliva to touch her. Clearly she was trespassing , being on private property.

It all boils down to, he say, she say.

You are right she's not qualified to be a cop, if she was she would have shot him.

Had you taken the time to actually read why she was on his father's property you would have known she was there to guard it and that is how that moron of a son thanked her.


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