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Auditor who recommends sacking of two Govt officers sent on leave

October 28, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 


The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority has commenced strong action against its internal auditor who recommended the dismissal of its Chief Executive Officer Lionel Wordsworth and a Senior Section Engineer in a damning audit report.
The auditor was sent on administrative leave as the entity probes what it described as a breach of protocol and procedure.
The auditor in a report, which alleged procurement fraud on the part of NDIA Chief Executive Officer, Lionel Wordsworth, in collusion with Senior Section Engineer, Aneel Chowbay, and a conflict of interest involving Chowbay, was sent on administrative leave last Thursday.


The auditor in an unprecedented move had forwarded his report to President Donald Ramotar, a move that was criticised by the Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy and more recently by Chairman of the Region Four Democratic Council, Clement Corlette.
Only recently, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NDIA, Dharmkumar Seeraj to whom the initial audit report was addressed, had told this newspaper that he is still awaiting a final report after the CEO and the Engineer would have responded to the allegations made against them.
While the move to send the auditor on leave is being viewed as retaliation to his audit report, informed sources at the Ministry of Agriculture have informed this newspaper that the action taken was in response to the auditor’s walking out of a meeting that was chaired by the Permanent Secretary.
The meeting was reportedly dealing with the leakage of the report to the media.
The move against the auditor is also being seen as dealing with the messenger rather than the message.
It certainly will not surprise Alliance For Change Leader Khemraj Ramjattan who had predicted it a few weeks ago when excerpts of the leaked audit report were published.
Ramjattan, in a recent interview, had expressed pessimism that anything would be done to the CEO, since that he deemed him (Wordsworth) a favourite of President Ramotar.
He opined that the auditors who dare to reveal the corruption may have their contracts terminated.
Many internal audits are conducted and their findings are kept from the public. This should not be the norm, Ramjattan said. He suggested that these reports should be presented to Parliament and given to the media for dissemination to the public.
Unless the culture of transparency and accountability is cultivated, auditors will be unable to bring to the public’s attention corruption, Ramjattan said. “It will also have a serious effect on a number of auditors not wanting to do anything,” he added.
“Instead of sending Wordsworth and the Engineer on leave to facilitate an investigation, they have decided that the auditor must go,” said a source at the Ministry of Agriculture.
The audit on the NDIA’s fuel consumption and equipment operations and maintenance, was conducted between May and September. It was completed and submitted to the Chairman of the NDIA Board of Directors on September 26.
The report concluded that fraudulent acts were committed by NDIA Chief Executive officer Lionel Wordsworth and Senior Section Engineer (SSE) Mr. Aneel Chowbay, in breach of the Procurement Act 2003.
It speaks of conflict of interest and sole sourcing of services such as the supply of fuel and the awarding of contracts to relations of senior NDIA operatives, in breach of national procurement procedures.
Since the publication, the Ministry of Agriculture has sought to discredit the author of the audit report and there are reports that the Auditor is under tremendous pressure to retain his job.
The Ministry had described the report as unsubstantiated by a person who has a personal agenda.
The Internal Auditor is the Head of the Inspectorate Department of the NDIA which was set up in following a meeting of the Board earlier this year.
This body which is up and running is to provide oversight of the management of the D&I infrastructure.
In 2011, the NDIA was allotted a whopping $1.495B, out of which $1.228B was expended on the payment of contracts amounting to $1.227B, and for the purchase of office furniture to the tune of $1.128M.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It certainly will not surprise Alliance For Change Leader Khemraj Ramjattan who had predicted it a few weeks ago when excerpts of the leaked audit report were published.
Ramjattan, in a recent interview, had expressed pessimism that anything would be done to the CEO, since that he deemed him (Wordsworth) a favourite of President Ramotar.


An AFC insider was sent on leave for walking out of a meeting, this is considered the norm for punishment in any business environment.  In fact this fool would have been fired in most companies for insubordination. Ramjattan sent in a saboteur into the audit office to create controversy. The auditor reports should be devoid of any political influence, PPP, aFC or PNC. But this is not the case in Guyana as political parties jockey for power and influence.  

