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The Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR)- the major partner in the parliamentary opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)- has decided to push back its congress to late July when a new leader could be elected.

This decision was announced Saturday at that party's meeting of its General Council which was also the venue for verbal battle between party leader, Robert Corbin and Aubrey Norton.

During the meeting suggestions from Dr. George Norton, Amna Ally and Cammie Ramsaroop that Robert Corbin should remain party leader were met with strong protestations.

A loud exchange of words took place between Aubrey Norton and Corbin during the meeting after the former accused the latter of promoting factionalism within the party.


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Well-placed sources say the decision was announced Saturday at the PNCR’s General Council- the highest decision-making organ between congresses- which saw verbal battle between party leader, Robert Corbin and Aubrey Norton as well as complaints by a Region One party stalwart that he has been left saddled with electioneering debt.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR)- the major partner in the parliamentary opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)- has decided to push back its congress to late July when a new leader could be elected.

This decision was announced Saturday at that party's meeting of its General Council which was also the venue for verbal battle between party leader, Robert Corbin and Aubrey Norton.

During the meeting suggestions from Dr. George Norton, Amna Ally and Cammie Ramsaroop that Robert Corbin should remain party leader were met with strong protestations.

A loud exchange of words took place between Aubrey Norton and Corbin during the meeting after the former accused the latter of promoting factionalism within the party.


This proves that the PNC consists of a bunch of dictators who like their founding leader LFS Burnham will do whatever it takes to stay in power. Their little brother the AFC also have a bunch of dictators in their leadership circle.


The marriage of the PNC and AFC is a dangerous combination of dictators who will ruin Guyana. It is time that Guyanese wake up or Guyana will return to the dictatorship days like it did under the founding leader of the PNC/AFC, LFS Burnham.


We must never forget that the current speaker of parliament openly declared that Burnham is his role model. Yes, these are his own words. We are heading to a path of destruction with PNC and their little brother AFC.


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