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Originally Posted by Prince Juno:

You will be shock to know who actually instill Barack Obama in the white house. He may look polite and innocent, but to get into the white house is more than just campaigning and winning election.

For sure wasn't Murdoch. But yeah, I agree, Obama was an installation may be by the right wing to hide their racist policies. Use a black man to implement racist policies soe that nobody can cry racism.

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:

You will be shock to know who actually instill Barack Obama in the white house. He may look polite and innocent, but to get into the white house is more than just campaigning and winning election.

Yes Pajama Pants, tell us who "installed" Obama. Who came up with the idea of millions of small donors financing close to a 2 billion dollars campaign and asked more than 50 percent of those voting to vote for him. Shock us pajama pants!

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Prince Juno:

You will be shock to know who actually instill Barack Obama in the white house. He may look polite and innocent, but to get into the white house is more than just campaigning and winning election.

For sure wasn't Murdoch. But yeah, I agree, Obama was an installation may be by the right wing to hide their racist policies. Use a black man to implement racist policies soe that nobody can cry racism.

Lucas, you forgot this.  'A black man who in his mind thinks he is white"


Obama needs to be retired to a liberal arts college where insecure racist whites can use him as the token colored and keep other billiant colored people down.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Prince Juno:

You will be shock to know who actually instill Barack Obama in the white house. He may look polite and innocent, but to get into the white house is more than just campaigning and winning election.

For sure wasn't Murdoch. But yeah, I agree, Obama was an installation may be by the right wing to hide their racist policies. Use a black man to implement racist policies soe that nobody can cry racism.

Lucas, you forgot this.  'A black man who in his mind thinks he is white"


Obama needs to be retired to a liberal arts college where insecure racist whites can use him as the token colored and keep other billiant colored people down.

There you have another possibility.

Thanks for that.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Prince Juno:

You will be shock to know who actually instill Barack Obama in the white house. He may look polite and innocent, but to get into the white house is more than just campaigning and winning election.

For sure wasn't Murdoch. But yeah, I agree, Obama was an installation may be by the right wing to hide their racist policies. Use a black man to implement racist policies soe that nobody can cry racism.

Lucas, you forgot this.  'A black man who in his mind thinks he is white"


Obama needs to be retired to a liberal arts college where insecure racist whites can use him as the token colored and keep other billiant colored people down.

I know dozens of black/colored folks who work or work for the President. Most I know by their reputations of work and their centrality in African/colored intellectual thought in the country. Which are these constitute in your mind the poorer of colored minds that are his staff? Further who are the  better ones you know that he keeps down?



I do not deny that there are dissenters and I am one of those because I think he ought to look to his community with more frequency. However, as someone mentioned, he is the president of these entire United States and so cannot be seen as overly concerned with his own. That  may be habit in Guyanese politics but here that would come with a price. He is where no one as him has been before.


I also do not know why he would go to a liberal arts college as opposed to one of our universities. He is after all a graduate of one of the top schools at the top of his class. Further, he was president so I would presume your intent is to demean or insult the man on account of your displeasure with his politics.


What has Obama done for people of color.


Over a million Mexicans deported from the US.  Black American males with unemployment rates at the level seen only during the great depression.  The brutal extermination of Gaddafi a man who was a solid rock of support during the fight against racial Apartheid.


It takes a truely racist mind to support a person like that.  But then again that is why he was elected and not Sharpton or Jesse.

Originally Posted by Wally:

What has Obama done for people of color.


Over a million Mexicans deported from the US.  Black males with unemployment rates at the level seen only during the great depression.  The brutal extermination of Gaddafi a man who was a solid rock of support during the fight against racial Apartheid.


It takes a truely racist mind to support a person like that.  But then again that is why he was elected and not Sharpton or Jesse.

 He did not create the unemployment or the fall in house value that resulted in loss of minority equity. The bush administration did.


Gaddafi was no friend of even his own people whom he left as a fractious lot because he was afraid a summoning creed of nation hood would generate sentiment to oust him.  Is that not why the Tuareg are now all gone from all of Libya?   He used them as his enforcement tool across the land so when he fell they had to run for their lives. Sadly Libya gains was Mali's loss. Those Tuareg are in Mali destroying the society.