Ramjattan is a SHAMELESS PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

An AFC insider was sent on leave for walking out of a meeting, this is considered the norm for punishment in any business environment.  In fact this fool would have been fired in most companies for insubordination. Ramjattan sent in a saboteur into the audit office to create controversy. The auditor reports should be devoid of any political influence, PPP, aFC or PNC. But this is not the case in Guyana as political parties jockey for power and influence.  


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Ramjattan is a SHAMELESS PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

An AFC insider was sent on leave for walking out of a meeting, this is considered the norm for punishment in any business environment.  In fact this fool would have been fired in most companies for insubordination. Ramjattan sent in a saboteur into the audit office to create controversy. The auditor reports should be devoid of any political influence, PPP, aFC or PNC. But this is not the case in Guyana as political parties jockey for power and influence.  


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

An AFC insider was sent on leave for walking out of a meeting, this is considered the norm for punishment in any business environment.  In fact this fool would have been fired in most companies for insubordination. Ramjattan sent in a saboteur into the audit office to create controversy. The auditor reports should be devoid of any political influence, PPP, aFC or PNC. But this is not the case in Guyana as political parties jockey for power and influence.  

The AFC/Opposition have some valid points regarding corruption, nepotism and general lack of transparency in decision-making.  These are some areas where I concur with the AFC's agenda.  Where I have a big issue is them becoming the PNC chi-wawa creating the conditions, sentiments and excuses for the PNC pit-bulls to hide behind them and unleash mayhem and destruction.


As you could see, reverting to the old ways of targeting Indians lies just below the surface.  The Indians who partake in this exercise will be suck in, chewed up, digested and spat out.  They will have no say in the events that follow.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

An AFC insider was sent on leave for walking out of a meeting, this is considered the norm for punishment in any business environment.  In fact this fool would have been fired in most companies for insubordination. Ramjattan sent in a saboteur into the audit office to create controversy. The auditor reports should be devoid of any political influence, PPP, aFC or PNC. But this is not the case in Guyana as political parties jockey for power and influence.  



Oh boy! When good things happen is PPP. When the PPP gets exposed its the AFC fault. An AFC insider.




you bunch of ppp low life that post on this site,its only a matter of time one day i hope you all hold your belly and cry,if youall mother only know they will be bring a bunch of thief in this world i guess they might have push some salt in you guys mouth when you born

Originally Posted by warrior:

you bunch of ppp low life that post on this site,its only a matter of time one day i hope you all hold your belly and cry,if youall mother only know they will be bring a bunch of thief in this world i guess they might have push some salt in you guys mouth when you born

So how many Indian babies you think is deserving of that treatment?  Indian support for the PPP is not support for corruption and nepotism.

Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . Indian support for the PPP is not support for corruption and nepotism.

Indeed . . . thanks for pointing out the self-evident, Captain Obvious. 


and African support for the PNC . . . ???!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . Indian support for the PPP is not support for corruption and nepotism.

Indeed . . . thanks for pointing out the self-evident, Captain Obvious. 


and African support for the PNC . . . ???!

To control Indians.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . Indian support for the PPP is not support for corruption and nepotism.

Indeed . . . thanks for pointing out the self-evident, Captain Obvious. 


and African support for the PNC . . . ???!

To control Indians.

ummmm . . . tell me more about this "control" and blackman, mein Herr

Originally Posted by warrior:

you bunch of ppp low life that post on this site,its only a matter of time one day i hope you all hold your belly and cry,if youall mother only know they will be bring a bunch of thief in this world i guess they might have push some salt in you guys mouth when you born

Hey Kurumchoad,

Go look in the mirror and you will see the lowest of the low lives.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

An AFC insider was sent on leave for walking out of a meeting, this is considered the norm for punishment in any business environment.  In fact this fool would have been fired in most companies for insubordination. Ramjattan sent in a saboteur into the audit office to create controversy. The auditor reports should be devoid of any political influence, PPP, aFC or PNC. But this is not the case in Guyana as political parties jockey for power and influence.  



Oh boy! When good things happen is PPP. When the PPP gets exposed its the AFC fault. An AFC insider.



