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Authorities mum on controversial death of GDF Sergeant, wife

…chase was unauthorised – source

Law enforcement officers refuse to officially divulge any information about the circumstances surrounding

Dead: Robert Pyle

Dead: Robert Pyle

the death of Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Sergeant Robert Pyle, even as numerous conflicting reports emerge about the covert operation he was involved in at the time of his demise.
Guyana Times understands from sources that Sergeant Pyle was called out to duty on the night of December 30 to engage in a stakeout operation in relation to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) investigation into the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL).
At the time, he had just picked up his wife, Stacy, from her workplace at the Davis Memorial Hospital and was heading home.
Sources say that Sergeant Pyle immediately took a detour and headed in the direction of NICIL Executive Director Winston Brassington’s Kingston home where another team of special officers were already stationed.
A source explained that Sergeant Pyles was required to report on the movement of any documents or suspicious figures in and out of Brassington’s home. While staking out the property, the Police team noticed a suspicious figure believed to be affiliated with Brassington entering a vehicle. The Police team reportedly began to tail the vehicle – against orders – after it took off.
According to the sources, Sergeant Pyle was never ordered to engage in a high-speed chase.

Dead: Stacy Pyle

Dead: Stacy Pyle

The chase led to Carifesta Avenue where the GDF Officer’s vehicle slammed into a canter, resulting in the death of three persons.
The source revealed to this newspaper that there was a third person in Sergeant Pyle’s car and following the collision that person was pulled from the wreckage and rushed to a city hospital.
Guyana Times has made several attempts to contact senior Police officials for clarity on the matter but to no avail.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, when contacted, referred all questions to SOCU Head Sydney James.
When contacted, James’ office informed this newspaper that he was otherwise engaged and would return the call. After several minutes elapsed without receiving the return call, Guyana Times called again, but the calls went unanswered.
GDF Chief-of-Staff, Brigadier Mark Phillips, when contacted, said he did not have any information.
“I cannot confirm anything. It may sound like I am not cooperating with the media, but I am not, I am not in a position to confirm anything. We are still doing our investigation to get down to the bottom of this whole issue,” he said, noting that once the necessary information became available, it would be disseminated to the public.
A Division (Georgetown) Commander Clifton Hicken, when contacted, explained that he was charged with investigating the accident and nothing else. He stated that the initial investigation has been completed and the file would soon be submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
This incident has sparked much controversy and brings to the fore many unanswered questions within the public domain.
People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Clement Rohee, during the party’s weekly press conference on Monday, demanded that the relevant authorities come out with a statement on the matter. The Party also demanded to know why there was surveillance on Brassington’s private residence; who authorised the GDF rank to conduct surveillance; who gave political direction to SOCU to conduct surveillance; and who instructed the GDF to assist SOCU in any investigation among other questions.
Further, the PPP expressed that this particular incident resembled several during the Burnham era when the misuse of the security and intelligence community for political purposes was rampant.
Meanwhile, Sergeant Pyle and his wife, along with the driver of the canter, Linden Eastman, were killed following the smash-up on Carifesta Avenue.

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Many questions, no official answer – in controversial death of GDF Officer

January 5, 2016 6:49 am Category: Local News, Internet, Crime, latest news A+ /A-

Shrouded in controversy, one of the hot topics of discussion over the past few days has been the death of Army Intelligence Oficer, Sergeant Robert Pyle, more specifically as it relate to numerous conflicting reports that have emerged about the covert operation he was involved in at the time of his demise.
Law enforcement officers have so far refuse to officially divulge any information about the circumstances surrounding the death of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) officer, leaving many unanswered questions within the public domain.
Sources have revealed that Sergeant Pyle was called out to duty on the night of December 30 to engage in a stakeout operation in relation to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) investigation into the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL).

The late GDF Sergeant, Robert Pyle

The late GDF Sergeant, Robert Pyle

At the time, he had just picked up his wife, Stacy, from her workplace at the Davis Memorial Hospital and was heading home.
Sources say that Sergeant Pyle immediately took a detour and headed in the direction of NICIL Executive Director Winston Brassington’s Kingston home where another team of special officers were already stationed.
A source explained that Sergeant Pyle was required to report on the movement of any documents or suspicious figures in and out of Brassington’s home. While staking out the property, the Police team noticed a suspicious figure believed to be affiliated with Brassington entering a vehicle. The Police team reportedly began to tail the vehicle – against orders – after it took off.
According to the sources, Sergeant Pyle was never ordered to engage in a high-speed chase.

The chase led to Carifesta Avenue where the GDF Officer’s vehicle slammed into a canter, resulting in the death of three persons.
The source also revealed that there was a third person in Sergeant Pyle’s car and following the collision that person was pulled from the wreckage and rushed to a city hospital.