However, even as fractious he kept the tribal people and isolated he kept each community, they mustered the courage to come together and get rid of that family that brought them no returns on their vast oil wealth. He died at their hands not the US


Sharpton did not have the organization and Jesse came too early. Jesse give the US minorities car dealerships and distributorship of all sorts from beer to soft drinks which many do not know or acknowledge. He served his purpose and continues to do so.


Most of the young black people from Jesse school of political activism are with Obama. All to a man and woman. I am sure they are better authority on why the support one then the other than you are.


It takes a shallow mind to call others racist for supporting the first president that broke the color barrier. There are things happening in this country among minorities  that never could have happened without him there. He is not perfect but he is far from the way you characterize him.

Last edited by Former Member

I will agree with you.  I have a shallow mind to support Obama the first time he ran.  But shallow mind no more.  No more support from me for someone who would do anything to people of color to get the approval of whites.


Also you seem to forget that Obama sent a team to track Gaddafi in the desert.  There are many many things that I did not like about Gaddafi and his rule but the man supported the anti-apartide movement 100 and 1 percent. Obama was pleased with how that man ended up.  Obama has got to be defeated and defeated badly in this next election.



Several black Mali citizens have told me right here where I live that several governments of Mali in order to get the support of many in the black majority of Mali's population would play the race card against the Tuareg.  This is because the Tuareg are light skin and playing the race card against them would help these unpopular Mali governments to continue in power. The black Mali people that I have met have told me that the Tuareg were never treated as equals by many governments of Mali. So you don't bring this nonsense here to me.

Originally Posted by Wally:

I will agree with you.  I have a shallow mind to support Obama the first time he ran.  But shallow mind no more.  No more support from me for someone who would do anything to people of color to get the approval of whites.


Also you seem to forget that Obama sent a team to track Gaddafi in the desert.  There are many many things that I did not like about Gaddafi and his rule but the man supported the anti-apartide movement 100 and 1 percent. Obama was pleased with how that man ended up.  Obama has got to be defeated and defeated badly in this next election.


 What if he supported the anti apartheid movement? Did that give him a right to do as he did, used the resources of the nation for his family benefit and left the people with little development?


Why not create an oil commission to bring an integrated education and health care or social system? He had none! They were piece meal to tribal fiefdom and economies of scale, national pride, social development etc suffered. Women in Libya was a step below that of the Saudis despite his public display of his  ornamental women body guards.


You are allowed to support whom ever you like. I did not care for Obama initially and have little affinity for some of the things he did but it is clear he is not there as some white persons poodle nor is he a self hating black man as you suggested. Those are crude accusations.


That he also tramples on better educated black folks is pure nonsense. He does have an inner core of loyal disciples but so did George bush for example. No one called GW cadre of neocons oppressive or neglectful to better educated white people. Why is that leveraged against OBAMA?


Then dismissing him to a liberal arts college! what is that?

Originally Posted by Wally:

Several black Mali citizens have told me right here where I live that several governments of Mali in order to get the support of many in the black majority of Mali's population would play the race card against the Tuareg.  This is because the Tuareg are light skin and playing the race card against them would help these unpopular Mali governments to continue in power. The black Mali people that I have met have told me that the Tuareg were never treated as equals by many governments of Mali. So you don't bring this nonsense here to me.

 That the Taureg was discriminated against is not a rationale for what is presently happening. They are turning that place into hell and it was already a hellish place.


If I tell you Stormborn you will never get any education because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you are not a full citizen because the color of your skin is too white but instead you are nothing more than a product of murderous invader.


If I tell you stormborn that you cannot get a government job or a place in the military because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you cannot marry my daughter or my son because your skin is too white.



Then you Stormborn will go and get me peaches and cream to eat.  Hell no.  You will probably try to cut off my head.

Originally Posted by Wally:

If I tell you Stormborn you will never get any education because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you are not a full citizen because the color of your skin is too white but instead you are nothing more than a product of murderous invader.


If I tell you stormborn that you cannot get a government job or a place in the military because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you cannot marry my daughter or my son because your skin is too white.



