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Confirmed: Norton beats Harmon by landslide to take over leadership of PNC/R

Career politician Aubrey Norton, who was once famously booted out of the party over a few dollars and was sidelined over the years by being left out of Parliament, decisively won the leadership elections held on Saturday.

Norton’s win sets up a potential showdown as he was one of those who now former leader David Granger did not pick for a Parliamentary seat after the party lost the last general elections.

Official results announced on Sunday afternoon showed Norton beating the current Opposition Leader Joseh Harmon by 722 votes.

The conversation among party members Sunday morning was whether Norton should now control power by also becoming the Opposition Leader with the PNC/R being the main political force in the APNU+AFC Coalition.

Norton is also not the leader of the Coalition just yet. Granger, as leader of the last list submitted to the Guyana Elections Commission for the Coalition, controls who is given a seat in Parliament.

Granger was effectively booted out, securing no nomination to return as leader.

Harmon has said that he doesn’t intend to give up the Opposition Leader post although he can be removed on a 1/3 vote of No Confidence by opposition members in Parliament.

Granger, Norton and Harmon will have to address these issues when the official results are declared.

Norton, with 967 votes, will officially be declared winner on Monday and will be installed as leader.

Harmon secured just 245 votes while the third contender for the top post, Dr Richard Van-West Charles, secured just 64 votes.

It was a clean sweep for Norton. His candidate for Chairman, Shurwayne Holder, is set to be declared and installed as Chairman of the party.

There is a tie for 2nd Vice Chairperson between Christopher Jones and Vinceroy Jordan.

He secured 407 votes ahead of his opponents Roysdale Forde with 256 and Amanza Walton-Desir with 217 votes.

Holder’s victory came as a surprise to some who view him as a new comer when compared to the other candidates who campaigned for the post.

The party will now have to resolve the issue of a tie for the second Vice Chairman post. Christopher Jones and Vinceroy Jordan have both secured the same amount of votes for the position.

Elizabth Niles-Williams has already copped one of the spots with Jones’ and Jordan’s fate to be decided by the party.

Chief Elections Officer Vincent Alexander took time to explain the delay in making the preliminary declaration which was promised several hours prior.

Shurwyne Holder

He told a virtual news conference it was not due to any internal negotiations or interventions but merely to ensure that it was a true reflection of the actual count. That counting process is still ongoing in at least one region which has stalled the declaration of persons elected to the Central Executive Committee (CEC), the main decision-making body in the party.

A total of 1, 282 votes were cast with a 100 percent turnout in Madhia and almost 100 percent in North America.

Alexander said the elections were free and fair, something he claimed was “quite an achievement for the PNC” and an example for Guyana.


Aubrey Norton’s entire slate emerges on top

Not only did former People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) General Secretary, Aubrey Norton win the leadership position, his entire team was elected.

Of the 1,200 persons who cast their votes, 967 voted for Norton to become leader.

Joseph Harmon, who is currently the Opposition Leader, lagged with 245 votes, while Richard Van West-Charles secured 64 votes.

Interestingly, the Chairmanship is going to Opposition Parliamentarian Shurwayne Holder, a newbie in politics. He was able to beat candidates like former Minister, Simona Broomes and Attorney- at- law and Opposition front bencher, Amanza Walton Desir.

Elizebeth Williams Niles, also on Norton’s team, has been elected first Vice Chairman.

There is a tie for Second Vice-Chair between Norton’s Vinceroy Jordon and Christopher Jones who currently sits in Parliament as the Opposition’s Chief Whip. Jones was not aligned with any of the candidate leaders.

Meanwhile, Fiaz Mursaline has been named treasurer.

Chief Elections Officer, Vincent Alexander told the media that the counting process continues to finalize who will form the 15-member Executive Committee. He noted that there were 123 candidates vying to be part of that committee.

Alexander noted that the elections were marked free, fair and free from fear. He said that this is quite an achievement for the PNC and is an example for the rest of Guyana.


Listening to Norton on the video, the man sounds like he is going to incite his following to beat up indians. The way he sounds "Singh" is like contempt for the name. He has no respect for the office of the elections commission-very bad for a political leader. Disagree, but not bullying.

I hope Justice Singh hangs in there.

As for Vishnu, Norton talks of democracy in the PNC, but fails honor the Elections Commission choice. We are Guyanese and we need Guyanese to solve our problems. The PNC choice, prefers a foreigner?

The Elections Commission will only be effective if the commissioner are not politically appointed. Does Norton believes the current structure of GECOM he would be happy with any Indian as CEO.

Guyana is in a tough spot-more turbulent years. And for a long long time, Norton is a young agressor. He is an agressor. I do not hear the voice of concilliation.

