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May 23, 2016  Source

The effort to bring those responsible for financial transgressions found by audits is being slowed by fearful witnesses, according to Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan who was asked about the apparent lack of prosecutions and sloth in prosecuting errant public officials, GINA said.Addressing stakeholders at the Golden Jubilee, National Symposia Series at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, Ramjattan said that Government is keen on bringing those responsible for impropriety to justice wherever they may be, GINA reported.

“Minister (Jennifer) Westford has been charged and that’s pending. The trial is going on as I understand. There is somebody with her who has been charged. The fellow from GPL, Aeshwar Deonarine has been charged and Mr. Carvil Duncan has been charged, prosecution is going on there. We have asked the Canadian Royal Mounted Police to find Mr. Aeshwar Deonarine (former Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of Administration), they are going to find him soon and he is going to be sent back here. ”

Ramjattan added that there are “lots of other forensic audits that indicate they should go further on, into police investigations” but he said that the lack of a witness protection programme is stymieing the prosecution’s efforts.

“A lot of the witnesses that gave their evidence to the auditors are scared like hell to give their evidence to the police now, knowing that those fellows that they might bring to court, know that they can suffer at their hands.”GINA said that the Minister lamented that a witness protection plan was not available locally, “So they are scared.”

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What a bunch of horse crap.  The "no evidence" was from the audit reports, not from the police prosecution of anyone in a criminal case.  The matter got snuffed at the audit level.

Does Ramjattan think people are stupid?

Django posted:

May 23, 2016  Source

The effort to bring those responsible for financial transgressions found by audits is being slowed by fearful witnesses, according to Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan who was asked about the apparent lack of prosecutions and sloth in prosecuting errant public officials, GINA said.Addressing stakeholders at the Golden Jubilee, National Symposia Series at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, Ramjattan said that Government is keen on bringing those responsible for impropriety to justice wherever they may be, GINA reported.

“Minister (Jennifer) Westford has been charged and that’s pending. The trial is going on as I understand. There is somebody with her who has been charged. The fellow from GPL, Aeshwar Deonarine has been charged and Mr. Carvil Duncan has been charged, prosecution is going on there. We have asked the Canadian Royal Mounted Police to find Mr. Aeshwar Deonarine (former Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of Administration), they are going to find him soon and he is going to be sent back here. ”

Ramjattan added that there are “lots of other forensic audits that indicate they should go further on, into police investigations” but he said that the lack of a witness protection programme is stymieing the prosecution’s efforts.

“A lot of the witnesses that gave their evidence to the auditors are scared like hell to give their evidence to the police now, knowing that those fellows that they might bring to court, know that they can suffer at their hands.”GINA said that the Minister lamented that a witness protection plan was not available locally, “So they are scared.”

I have to say this is a lot of BS coming from Ramjattan.

Witness protection plan???   why do we need this? and why are people scared??....makes no sense


A lot of the witnesses that gave their evidence to the auditors are scared like hell to give their evidence to the police now, knowing that those fellows that they might bring to court, know that they can suffer at their hands.”GINA said that the Minister lamented that a witness protection plan was not available locally, “So they are scare


Any part of this worg a Security Minister would be made to resign for IBCOMPETENCE, STUPIDITY, ILLITERACY and DUMBNESS but since he better than the rest of them, the GNI supporters and the rest of Cabinet has to honor and worship him.  PNC Guyana !!!

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

May 23, 2016  Source

The effort to bring those responsible for financial transgressions found by audits is being slowed by fearful witnesses, according to Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan who was asked about the apparent lack of prosecutions and sloth in prosecuting errant public officials, GINA said.Addressing stakeholders at the Golden Jubilee, National Symposia Series at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, Ramjattan said that Government is keen on bringing those responsible for impropriety to justice wherever they may be, GINA reported.

“Minister (Jennifer) Westford has been charged and that’s pending. The trial is going on as I understand. There is somebody with her who has been charged. The fellow from GPL, Aeshwar Deonarine has been charged and Mr. Carvil Duncan has been charged, prosecution is going on there. We have asked the Canadian Royal Mounted Police to find Mr. Aeshwar Deonarine (former Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of Administration), they are going to find him soon and he is going to be sent back here. ”

Ramjattan added that there are “lots of other forensic audits that indicate they should go further on, into police investigations” but he said that the lack of a witness protection programme is stymieing the prosecution’s efforts.