Then you Stormborn will go and get me peaches and cream to eat.  Hell no.  You will probably try to cut off my head.

 What does that have to do with the price of tea in india? And by the way, my skin is a wonderful cinnamon and honey colored brown. I know nothing of white and can speak to what I know. You should also since it is not only white folks that make those demands but black and brown folks as well.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

If I tell you Stormborn you will never get any education because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you are not a full citizen because the color of your skin is too white but instead you are nothing more than a product of murderous invader.


If I tell you stormborn that you cannot get a government job or a place in the military because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you cannot marry my daughter or my son because your skin is too white.



Then you Stormborn will go and get me peaches and cream to eat.  Hell no.  You will probably try to cut off my head.

 What does that have to do with the price of tea in india? And by the way, my skin is a wonderful cinnamon and honey colored brown. I know nothing of white and can speak to what I know. You should also since it is not only white folks that make those demands but black and brown folks as well.

let me tell you this.  Those Tuareg people are red people.  They are mulattoes they are not white.  But in Mali the politicians are playing race cards by portraying them as white outsiders so as to justify oppressing them to score political points.  That is wrong in any part of the world. It is wrong to justify that discrimination against the Tuareg people.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

If I tell you Stormborn you will never get any education because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you are not a full citizen because the color of your skin is too white but instead you are nothing more than a product of murderous invader.


If I tell you stormborn that you cannot get a government job or a place in the military because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you cannot marry my daughter or my son because your skin is too white.



Then you Stormborn will go and get me peaches and cream to eat.  Hell no.  You will probably try to cut off my head.

 What does that have to do with the price of tea in india? And by the way, my skin is a wonderful cinnamon and honey colored brown. I know nothing of white and can speak to what I know. You should also since it is not only white folks that make those demands but black and brown folks as well.

let me tell you this.  Those Tuareg people are red people.  They are mulattoes they are not white.  But in Mali the politicians are playing race cards by portraying them as white outsiders so as to justify oppressing them to score political points.  That is wrong in any part of the world. It is wrong to justify that discrimination against the Tuareg people.

Whatever they are they are a locust on mali presently. In short order the misery they are causing will bring the heavy hand of international military on their heads. There is already a call for an African peace force and/ or an intervention to protect world heritage sites.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I will agree with you.  I have a shallow mind to support Obama the first time he ran.  But shallow mind no more.  No more support from me for someone who would do anything to people of color to get the approval of whites.


Also you seem to forget that Obama sent a team to track Gaddafi in the desert.  There are many many things that I did not like about Gaddafi and his rule but the man supported the anti-apartide movement 100 and 1 percent. Obama was pleased with how that man ended up.  Obama has got to be defeated and defeated badly in this next election.


 What if he supported the anti apartheid movement? Did that give him a right to do as he did, used the resources of the nation for his family benefit and left the people with little development?


Why not create an oil commission to bring an integrated education and health care or social system? He had none! They were piece meal to tribal fiefdom and economies of scale, national pride, social development etc suffered. Women in Libya was a step below that of the Saudis despite his public display of his  ornamental women body guards.


You are allowed to support whom ever you like. I did not care for Obama initially and have little affinity for some of the things he did but it is clear he is not there as some white persons poodle nor is he a self hating black man as you suggested. Those are crude accusations.


That he also tramples on better educated black folks is pure nonsense. He does have an inner core of loyal disciples but so did George bush for example. No one called GW cadre of neocons oppressive or neglectful to better educated white people. Why is that leveraged against OBAMA?


Then dismissing him to a liberal arts college! what is that?

Gaddafi had over 400 million US dollars in banks in Canada to educate Libyan students who wanted to come to Canada to study at the Graduate level. He had billions in other Western countries banks to educate Libyan students.  Any Libyan student who wanted to study in the west did not have to pay tuition or rent.  They also received money every month from the Libyan government.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

If I tell you Stormborn you will never get any education because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you are not a full citizen because the color of your skin is too white but instead you are nothing more than a product of murderous invader.


If I tell you stormborn that you cannot get a government job or a place in the military because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you cannot marry my daughter or my son because your skin is too white.



Then you Stormborn will go and get me peaches and cream to eat.  Hell no.  You will probably try to cut off my head.

