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Can the Guyanese People recall the PNC Govt???


Corentyne families terrorized by armed bandits

July 5, 2015 8:00 am Category: latest news A+ / A-
Pellets impacts on the concrete fence. [iNews' Photo]

Pellets impacts on the concrete fence. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – Two families were robbed by six armed bandits on the Corentyne on Friday night (July 03) shortly before 20:00 hrs.

iNews was reliably informed that the six armed men gained entrance into the premises of Valerie Williams, Rose Raphael, Bibi December and Shameer December and robbed them of a quantity of jewellery and over $100,000 Guyana Currency. The men reportedly cut into the back mesh fence of the yard to gain entry.

The bandits first attacked the Raphael Family and demanded cash and jewellery. During the incident Raphael’s daughter, Valerie Williams was robbed of three gold rings. They pounced on Raphael’s differently abled son who was on his way to the washroom after he screamed, alerting the others.

Raphael, upon enquiring what the alarm was, saw the men but was caught by one of the armed men and taken upstairs in order to handover the treasures the bandits believed she had.

One of the houses that was robbed. [iNews' Photo]

One of the houses that was robbed. [iNews’ Photo]

However she did not possess anything of the sort and the men left the family and turned her attention to December. Further, the robbery has left one of Raphael son’s Dorwin Lord, 18 years hospitalized in the New Amsterdam Public Hospital nursing injuries he sustained from being hit by pellets from a cartridge released at him as he was entering the yard.

Lord had reportedly returned from church and entered the yard when one of the gunmen saw him and discharged several rounds.

Meanwhile, December, 56, resides in the same yard but in a separate house. According to December, she heard an explosion and believed it was a squib. As she was about to enquire from Raphael if she heard a strange noise, a bandit greeted her by the window with a gun and told her to open the door.

The instruction was obeyed and December opened the door to the unwelcomed visitors who stole the jewellery she was wearing at the time and ransacked her house.

During the robberies, the families stated that the men released a number of rounds and threaten to end their lives if they did not hand over their valuables. According to December, the men harassed her during the robbery even though she pleaded with them to use soap to remove the gold rings from her fingers.

“Them pinch meh and pull up meh hand to take out the Jewellery and I tell them that I gone give them leh them bear with me… one of them with a lady stocking over his face threaten to chop off my finger after I ask them if they want meh wedding ring too,” December lamented.

December is currently vacationing in Guyana with her son and had only return on June 23. The overseas based Guyanese said this is her first robbery account as on numerous occasions, she had returned to Guyana and had a peaceful and happy vacation but this time it is different.

Police are continuing their investigations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



You can label it as such.


Why should they recall replace it wit the people who left us in this morass? There is not moral reason to replace the APNU with the PPP. The PPP has to undergo a cathartic purge. As it exist it is a cabal of crooks with no honor. Everyone of them should be in jail for dereliction of duty and additional crimes of thievery heaped on them where necessary.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



The PPP has more option to see new elections soon by sitting in parliament. One disgruntled AFC parliamentarian can see that happen with the help of the PPP if the government takes a turn for the bad. The APNU, fortunately, simply has to perform marginally to outperform the PPP. They are on their way to that. Even at mediocrity they will be better by light years over the PPP who had a chance to be great and squandered it because of their sticky fingers. Their confidence that the could not be voted out made them careless, crude and ugly crooks. They got what they deserved. I hope never to see any of the 35 voting committee members in office in my lifetime.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



Well I am glad you set the record straight here. Of course you never claimed to be an attorney.  Good luck in your studies. I mean it, I am not being sarcastic.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



Well I am glad you set the record straight here. Of course you never claimed to be an attorney.  Good luck in your studies. I mean it, I am not being sarcastic.


When was the record ever unclear? I have never once made claim to anything beyond the facts.


Just an FYI, I usually hire, fire, and advise attorneys (even dem Harvard Law grads). I'm that good at what I do.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
he heard that yuh sat at many NY Bars




In that case, Pavi is then most qualified attorney in NY, Florida, and Guyana. Dis chap has passed out at more Bars that he can remember

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



Well I am glad you set the record straight here. Of course you never claimed to be an attorney.  Good luck in your studies. I mean it, I am not being sarcastic.


When was the record ever unclear? I have never once made claim to anything beyond the facts.


Just an FYI, I usually hire, fire, and advise attorneys (even dem Harvard Law grads). I'm that good at what I do.

I didn't know paralegals are that powerful.  Don't exaggerate bai it can hurt you politically.  Just some real friendly advice.  If you get into politics at the State and higher level in the US everything you claim is thoroughly scrutinized and could cost you a nomination. 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



Well I am glad you set the record straight here. Of course you never claimed to be an attorney.  Good luck in your studies. I mean it, I am not being sarcastic.


When was the record ever unclear? I have never once made claim to anything beyond the facts.


Just an FYI, I usually hire, fire, and advise attorneys (even dem Harvard Law grads). I'm that good at what I do.

I didn't know paralegals are that powerful.  Don't exaggerate bai it can hurt you politically.  Just some real friendly advice.  If you get into politics at the State and higher level in the US everything you claim is thoroughly scrutinized and could cost you a nomination. 


I'm not a paralegal chap.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



Well I am glad you set the record straight here. Of course you never claimed to be an attorney.  Good luck in your studies. I mean it, I am not being sarcastic.


When was the record ever unclear? I have never once made claim to anything beyond the facts.


Just an FYI, I usually hire, fire, and advise attorneys (even dem Harvard Law grads). I'm that good at what I do.

I didn't know paralegals are that powerful.  Don't exaggerate bai it can hurt you politically.  Just some real friendly advice.  If you get into politics at the State and higher level in the US everything you claim is thoroughly scrutinized and could cost you a nomination. 


I'm not a paralegal chap.

Oh you mean you hire and fire your own defense lawyers?  Sorry.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

No. 1 I have not sat for the bar as yet. I'm still in the middle of my studies though I have worked for years as a legal advisor and I'm more knowledgeable than most lawyers I know in quite a few areas.


As to your question, is this some rhetorical joke?



Well I am glad you set the record straight here. Of course you never claimed to be an attorney.  Good luck in your studies. I mean it, I am not being sarcastic.


When was the record ever unclear? I have never once made claim to anything beyond the facts.


Just an FYI, I usually hire, fire, and advise attorneys (even dem Harvard Law grads). I'm that good at what I do.

I didn't know paralegals are that powerful.  Don't exaggerate bai it can hurt you politically.  Just some real friendly advice.  If you get into politics at the State and higher level in the US everything you claim is thoroughly scrutinized and could cost you a nomination. 


I'm not a paralegal chap.

Oh you mean you hire and fire your own defense lawyers?  Sorry.


I certainly never had occasion to shoot one in the head for misbehavior


Although I think I can understand the position some defense lawyers place their clients in


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