“A lot of the witnesses that gave their evidence to the auditors are scared like hell to give their evidence to the police now, knowing that those fellows that they might bring to court, know that they can suffer at their hands.”GINA said that the Minister lamented that a witness protection plan was not available locally, “So they are scared.”

I have to say this is a lot of BS coming from Ramjattan.

Witness protection plan???   why do we need this? and why are people scared??....makes no sense

It's a cop out.  He led the charge against the PPP about corruption, now they holding wood, they walk around pretend they chasing cow!!

TK and others said the PPP tief but PNC/AFC cannot figure it out.  Ramjattan cannot say that, so he say the people too freiken.

So, in a nutshell, the school of the TKs blame the stupidity of the PNC/AFC and Ramjattan blame the "cowardice" of the people!


Ramjattan and Negromotoo,two musahar coolies that even a chamar would bathe twice after spitting on them.

Granger and the other negroes thought that they would have attracted Indians to thhe PNC by having them as showpieces.Didnt happen and will never happen.

President Jagdeo has performed well on his walkabout in Georgetown despite the harassment by negro thugs and murderers set on him by the PNC.Look at the negroes harassing President Jagdeo,they have a look as if they havent had a good meal for days and are ready to choke and rob some passerby or even murder innocent people.

God bless President Jagdeo.

Nehru posted:

A lot of the witnesses that gave their evidence to the auditors are scared like hell to give their evidence to the police now, knowing that those fellows that they might bring to court, know that they can suffer at their hands.”GINA said that the Minister lamented that a witness protection plan was not available locally, “So they are scare


Any part of this worg a Security Minister would be made to resign for IBCOMPETENCE, STUPIDITY, ILLITERACY and DUMBNESS but since he better than the rest of them, the GNI supporters and the rest of Cabinet has to honor and worship him.  PNC Guyana !!!

Django will commit suicide if any of his PNC boys resign.  We will have to get Tola to the rescue!!!

Bibi Haniffa

During the PPP 23 years reign of fear and terror many witnesses experienced an early death. The government has to do more to encourage witnesses to give testimony without fear.  The police should be given more power to capture suspects under gunfire. Confiscation of the proceeds of crime in such cases should be re-invested in the communities affected by crime and hardship under the PPP.

Mitwah posted:

People are living in fear. Many crimes go unreported. Witnesses are paid or terrorized not to attend courts.

So then, what does the PNC/AFC hve theior hands around?

ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:

People are living in fear. Many crimes go unreported. Witnesses are paid or terrorized not to attend courts.

So then, what does the PNC/AFC hve theior hands around?

Their hands are around Mitwah, thanking him for his dedication to cut and paste.

Mr.T posted:

During the PPP 23 years reign of fear and terror many witnesses experienced an early death. The government has to do more to encourage witnesses to give testimony without fear.  The police should be given more power to capture suspects under gunfire. Confiscation of the proceeds of crime in such cases should be re-invested in the communities affected by crime and hardship under the PPP.

Ask George Bacchus what happens to you when you testify against the PPP and their Phantom Squad. Sorry, George is not available. Dead men tell no tales.


Hehe..the Minister of National Security really cannot help his witnesses.  HE should be FIRED.  Unless it's all lies. 

“Minister (Jennifer) Westford has been charged and that’s pending. The trial is going on as I understand. There is somebody with her who has been charged. The fellow from GPL, Aeshwar Deonarine has been charged and Mr. Carvil Duncan has been charged, prosecution is going on there. We have asked the Canadian Royal Mounted Police to find Mr. Aeshwar Deonarine (former Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of Administration), they are going to find him soon and he is going to be sent back here. ”  


He needs to be fired for writing/saying a whole paragraph that makes no sense.   There is somebody out there called Rumjattan who can't speak, lol.

Mars posted:
Mr.T posted:

During the PPP 23 years reign of fear and terror many witnesses experienced an early death. The government has to do more to encourage witnesses to give testimony without fear.  The police should be given more power to capture suspects under gunfire. Confiscation of the proceeds of crime in such cases should be re-invested in the communities affected by crime and hardship under the PPP.

