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March 24, 2016 Source

A forensic audit of the Guyana National Co-operative Bank (GNCB) and a number of other agencies has recommended that legal action be taken against former Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh and the principals of three entities for the recovery of investments of $866m.

The investments in question comprised loans of  $581m to the now abandoned Casique Hotel project at Providence, $270m to the Guyana Sugar Corporation and $15m to the Guyana Rice Producers’ Association.

Released on the Ministry of Finance’s website on Tuesday, the audit report cited the provisions of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, 2003 as grounds for recommending action against Singh.

The report said that on August 5th, 2015 the forensic audit and review of the accounts of the Guyana National Co-operative Bank/Guyana Co-operative Financial Services/Guyana National Co-operative Bank Property Holding Inc (PHI) began. The audit covered the period from 2004 through June 30th, 2015.

It noted that the privatisation and sale of GNCB  to the National Bank of Industry and Commerce (NBIC) (now Republic Bank (Guyana) Ltd) was completed in March 2003.  Under the privatisation agreement,  NBIC acquired all of GNCB’s deposit accounts and its  branch properties.

The loan portfolio accounts and all other remaining bank properties not vested to NBIC were retained by GNCB under the same Order 9 of 2003.  At privatisation, the forensic audit report noted that the bank’s principal debt balance due from borrowers was approximately $12 billion.

The report said that the Management of GNCB took a conscious decision to continue servicing these loans and convinced the government that there were loans on the books that were recoverable. This new dynamic of servicing the active loans took effect in 2005 when Keith Burrowes was appointed the General Manager of the bank. During the period from privatisation to June 2015, the bank collected approximately $2 billion of outstanding loans and interest from clients, the audit report said.

“The investigation in the audit revealed that the bank was effective in servicing the loans through a combination of effective strategic planning and common sense approach, coupled with due diligence and hard work. There was effective management of the loan portfolio matched with an equally effective litigation policy that produced reasonable results. Borrowers were regularly visited by the bank and were encouraged to make payments on the loans at discounted values. Many borrowers were able to restructure their loans which give them the opportunity to recommence their repayment to the bank. The management took decisive action in order to maximize the collection of the debt”, the forensic audit report stated.

The loan portfolio was reclassified into active and inactive categories. The criteria used for this classification was based mainly on the bank’s ability to recover the maximum amount from the loan portfolio while at the same time reducing the cost that would  be incurred in the process. GNCB identified over 400 non-performing loans with a value of approximately $5 billion. These accounts were transferred to the category of inactive loans. In 2007, the forensic audit report said that the Government approved the liquidation of all unserviceable loans with principal value of less than $1 million.

The audit showed that during the period from privatisation to 2015, the number of active loans pursued by the bank was 366. During the audit,  the auditors evaluated the loans.  All loans above $10 million were thoroughly investigated. The audit report said that it found the following discrepancies:

  • Many loan files had -missing pages – files were mildewed with water damage. These damaged files made it extremely difficult to trace the completion of transactions.
  • Missing documents were a major concern, many files had no collateral documents.
  • Many loans were not securitised.
  • Reports in the files suggested that collateral for some loans were sold by the borrower without the knowledge of the bank.
  • Some loans were approved by a personal guarantee from the borrower. Many of these loans were not recovered.
  • There was no written write-off procedure for bad loans. However, the agency followed the Government-approved restructuring formula. The bank later adopted an agreement with the Rice Producers Association to restructure some of the non-performing loans. This increased collections.
  • Initially, there were no pre-numbered receipt vouchers and so it could not be verified if all loan repayments were deposited into the bank account. In 2004, there was a variance of over $15 million between collections and bank deposits. With the arrival of Burrowes, the receipt vouchers were pre-numbered in 2005.

The auditor’s investigation showed that GNCB management made professional business decisions. However, there was no evidence of the Board of Directors meeting. No minutes are available.

“We did not find any evidence of corporate malfeasance, except for the difference of $15 million in loan collection and bank deposits in 2004. With the implementation of the pre-numbered receipt vouchers, all payments receipts from borrowers were deposited into the bank account. Investments were made to maximize the bank earnings. These investments were not approved by the Board of Directors. Three (3) investments amounting to $866 million (are)  still outstanding. All efforts must be made to recover these funds”, the audit report said.