Despite a number of burning questions, law enforcement officials are yet to offer any information or clarity on this very serious incident, one that has sparked much controversy and brings to the fore many unanswered questions within the public domain.
Meanwhile, People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Clement Rohee, during the party’s weekly press conference on Monday, demanded that the relevant authorities come out with a statement on the matter. The Party also demanded to know why there was surveillance on Brassington’s private residence; who authorised the GDF rank to conduct surveillance; who gave political direction to SOCU to conduct surveillance; and who instructed the GDF to assist SOCU in any investigation among other questions.

The late Stacy Pyle

The late Stacy Pyle

Further, the PPP expressed that this particular incident resembled several during the Burnham era when the misuse of the security and intelligence community for political purposes was rampant.
Meanwhile, Sergeant Pyle and his wife, along with the driver of the canter, Linden Eastman, were killed following the smash-up on Carifesta Avenue.


PPP accuses Gov’t of misusing security forces for political purposes


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee says that the APNU+AFC administration owes the country an explanation into the apparent misuse of Guyana’s security forces for political reasons.

This is after a Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Intelligence

GDF Intelligence Officer, Robert Pyle.

GDF Intelligence Officer, Robert Pyle.

Officer Robert Pyle was recently involved in a fatal accident that left both him and his wife dead.

After the accident reports had surfaced to the effect that Pyle was on a covert surveillance mission. There has been no clarity as to whether the Officer was conducting surveillance on the children of Winston Brassington or the wife of PPP Parliamentarian Charles Ramson Junior.

Rohee at a press conference on Monday said that the revelations reek of an impending return to the Burnham era where the security forces were allegedly misused to spy on civilians and political opponents of the then regime.

“This particular incident has raised questions about a return to the Burnham era,” said the Leader of the PPP.

Rohee also questioned why is it that the Officer was accompanied by his wife while conducting official duties for the GDF.

“This particular incident is a clear example of the reckless misuse of the security” regime for political purposes,” stated Rohee adding that it is an “ominous sign of things to come.”

Rohee wants the government to issue a public statement explaining these circumstances. He also wants an explanation into who is giving ‘political directions’ to the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU).


It looks like a House of Israel set up. When Fraser was killed in the early days of Jagdeo's Presdency, it was suspected as a PNC coup. Then all hell broke loose until the Phantom gang stepped in and return murder for murder. It appears the PNC is still killing black disciplined forces members.

Is the President using Burnham tactics?



Quote "After the accident reports had surfaced to the effect that Pyle was on a covert surveillance mission. There has been no clarity as to whether the Officer was conducting surveillance on the children of Winston Brassington or the wife of PPP Parliamentarian Charles Ramson Junior"unquote

If it can be confirmed that Pyle was on a covert surveillance mission, on the children of Winstom Brassington or the wife PPP Parliamentarian Charles Ramson Junior, then the PNC/AFC has a lot to be accounted for.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How far was Rupert Roopnarine from the scene of the crime?  This sounds very House of Israel (ish) a la Walter Rodney tragedy.  This time the PPP gods were watching over us



Bibi Haniffa
asj posted:

PPP accuses Gov’t of misusing security forces for political purposes


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee says that the APNU+AFC administration owes the country an explanation into the apparent misuse of Guyana’s security forces for political reasons.

This is after a Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Intelligence

GDF Intelligence Officer, Robert Pyle.

GDF Intelligence Officer, Robert Pyle.

Officer Robert Pyle was recently involved in a fatal accident that left both him and his wife dead.

After the accident reports had surfaced to the effect that Pyle was on a covert surveillance mission. There has been no clarity as to whether the Officer was conducting surveillance on the children of Winston Brassington or the wife of PPP Parliamentarian Charles Ramson Junior.

Rohee at a press conference on Monday said that the revelations reek of an impending return to the Burnham era where the security forces were allegedly misused to spy on civilians and political opponents of the then regime.

“This particular incident has raised questions about a return to the Burnham era,” said the Leader of the PPP.

Rohee also questioned why is it that the Officer was accompanied by his wife while conducting official duties for the GDF.

“This particular incident is a clear example of the reckless misuse of the security” regime for political purposes,” stated Rohee adding that it is an “ominous sign of things to come.”

Rohee wants the government to issue a public statement explaining these circumstances. He also wants an explanation into who is giving ‘political directions’ to the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU).

wife in the car would point away from the case u are making . . . not so clement?

anyway, i heard from usually reliable sources that someone was indeed under surveillance

Brian Teekah posted:

Well Happy New Year to all.  Kind of lost interest in Guyana but got perked up with this cloak and dagger story.


So what is the deal on this one?

Fodder from GY Times gobbled up heartily.


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