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Aussie mining company calls out Guyana government on bribes

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Dont get me wrong, I appreciate their method. We ALL know MOST of the Civil Servants and top Officials see BRIBES as part of their Salary and a god Given RIGHT!!!!!!! The GOvt seems not to have the ability nor the will to tackle this disease.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

good on them to further expose corruption

Ray, The Company made a blanket statement. Now can you tell me about the Corruption involved?

lawd bai...learn to read between the lines...since when yuh does only read the script without getting the gist of the article

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dont get me wrong, I appreciate their method. We ALL know MOST of the Civil Servants and top Officials see BRIBES as part of their Salary and a god Given RIGHT!!!!!!! The GOvt seems not to have the ability nor the will to tackle this disease.


Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

good on them to further expose corruption

Ray, The Company made a blanket statement. Now can you tell me about the Corruption involved?

lawd bai...learn to read between the lines...since when yuh does only read the script without getting the gist of the article

If anyone asked for a Bribe, the Company should let the Public know. Delaying paper work does not mean Bribe.


Iman waitin fo see what happen to nuff a dem startin with de man who does skratch he balltz in front of cameras.


Is every day we hear of some rass by this f-in government have they not been reading and learning that they are being found out. All these darn cockamamy schemes have been found out. Councie posting sheer shit everyday has been found out.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

good on them to further expose corruption

Ray, The Company made a blanket statement. Now can you tell me about the Corruption involved?

lawd bai...learn to read between the lines...since when yuh does only read the script without getting the gist of the article

If anyone asked for a Bribe, the Company should let the Public know. Delaying paper work does not mean Bribe.

PNC dominates the civil service.


Nuhru is a kool guy…..

He never had a PNC Card….


When he leaves the PPP

he will not Join the PNC….


Nehru is different from De PNC  Hydro engineer

who Love to Defend Kwame & Lamumba.


This is what the Australian Investors say……

 Troy Resources more than hinted

that some key documents

officials should have signed off on already

have not been attended to expeditiously

so it took the unusual step of going public

with its complaint in a newspaper advertisement

about plans for the mine

and the way it operates at home and abroad


Nehru like pitcha…


This is de pitcha of de chap who

Bharat & Donald have heading the

Natural Resources & Mining sector in Guyana?

Baseman saying is PNC.....

Nehru why Baseman afraid to Say it is

"De Black House of Israel Thug?????"

Why Baseman do not tell us

Jagdeo & Ramotar Got these

Black Thugs in Freedom House &

Office of the President?????

Why Baseman do not

tell us at the PPP Congress in Berbice Nandalall

Nominated & Support these Black Thugs

to the Leadership of the PPP.....

Nehru Baseman thing yuh is a Coo-noo-mun-nu.

EEEEE Dam eyes pass yuh


Nehru....Now yuh got de real pitcha of

what Jagdeo & Ramotar do to the PPP?????

Last edited by Former Member

Ask who is Berk Wilkinson first before giving any credence to his wild statements implicating the Guyana gov't. in corruption.  On a daily basis the opposition has been accusing everyone doing business with the Guyana as being corrupt. It is because of this that the Aussie mining Co. decided to clear the air on their relationship with the Guyana. Berk, I re-called was extremely mad in 1992 when the PNC was booted from office. He never saw dictatorship or corruption in the gov'ts of the past but sees all kinds of faults in gov'ts after '92.  


We, the Guyanese public at home and abroad must learn to read between the lines carefully when given news like this. We must learn about those who feed us with information and question their motives aside from the content of their reports and the political context in which it is written. We must say no to corruption but we must be cognizant about those charlatans who yearns for power again.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

good on them to further expose corruption

Ray, The Company made a blanket statement. Now can you tell me about the Corruption involved?

lawd bai...learn to read between the lines...since when yuh does only read the script without getting the gist of the article

If anyone asked for a Bribe, the Company should let the Public know. Delaying paper work does not mean Bribe.

PNC dominates the civil service.

Oh rass, the stupidity level of this Board just plummeted with that civil service comment.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

good on them to further expose corruption

Ray, The Company made a blanket statement. Now can you tell me about the Corruption involved?

lawd bai...learn to read between the lines...since when yuh does only read the script without getting the gist of the article

If anyone asked for a Bribe, the Company should let the Public know. Delaying paper work does not mean Bribe.

PNC dominates the civil service.

Oh rass, the stupidity level of this Board just plummeted with that civil service comment.

Stink mouth, go rinse with listerine, you soiling the air.


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