Court cases

The bank, the audit report said, initiated an aggressive approach to litigation of outstanding loan portfolio. Outstanding cases were withdrawn from the bail courts and refiled in the Commercial court. There was much success in this new approach as more judgements were received in the bank’s favour with less time and attorney fees. At the end of the audit, there are numerous outstanding matters before the courts.


The audit investigation showed that properties disposed of were done in a manner that maximises sales proceeds on behalf of the bank. Properties sold were by public tenders and/or through professional valuation. Proceeds of sales were deposited into  the account of government holding company, NICIL at Republic Bank.

Investigations further showed that all of the expenses incurred by PHI were legitimate business expense. As at the end of June 30th 2015, the current account balance of the amount due to GNCB-PHI was $368,043,315.

The audit report recommended the transfer of the active loans portfolio with a principal balance of approximately $7.5 billion to a debt recovery unit under the Ministry of Finance and that the existing staff be absorbed there.

A financial audit was recommended on each loan file with a view to closure of some files.

NICIL has an amount of $368 million held in trust for GNCB. This amount represents net proceeds from the sale of GNCB-PHI assets. The audit report recommended that this fund be transferred to the Consolidated Funds without delay.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC really stupid!!!!!!!!!!  AShni was the President of  GNCB??  RPA took loans, why not go after the RPA???  Another business borrowed millions, AGAIN why not go after the business???  Lending to Guysuco is illegal????????????????????????!!! JACKASS AND DUNCES IN GUYANA GOVT!!!!!!!!!!

FC posted:

The Banna hoist sail right after the elections. Talk about commitment to party and country.

Shaat maan is bright fella [me thinks he got a Phd in Accountancy at young age]he is a smart maan.

Nehru posted:

The PNC really stupid!!!!!!!!!!  AShni was the President of  GNCB??  RPA took loans, why not go after the RPA???  Another business borrowed millions, AGAIN why not go after the business???  Lending to Guysuco is illegal????????????????????????!!! JACKASS AND DUNCES IN GUYANA GOVT!!!!!!!!!!

You right dunce people does ketch thiefman.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This will be a non-issue by next week.  Dr. Singh is a highly qualified professional who has found gainful employment elsewhere. 

You you seem to have a vocation  in promoting people including their academic qualifications.  Lol

baseman posted:

Nah, this is all face saving hyperbole to attract attention and detract from the economic woes about to hit the people in their faces.

PNC on a downward spiral!!

Be that as it may.  Jagdeo will soon be in rapid flight from Guyana, because he knows what Guyanese jails are alike, and will be too scared that some of the prisoners attempt to set him alight.


Will be interesting to watch how this all plays out.  This is merely an audit recommendation at this point  Who are the 'others' that legal action will be brought against?  How do you prove there was no corporate malfeasance? 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This will be a non-issue by next week.  Dr. Singh is a highly qualified professional who has found gainful employment elsewhere. 

We didn't say that he is a dunce. We are just saying that he is a thief!

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This will be a non-issue by next week.  Dr. Singh is a highly qualified professional who has found gainful employment elsewhere. 

We didn't say that he is a dunce. We are just saying that he is a thief!

What did he thief?  And how can you prove it?

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

The word DUNCE is ONLY for the PNC and GNI supporters. It is a very appropriate word for them!!!!!!!!!!!

That word seems stuck in whatever little brain you it possible you are the duncified goat here?

cain posted:
Nehru posted:

The word DUNCE is ONLY for the PNC and GNI supporters. It is a very appropriate word for them!!!!!!!!!!!

That word seems stuck in whatever little brain you it possible you are the duncified goat here?

One of them came forward. Brace for more

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This will be a non-issue by next week.  Dr. Singh is a highly qualified professional who has found gainful employment elsewhere. 

We didn't say that he is a dunce. We are just saying that he is a thief!

What did he thief?  And how can you prove it?

Auditors are jokey people...nah suh.