 What does that have to do with the price of tea in india? And by the way, my skin is a wonderful cinnamon and honey colored brown. I know nothing of white and can speak to what I know. You should also since it is not only white folks that make those demands but black and brown folks as well.

let me tell you this.  Those Tuareg people are red people.  They are mulattoes they are not white.  But in Mali the politicians are playing race cards by portraying them as white outsiders so as to justify oppressing them to score political points.  That is wrong in any part of the world. It is wrong to justify that discrimination against the Tuareg people.

Whatever they are they are a locust on mali presently. In short order the misery they are causing will bring the heavy hand of international military on their heads. There is already a call for an African peace force and/ or an intervention to protect world heritage sites.

It is maybe racist and irrational to call a people who have lived in a country for over eight hundred years locusts.  A human being reduced to the status of an insect maybe by a racist mind.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

If I tell you Stormborn you will never get any education because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you are not a full citizen because the color of your skin is too white but instead you are nothing more than a product of murderous invader.


If I tell you stormborn that you cannot get a government job or a place in the military because the color of your skin is too white.


If I tell you Stormborn that you cannot marry my daughter or my son because your skin is too white.



Then you Stormborn will go and get me peaches and cream to eat.  Hell no.  You will probably try to cut off my head.

 What does that have to do with the price of tea in india? And by the way, my skin is a wonderful cinnamon and honey colored brown. I know nothing of white and can speak to what I know. You should also since it is not only white folks that make those demands but black and brown folks as well.

let me tell you this.  Those Tuareg people are red people.  They are mulattoes they are not white.  But in Mali the politicians are playing race cards by portraying them as white outsiders so as to justify oppressing them to score political points.  That is wrong in any part of the world. It is wrong to justify that discrimination against the Tuareg people.

Whatever they are they are a locust on mali presently. In short order the misery they are causing will bring the heavy hand of international military on their heads. There is already a call for an African peace force and/ or an intervention to protect world heritage sites.

It is maybe racist and irrational to call a people who have lived in a country for over eight hundred years locusts.  A human being reduced to the status of an insect maybe by a racist mind.

 Everyone has a right to fight for what is their own. No one has a right to enforce their religion etc on others because they can. Whatever their reasons for fighting it is backward to destroy historic sites.


I call those partaking in this action locusts because they are acting with mindless efficiency in their sanitizing of the region. The small group of mercenaries from Libya are the main plague not the entire people themselves. Their cause may be just bit their means to end schema is barbaric.


There are two Tuareg armies fighting the Mali government forces and other so called African peacekeepers. 


One is a social democratic army made up of ex Gaddafi Tuareg fighters and disenfranchised/discriminated Tuareg peoples.


The other army is a fundamentalist Islamic army supported by wealthy people in the middle East and islamic fundamentalists from around the world. 


It is the Islamic fundamentalist Army that wants to burn historical buildings and libraries because according to them they are unislamic. 


The Islamic fundamentalist Tuareg Army is way better funded and armed than the ex Gaddafi Tuareg fighters.  Because all the ex Gaddafi Tuareg fighters have is their weapons and ammunition that they left Libya with.   

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

There are two Tuareg armies fighting the Mali government forces and other so called African peacekeepers. 


One is a social democratic army made up of ex Gaddafi Tuareg fighters and disenfranchised/discriminated Tuareg peoples.


The other army is a fundamentalist Islamic army supported by wealthy people in the middle East and islamic fundamentalists from around the world. 


It is the Islamic fundamentalist Army that wants to burn historical buildings and libraries because according to them they are unislamic. 


The Islamic fundamentalist Tuareg Army is way better funded and armed than the ex Gaddafi Tuareg fighters.  Because all the ex Gaddafi Tuareg fighters have is their weapons and ammunition that they left Libya with.   

Gaddafi mercenaries came out with an enormous amounts of armaments the kinds of which still bothers security administrations in the west. These range from small arms, 50 caliber machine guns, and surface to air missile launchers. They started the insurrection and however it happened the Islamist ended up in charge. The military victory was not possible without that arms cache they brought with them and still possess much to the chagrin of the west because they can fall into the hands of the wrong persons.


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