Rumble in the streets of GT. Indian people watch your back, that is the message Norton sent out from Congress. HE WANTS TO SEE HIS OPPONENTS BACK-his words.

@seignet posted:

Listening to Norton on the video, the man sounds like he is going to incite his following to beat up indians. The way he sounds "Singh" is like contempt for the name. He has no respect for the office of the elections commission-very bad for a political leader. Disagree, but not bullying.

I hope Justice Singh hangs in there.

As for Vishnu, Norton talks of democracy in the PNC, but fails honor the Elections Commission choice. We are Guyanese and we need Guyanese to solve our problems. The PNC choice, prefers a foreigner?

The Elections Commission will only be effective if the commissioner are not politically appointed. Does Norton believes the current structure of GECOM he would be happy with any Indian as CEO.

Guyana is in a tough spot-more turbulent years. And for a long long time, Norton is a young agressor. He is an agressor. I do not hear the voice of concilliation.

Rumble in the streets of GT. Indian people watch your back, that is the message Norton sent out from Congress. HE WANTS TO SEE HIS OPPONENTS BACK-his words.

Norton is not against East Indians ,his message is directed at the Election Commission an institution that out lived the intent for free and fair elections in Guyana. The Commission is stacked with political hacks ,there was numerous recommendations to remove political interference to become more neutral.

Did you share the same when there was objections of the Election Commission in the past ?

@seignet posted:

Listening to Norton on the video, the man sounds like he is going to incite his following to beat up indians. The way he sounds "Singh" is like contempt for the name. He has no respect for the office of the elections commission-very bad for a political leader. Disagree, but not bullying.

I hope Justice Singh hangs in there.

As for Vishnu, Norton talks of democracy in the PNC, but fails honor the Elections Commission choice. We are Guyanese and we need Guyanese to solve our problems. The PNC choice, prefers a foreigner?

The Elections Commission will only be effective if the commissioner are not politically appointed. Does Norton believes the current structure of GECOM he would be happy with any Indian as CEO.

Guyana is in a tough spot-more turbulent years. And for a long long time, Norton is a young agressor. He is an agressor. I do not hear the voice of concilliation.

Rumble in the streets of GT. Indian people watch your back, that is the message Norton sent out from Congress. HE WANTS TO SEE HIS OPPONENTS BACK-his words.

Norton will not be deterred by bigots like you. The message is clear regarding preparation for any new elections

Indians have nothing to fear from Norton. He actually wants more to join his party. He believes in shared governance, coalition government etc.

He has an Indian young man as treasurer. He seems decent and l wish him well. Go and see the numbers of black PNC supporters wishing this young man well. Now tell me how Norton could be preparing for all out war against Indians when an Indian is looking after the treasury, clown

What Norton will do is stand up to the PPP's excesses - he has a mandate to do that.

Stop crying, it's too early, clown

@Spugum posted:

Norton will not be deterred by bigots like you. The message is clear regarding preparation for any new elections

Indians have nothing to fear from Norton. He actually wants more to join his party. He believes in shared governance, coalition government etc.

He has an Indian young man as treasurer. He seems decent and l wish him well. Go and see the numbers of black PNC supporters wishing this young man well. Now tell me how Norton could be preparing for all out war against Indians when an Indian is looking after the treasury, clown

What Norton will do is stand up to the PPP's excesses - he has a mandate to do that.

Stop crying, it's too early, clown

Forbes formed the PNC with Indians, yet there was Wismar and village disturbances. No Indian complained about it in the PNC-hope dis Muslim fella gets some attention. PNC muslims are always quiet-perhaps bcz more hindus get licks. Norton, saying all the wrong things in anger. He should tone his rhetoric down. Carry the message-he frikening kulie ppl. He says wah he seying and some of his followers are going to beatup Indians. And he will be very quiet. It happened wid Forbes, Hoyte and lately Granger.

I do hope he respects the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. Desmond Persaud was a man of reasonable temperament. Norton should reflect on him.

@Alex posted:

Norton is not against East Indians ,his message is directed at the Election Commission an institution that out lived the intent for free and fair elections in Guyana. The Commission is stacked with political hacks ,there was numerous recommendations to remove political interference to become more neutral.

Did you share the same when there was objections of the Election Commission in the past ?

Yuh know some thing happens wid no rukus, but dat skont Granger fooked up the whole Election Commission. Now, it is an Office in disarray. Just bcz dat uninspiring skont was trusted to do good for Guyanese. And dat BIGOT squandered the chance.

He was chosen as a SHEPHERD, and wah he goan and do, leff the flock with racist statutes.


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