Ask George Bacchus what happens to you when you testify against the PPP and their Phantom Squad. Sorry, George is not available. Dead men tell no tales.

You have to be joking, pulling up a 2008 story to explain away PNC incompetency.  The PNC had a year in office to put away all "alleged PPP hitmen".  Now they are desperately selling you folks koolaid to explain away their broken promises. They should have told you this upfront before you caste your votes for this incompetent lot.  


Scampish Jagdeo get ketch

May 24, 2016 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Old people seh everything you do in de dark does come to light. De old scamps in de PPP never believe it was true. Is now dem finding out that everything dem do come to light.
Concession is a big word. It mean getting gifts wha worth big money fuh nutten. De first set of concessions that scamp Jagdeo give was to he best friend.
Dem boys get just a li’l peep of de concessions that Jagdeo give away to BaiShan and wha find inside mek dem don’t even want to know what was given from 2006 to 2012.
Dem boys seh that was de real period when Jagdeo start to get rich. That was when he seh he sell Pradoville One and build de $600 million mansion in Pradoville Two.
De media did ask him a number of times to explain how he came about acquiring that kind of money fuh build such a king’s palace. He tell dem he got Chinee relatives in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong and his name should a be Jag Knee instead of Jagdeo.
Donald should a be Dun Dee instead of Dummy. Sam should a be Sam Knee instead of Blind Knee.
De kind of concession dem give to de BaiShan is either they were dumb or they were well paid. And only one of dem dumb and he poor. Figure wha went on.
De concession dem get according to de Customs tariff, two items –de 2 billion pail paint and de one billion ton cement coulda run this country for 40 years.
De taxes come up to US$60 billion using US$100 per ton fuh cement and US$40 per pair of paint.
Guyana 2016 budget is less than US$1.5B. Do de Maths. Who in dem righted sense would do something like this? Only Jagdeo. He is de smart fly who gun get ketch in that thing under de cow tail very soon.
Talk half and wait fuh that thing that does come out under de same cow tail, to hit de roof.

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Mr.T posted:

During the PPP 23 years reign of fear and terror many witnesses experienced an early death. The government has to do more to encourage witnesses to give testimony without fear.  The police should be given more power to capture suspects under gunfire. Confiscation of the proceeds of crime in such cases should be re-invested in the communities affected by crime and hardship under the PPP.

Ask George Bacchus what happens to you when you testify against the PPP and their Phantom Squad. Sorry, George is not available. Dead men tell no tales.

You have to be joking, pulling up a 2008 story to explain away PNC incompetency.  The PNC had a year in office to put away all "alleged PPP hitmen".  Now they are desperately selling you folks koolaid to explain away their broken promises. They should have told you this upfront before you caste your votes for this incompetent lot.  

Even today, when you see PPP officials on a walkabout, there is a bodyguard/Phantom Squad assassin like Sean Hinds in their company. This is a subtle reminder to the Guyanese people that they can still activate their hitmen at a moment's notice. Guyanese remember those days when the PPP Phantom Hit Squad were executing people like George Bacchus who tried to be a whistleblower and spill the goods on the murderous ways of the PPP.

Mars posted:

Even today, when you see PPP officials on a walkabout, there is a bodyguard/Phantom Squad assassin like Sean Hinds in their company. This is a subtle reminder to the Guyanese people that they can still activate their hitmen at a moment's notice. Guyanese remember those days when the PPP Phantom Hit Squad were executing people like George Bacchus who tried to be a whistleblower and spill the goods on the murderous ways of the PPP.

without the consent and power of the state behind them, people like Shawn Hinds are more like props used for intimidation by Jagdeo and his crew

make no mistake, these bannas will be dealt with in short order if they try that phantom shyte rat was encouraging and profiting from in the 00's

the beginning of the end was when Uncle Sam said "enough!" to RK and his runnings, stiffened the spine of the Joint Services and facilitated them chasing him out of the country into the arms of the DEA . . . as the high chair denizens of Robb Street shed bitter tears and baseman/bibi dem rent their clothes and wailed

uh huh

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