Get on with the business of governing and stop trying to score political points against the opposition.  The people of this country are tired of the games the coalition parties are playing. The economy is tanking and taxes are going higher in addition to newer taxes being imposed on working people. The results from LGE is a warning to those who promised change but cannot deliver. Pay attention to the needs of the people and stop the abuse of state power. The little man was promised a pay hike and never got it. The elites in the government are enjoying fat raises while the poor are told to do without.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Get on with the business of governing and stop trying to score political points against the opposition.  The people of this country are tired of the games the coalition parties are playing. The economy is tanking and taxes are going higher in addition to newer taxes being imposed on working people. The results from LGE is a warning to those who promised change but cannot deliver. Pay attention to the needs of the people and stop the abuse of state power. The little man was promised a pay hike and never got it. The elites in the government are enjoying fat raises while the poor are told to do without.

Quit trying to sweep the wrong doings and corruption of the previous government under the carpet. The coalition is doing the right thing.  Justice must be served.

FC posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Get on with the business of governing and stop trying to score political points against the opposition.  The people of this country are tired of the games the coalition parties are playing. The economy is tanking and taxes are going higher in addition to newer taxes being imposed on working people. The results from LGE is a warning to those who promised change but cannot deliver. Pay attention to the needs of the people and stop the abuse of state power. The little man was promised a pay hike and never got it. The elites in the government are enjoying fat raises while the poor are told to do without.

Quit trying to sweep the wrong doings and corruption of the previous government under the carpet. The coalition is doing the right thing.  Justice must be served.

FC, those are mere audit recommendations.  Going from audit findings to proving fraud or intent to commit fraud is another matter!  Sloppy record keeping, bad storage, not crossing every T, etc are not illegal acts.

Audit findings happen all the time, recommendations are made all the time, people lose jobs, etc, but non of it means fraud!  Auditors always try to score some points, justify their efforts/costs, it's just the nature of the beast!

There is nothing here worthwhile of criminal prosecution!  The PPP has done nothing illegal!


Nonsense!!!! Audits have lead to fraud charges and prosecution.  Ever heard of Cynthia Cooper uncovering fraud at WorldCom and the conviction of CEO Bernie Ebbers? Stop being a PPP apologist.

FC posted:

Nonsense!!!! Audits have lead to fraud charges and prosecution.  Ever heard of Cynthia Cooper uncovering fraud at WorldCom and the conviction of CEO Bernie Ebbers? Stop being a PPP apologist.

How can you say something so hurtful man, he and the rest ahdem guys wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

FC posted:

Nonsense!!!! Audits have lead to fraud charges and prosecution.  Ever heard of Cynthia Cooper uncovering fraud at WorldCom and the conviction of CEO Bernie Ebbers? Stop being a PPP apologist.

When will the first ppp be charged, it is 10 months since you folks took over. I hope to hear that the police have arrested these folks. Less talk and more action is needed. 

Drugb posted:

Hurry up and jail them, I believe DG has a thread that is waiting to keep track of the # of PPP jailed since May 2015. So far the count is zero.

AFC/PNC can out talk farth out of their mouths. They can prove ZERO.

baseman posted:

Nah, this is all face saving hyperbole to attract attention and detract from the economic woes about to hit the people in their faces.

PNC on a downward spiral!!

PNC is trying to divert attention from their failure and rejection by 70 Percent of Guyanese at the recent LGE.

These fools don't realize that Guyanese are fed up with their daily farth.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Bite??? By what I read here, a few of dem might be swallowing it whole before regurgitating only to spew it later on GNI.

Giving Ray and Amral mo wuk cleaning up de mess.  

Tola posted:
cain posted:

Bite??? By what I read here, a few of dem might be swallowing it whole before regurgitating only to spew it later on GNI.

Giving Ray and Amral mo wuk cleaning up de mess.  

Is a good good ting Amral can get some cleaning products @ wholesale price.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Tola posted:
cain posted:

Bite??? By what I read here, a few of dem might be swallowing it whole before regurgitating only to spew it later on GNI.

Giving Ray and Amral mo wuk cleaning up de mess.  

Is a good good ting Amral can get some cleaning products @ wholesale price.

And a wheel-borrow to move  the heavy load.


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