 Good observation, you would also notice that if an Afro stump he toe or road get a pothole, it is the ppp's fault. hahahahahaha

Originally Posted by warrior:

you bunch of ppp low life that post on this site,its only a matter of time one day i hope you all hold your belly and cry,if youall mother only know they will be bring a bunch of thief in this world i guess they might have push some salt in you guys mouth when you born


This is the type of Indo Guyanese hate comments that is endorsed by the likes of Warrior, Carib and Redux. This is the reason why Indo Guyanese have to be vigilant against the return of a Burnham style dictatorship assisted by the AFC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you bunch of ppp low life that post on this site,its only a matter of time one day i hope you all hold your belly and cry,if youall mother only know they will be bring a bunch of thief in this world i guess they might have push some salt in you guys mouth when you born

Hey Kurumchoad,

Go look in the mirror and you will see the lowest of the low lives.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you bunch of ppp low life that post on this site,its only a matter of time one day i hope you all hold your belly and cry,if youall mother only know they will be bring a bunch of thief in this world i guess they might have push some salt in you guys mouth when you born


This is the type of Indo Guyanese hate comments that is endorsed by the likes of Warrior, Carib and Redux. This is the reason why Indo Guyanese have to be vigilant against the return of a Burnham style dictatorship assisted by the AFC.

no!!! gUYANESE HAVE TO BE VIGILANT AGAINST THESE crabdaag, neeee mack nee mack, nee mack haram!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Devindra:

Moh PPP cover up.  Rumtar has NO SAY.  Jugdeo seh the Auditor must get kack off and that is the law.


Rumtar is the shut tail boy.

Dev, why is Ramotar so close with Lionel? Are they related or are they just cronies?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

Moh PPP cover up.  Rumtar has NO SAY.  Jugdeo seh the Auditor must get kack off and that is the law.


Rumtar is the shut tail boy.

Dev, why is Ramotar so close with Lionel? Are they related or are they just cronies?

Rumtar not close to the wordsman.  Jughead the BIG-RAT is?  Rawbert is the god father for the runnings.


Rumatar is the outsider but he is too weak to do anything, so he tun he face from the runnings and hiding under Jughead the BIG-RAT skirt.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you bunch of ppp low life that post on this site,its only a matter of time one day i hope you all hold your belly and cry,if youall mother only know they will be bring a bunch of thief in this world i guess they might have push some salt in you guys mouth when you born


This is the type of Indo Guyanese hate comments that is endorsed by the likes of Warrior, Carib and Redux. This is the reason why Indo Guyanese have to be vigilant against the return of a Burnham style dictatorship assisted by the AFC.

ahmmm, hmmmm . . . wishing ill fortune on racist PPP low-life posters on GNI now constitutes hate speech . . . requiring Indo-Guyanese to be "vigilant . . ." ???


Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!!

Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm, hmmmm . . . wishing ill fortune on racist PPP low-life posters on GNI now constitutes hate speech . . . requiring Indo-Guyanese to be "vigilant . . ." ???


Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!!

It looks like you are copying my sigature, better not let mitwah see this post or he will say you are braying. 


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm, hmmmm . . . wishing ill fortune on racist PPP low-life posters on GNI now constitutes hate speech . . . requiring Indo-Guyanese to be "vigilant . . ." ???


Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!!

It looks like you are copying my sigature, better not let mitwah see this post or he will say you are braying. 


no, we have NOTHING in common; U bray . . . I am actually laughing

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm, hmmmm . . . wishing ill fortune on racist PPP low-life posters on GNI now constitutes hate speech . . . requiring Indo-Guyanese to be "vigilant . . ." ???


Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!!

It looks like you are copying my sigature, better not let mitwah see this post or he will say you are braying. 


no, we have NOTHING in common; U bray . . . I am actually laughing

Don't lie, you stole my signature laugh, it is shameless and bare faced. ahahhahhaa

Imitation is the best form of flattery ahhhahahahahaa

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't lie, you stole my signature laugh, it is shameless and bare faced. ahahhahhaa

Imitation is the best form of flattery ahhhahahahahaa

you're a very very strange, childlike 'man'


yaaawn . . .


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